I'm Going To Kepler For My Missing Parents

Chapter 3 Experimental Or Hope

Just as Lin Yi was still thinking about what happened in the past half month, he was suddenly startled by a loud cry. It turned out to be the fat magistrate, spitting out the oranges in his mouth and cursing: "Damn, everything is good in the new era, this is what you eat, it all tastes the same, it's really unpalatable!"

Lin Yi sat up slowly, leaned against the head of the bed, and slowly said to the fat magistrate: "Since you are the magistrate, you can directly pronounce the sentence, don't be hypocritical, but after the sentence is pronounced, I must see my parents , mine to let them know where I am going."

The fat sheriff didn't seem to care what Lin Yi said at all, and continued to pick and choose among the orange piles. Although the size and color of the fruits in the new era are all standardized, the fat sheriff seems to be able to tell which is good and which is bad Same.

After a few minutes of silence, the fat magistrate threw all the oranges aside impatiently, stood up, groped his body with his hands, and finally took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket, and with a skillful shake, a cigarette went straight into it. Then he took out his personal electronic device, and a beam of green laser shot directly from the top of the electronic device. The fat sheriff slowly approached the smoke, and there was a sound of sizzling, and then a faint smell of tobacco diffused with the smoke.

The fat magistrate turned around and stared at Lin Yi for a few minutes, then said, "Lin Yi, I hope you can accept what I'm going to tell you next, but don't interrupt me and ask me questions, just be honest with me. answer!"

Lin Yi nodded suspiciously.


"Lin Yi!"

"Address and work unit?"

"799 Queens Road East, Earth Maintenance System #50"

"Tell me about your parents"

"I haven't seen each other for a long time. They have been working on the Chang'e 43 space station, but I don't know the specific work because of the confidentiality principle. I only know that they work for the Earth Human Immigration Bureau."

"So you have not been in touch? As far as I know, the space station personnel will return to the earth for half a year to recuperate every two years"

"No, this year was supposed to be the time for my parents to come back, but they only left me a message, saying that there was a major discovery that the recuperation time was delayed. If you don't believe it, you can read the message!"

Lin Yi has already vaguely guessed that maybe this violation will not only punish him, but also implicate his parents! So the conversation with the fat sheriff is already a little irritating.

"I said, you just need to answer, don't say anything else," the fat sheriff said to Lin Yi with a little contempt.

"Before you went to the Dark Exchange, you met that man at Peninsula Coffee, have you seen him before?"

"Huh? No, no, no" Lin Yi was surprised

"Let's put it this way, and it can be understood in this way, your parents are missing!"

"What? Missing? Missing in the space station?"

The fat magistrate put his hand around his mouth and said softly again: "If you want to know more clearly, quickly change your clothes and follow me to the security building. This is not a place for talking. Besides, I said you are not allowed to ask questions." , I still can’t understand after so many times, I’m not wrong, you really can’t do it!”

Lin Yi was even more confused by what the fat sheriff said, and hurriedly dressed and followed the fat sheriff out of the medical center.

The two left the medical center, Lin Yi took out his personal electronic device and prepared to call the transportation capsule over. But the fat magistrate waved his hand, signaling for the two to go to the security building.

"Let's go? Your parents are missing, and you still have the mind to hang out on the avenue? What's more, there are two men"

"First of all, this place is not very far from the security building. Secondly, in my eyes, you are still not a man. Finally, you have violated the rules of the new era. If I don't control your body, I have given your parents face!"

Lin Yi bit his teeth hard, wishing he could beat up the fat magistrate in front of him!

It seems that the fat sheriff intentionally slowed down his steps, and intentionally made Lin Yi anxious. In short, he moved slowly step by step, and observed the surroundings from time to time. When the passers-by saw the sheriff, they all smiled and nodded politely. And the fat sheriff seems to be enjoying it too!

"Hey! Can we both hurry up a little bit? Please understand my mood at this moment?" Lin Yi finally spoke without holding back.

"First of all, I don't call you hello, and secondly, if you are more polite, you should call me respected sheriff!"

"Okay Mr. Fat Sheriff, can we go a little faster?"

"Hahahahaha, the degree of stubbornness of your mouth is really unexpected! It is not difficult to understand that you said something you shouldn't have said in front of so many people in the underground dark exchange!"

Lin Yi was surprised again, it turned out that her every move had been clearly grasped by the sheriff.

"For Mr. Wang's sake, you can call me big brother, maybe I'll go faster when I feel better."

"Fat brother!"

Before they knew it, the two of them had already seen the security building. The building is like an Egyptian pyramid, a perfect triangle! Seeing the building, Lin Yi unknowingly quickened his pace, and the fat magistrate didn't bother Lin Yi anymore, and also quickened his pace. Walking to the door of the building, two second-class robots blocked the way.

"Please scan your identity" "Please enter if the scan is successful!"

The fat sheriff took Lin Yi directly into the elevator and entered the 97th floor! Arrive now! It is the first time for Lin Yi to take this electromagnetic vacuum elevator! I was also deeply attracted. Although Lin Yi lives in the new era, he is an entrepreneur every day at two o'clock and one line. However, Lin Yi inexplicably rejects the new era. He always likes the affairs and things of the old era, which leads to Because Lin Yi is too much against the technology of the new era, Lin Yi hardly pays much attention to the new era.

Entering the 97th floor, there was a huge hall. It was the first time Lin Yi had seen so many sheriffs gathered together. The hall was full of neatly arranged desks, but the documents and information on the desks were really messy. Above the roof, there are three types of robots flying around, and even almost collided with each other several times. There is a huge screen in the middle of the entire floor, and half of the screen is divided into several small screens, all of which are displayed by everyone who is out on duty. The sheriff's eye-tracking system. In the middle of the big screen is the entrance of the angel system, and this is the first time Lin Yi has approached the angel system so closely. The remaining area is the entire operation of the earth, which Lin Yi can't understand at all.

"Okay, don't just stare blankly, follow me quickly!" The fat sheriff urged him to untie his equipment belt, and casually hung it on a Type 3 robot flying over from his side. The three types of robots were not affected and flew directly to the easternmost window of the hall and threw the fat sheriff's equipment belt into the window!

The fat magistrate brought Lin Yi to the center of the hall, stomped lightly, and lowered a glass cover from the air, covering the two of them, and then the glass cover quickly descended and sent the two to the underground of the hall. The fat magistrate waved his hand at Lin Yi, and Lin Yi followed into a conference room, where two people were already sitting, one Lin Yi recognized as the old man who was in the hospital that day, and the other Lin Yi thought he looked familiar but didn't know it for a while. Can't think of where I've seen it!

"What the hell is going on? I know I violated the rules of the new era, and I can be punished. I am ready, but what happened to my parents' disappearance, as a son, I have the right to know." Lin Yi couldn't hold back anymore I can't hold back the anger in my heart, I just want to use anger to cover up my nervousness and fear.

The old man still had a smile on his face, looking unhurried, and nodded for Lin Yi to sit down.

Lin Yi sat down on the chair impatiently. The old man spoke.

"Lin Yi, I hope that no matter what I tell you next, you need to calm down first, you are already an adult! We are also investigating the matter of your parents, but it seems that the matter is not as simple as missing two words."

"Is it missing or defecting?" The person who had been sitting next to him asked immediately.

At this moment, Lin Yi took a closer look at the person who had been sitting on the side. He didn't look like a person from country Z, but a mixed race, but the proportion of mixed race in the new era has greatly increased. He looked in his early 40s, with a typical face of mixed race from country Z and country A. , but the nose is really impressive, the nose is very big! It is this feature that makes Lin Yi feel that he has always seen him somewhere. But hearing the word defection, Lin Yi was still slightly disgusted, after all, her parents put the earth in a position more important than herself in her mind!

The old man still calmly signaled the two of them not to quarrel over this sentence. Slowly said: "The matter is being investigated and no final conclusion has been reached. I brought you here to understand more clearly!"

"I don't know anything! My parents have always followed the rules and dedicated their lives to the space station. Now that you are missing, I want to ask you for an explanation!" Lin Yi was already trembling.

At this time, the old man signaled the fat magistrate to go outside to get Lin Yi a glass of water and calm down first. The fat magistrate also left the house knowingly, only Lin Yi was left, and the old man also had a mixed-race middle-aged man who Lin Yi particularly hated.

The old man turned on the screen in the meeting room, and the screen seemed to be the picture of the Chang'e 43 space station. At this time, the items in the space station were neatly arranged, and it didn't seem like Lin Yi's parents left after a fight or because the space station was damaged. look. The old man looked at it and said: "It has been 72 hours since your parents disappeared, and the monitoring screen has not been interrupted, but the rest space of your parents is not monitored, but unfortunately the life monitoring system did not check in the rest room. To the existence of someone!"

"So it's possible that my parents were too"

"No, why we are sure that it is missing rather than accidental death is because the nuclear power system in the Chang'e space station was transferred to the escape pod, and the launch time of the escape pod coincides with the time when your parents lost contact!"

Hearing this, Lin Yi felt a little relieved from his nervousness. But the doubts in my heart are even greater. My parents love science all their lives and have given half of their lives to space, but I am like an orphan, and no one has ever cared about me. How could it be possible that the parents suddenly left without saying goodbye?

The old man seemed to see the doubt in Lin Yi's heart, and then said something that shocked Lin Yi deeply.

"Lin Yi, we already know about the fact that you went to find the underground dark exchange. It is not certain that there is any connection between your going there and the disappearance of your parents, but the rules of the new era are the rules, and the angel system will not consider your parents If you feel pity for your contribution, then you can only be a test product, but we don't want this kind of result, especially me, your parents once saved me, I need to repay this kindness, so we can exchange One way! It’s also your only hope, I hope you can think about it carefully.”

"Then what do I need to do?" Lin Yi asked eagerly

"We want you to go to space and reach your parents' lounge, there must be clues left by your parents!"

Boom, boom, at this moment, the fat sheriff walked into the meeting room with a cup of coffee and put down the coffee. The fat sheriff nodded respectfully to the old man and reported: "Director, I just received a notification that the angel system is going to hold an emergency meeting, please immediately." Go!"

"Okay, I see you stay and continue to accompany Xiao Lin"


Before leaving, the old man patted Lin Yi on the shoulder and hurried out of the conference room, followed by the mixed-race middle-aged man.

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