When Lin Yi arrived at the public security building, Fatty had already been waiting at the door for a long time. Lin Yi just got off the traffic capsule when he saw Fatty being interrogated by a second-class robot. Lin Yi thought it was funny to see the impatience on Fatty's face.

Lin Yi walked quickly to Fat Brother's side, wanting to see what happened.

It turned out that the fat brother was too anxious to wait for Lin Yi, so he smoked cigarettes one after another. It may be because the smoking regulations on the last mission and the Mars base were not as strict as those on the earth, so the fat brother smoked several cigarettes without knowing it. Cigarettes, I threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and didn't realize that there was a Type 3 robot behind me helping Fat Brother collect the ash and cigarette butts. Finally, the Type 3 robot was directly transferred to the Type 2 robot. This is troublesome. It's too big, not only needs a fine, but the identity of the fat brother makes the fat brother need to be punished more severely.

But for some reason, Fat Brother didn’t choose to obediently admit his mistake and accept the fine. Instead, he got involved with the second-class robot, not only cursing, but even took out his weapon to kill the second-class robot in front of him.

Seeing this, Lin Yi quickly stopped the fat brother from touching his waist, and while stopping the fat brother, he showed his identity to the second-class robot in front of him! But obviously this is the benefit of robotic law enforcement! Regardless of your identity, in the eyes of the robot, as long as it violates the rules of the new era, the rules must be enforced. Seeing that Fat Brother had another helper, the second-class robot immediately prepared the electronic weapon to fire.

Several other second-class robots flew out of the security building to surround the law enforcement robots. No one expected this scene, and the robots were also aiming at each other. The people at the scene also became more and more crowded, and once fell into an embarrassing situation. The eyes of the law enforcement robot flickered twice, and the entire machine stopped running and entered a dormant state. Ah Xing came out of the building, and said as he walked: "It's all gone! This robot has a software failure, and it's gone after nothing to see."

Although we have entered the new era of society, the nature of human beings does not seem to have changed. Love to join in the fun has remained the same since ancient times!

"Fat brother, what's wrong with you? Why did you become so restless? It was so dangerous just now. Besides, what's your name with a robot?" Lin Yi complained

"You're ashamed to say me, I'm not because you are so slow, I was anxious to come down and wait for you, but in the end, just!" Fat brother spat hard at the dormant law enforcement robot.

"Okay, okay, everyone is waiting," Ah Xing said, pushing the two of them into the security building.

The three came to the conference room. Director Wang had been waiting for a long time. Seeing Lin Yi, he was very happy to praise Lin Yi for completing the mission well. Although he failed to bring back the two people on the Spirit Star, all team members were safe. Returned, and the Parrot was almost undamaged. In short, it is very good for the team that cooperated for the first time!

Lin Yi interrupted Chief Wang's praise

"No! Andis is damaged!"

"Oh, you said Andis! It's just temporarily unable to start. Our engineers are updating and repairing it. Don't worry!" Director Wang said while blowing on the teacup in his hand.

For the first time, Lin Yi didn't like Director Wang very much. After all, Andis had been working as a secretary with Director Wang for nearly 20 years. Although Andis was a robot, he didn't see the slightest bit of distress from Director Wang. It may also be true, as Director Wang said, Andis is a machine, but even if it has been a machine for so many years, it should have some feelings!

"Can we go and meet Andis?" Lin Yi asked with a plea

"Oh? It's only been a few days to worry about it? But Lin Zi, put aside the relationship between our superiors and subordinates, the relationship between mere uncle and nephew, especially now that you are the captain, you have to be careful to have feelings for these robots and team members, it will delay your progress Judgment and decisiveness!" Director Lin said in a stern voice

Immediately, Director Wang quickly glanced at Brother Fatty and other team members. Director Wang didn't seem to shy away from other members hearing this, but more like hoping to get the big guy's approval with his eyes.

Ah Xing quickly filled the teacup in Director Wang's hand with a smile, and said, "Of course, of course."

"Okay! Today I wanted to inform you of Andis' situation, and the rest will be treated as a private conversation between us!" Director Wang withdrew his harsh tone and softened slightly.

"I can't see it today. Andis is in the underground robot center. Except for a few specially approved people, no one has the right to enter, including me! And Fatty, what you just did at the door has been reported here. Let's not take it as an example. You all go back and have a good rest, I still have a lot of work to do!" After saying that, Director Wang walked out of the meeting room

Fat Brother sat down helplessly, "I thought the King Bureau would give you face, so I hurriedly asked you to come over and let us meet Andis. I didn't expect that it would be useless to put your face here!"

Lin Yi was used to Fat Brother's constant sarcasm, so he ignored it. At this time, Ah Jiu came in, whispered something in Ah Xing's ear, and Ah Xing winked at the others, and everyone came to the dead end of the monitoring with understanding.

"I've checked it out, it's exactly what Miyagi said!"

"What's going on?" Lin Yi was really confused by these people.

Ah Xing and Ah Jiu both pouted at Miyagi at the same time, motioning for Miyagi to speak.

"It's like this. About a few hours ago, there was a s message in my communicator. If there is no error, it should be sent by Andis. Just two words, save me!"

Lin Yi was taken aback when he heard that, and looked at everyone with doubtful eyes. Everyone also responded to Lin Yi with affirmative eyes!

"I don't have time to explain too much to you now. In short, we have already investigated it clearly. It is up to you now. If we agree or not, we will tell you the consequences. If we are discovered, we may disband. As for you and us I don't know the consequences!" Fat Brother said in a rare and serious way.

"Tell me about the plan! If we disband, then I won't do it anymore!" Lin Yi said firmly

"Think about Lin Yi carefully, you still need to find Professor Lin!" Miyagi whispered

"Let's settle the matter in front of us first!"

"After we go out for a while, we will go our separate ways. In 10 minutes, there is a small gray building to the north of the security building. Let's gather there!"

After saying that, several people dispersed separately.

Ten minutes later, several people came to the small gray building one after another. This small building was owned by Miyagi's family. It was built earlier than the security building. It was Miyagi's own experimental base at the earliest. The management of the robots became more and more strict, and gradually Miyagi came here less often.

"What plan?" Lin Yi asked!

"In a while, we need to enter the ventilation system of the security building, quietly enter the robot management center, and find Andis. Since Andis can send a signal, we will wait until we find Andis before planning the next move!"

"But how do you get in if the robot management center is heavily guarded?"

"Hey, do you really think that Fat Brother will be impulsive and have sex with a second-class robot? The core data was stolen by Ah Xing after the robot was dormant. Ah Xing cracked some simple access control inside. No accident, Ah Xing can help us Done!"

"Let's go?" Lin Yi asked excitedly

"Let's go!" Everyone said in unison!

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