I'm Going To Kepler For My Missing Parents

Chapter 4 Emergency Situations

The meeting room was surprisingly quiet, but the fat magistrate felt a little uncomfortable, and didn't know how to comfort Lin Yi, or how to break the awkward atmosphere. Instead, after Lin Yi took a deep breath, he broke the silence and said to the fat sheriff: "Fat brother, tell me about the underground dark exchange, maybe it will help me find my parents, and you must know something about it, right?"

The fat brother was taken aback for a moment and then he calmed down naturally. He sat on the chair, closed his eyes and thought for a while, then said slowly.

"The underground dark exchange has actually appeared in recent years. We have been investigating since it appeared, but there is really not much substantive progress. I only know that their leader is a middle-aged man. I have the specific information now. I can’t tell you yet, but this organization has great hostility towards the angelic system, and is even very repulsive to the United Nations. They uphold the laws of nature, and of course they are particularly repulsive to the current Earth’s angelic system, and have even sabotaged it several times, but all It’s a small fight, and the damage effect is not ideal, after all, human power is limited.” While talking, the fat brother took out an apple from his arms at some point, and half an apple entered the fat brother’s mouth directly Here, Fat Brother continued while chewing.

"But three years ago, a middle-aged man suddenly came to the Dark Organization, um, the one who met you. It seems that his wisdom is not at the same level as the original Dark Organization. Under his leadership, the Dark Organization expanded rapidly. , and there are more and more people, according to the situation we have, there are people from the dark organization in every earth system, even on the top." After that, the fat brother pointed to the sky, which probably means the people in outer space space station.

"Then you mean that my parents are also members of this organization?" Lin Yi asked quickly

"No, no, I'm not referring to your parents, and we have investigated your parents. It should not be the case at present. The disappearance of your parents is really unexpected, but it should have nothing to do with the dark organization. Instead, we feel your connection with the dark organization. Very strange!"

"I just wanted to get an astronomical telescope as a purely personal hobby"

"We know this! But you have to know that the middle-aged man who met you at Peninsula Coffee is the one we have been looking for. He took the initiative to find you and it was just for an astronomical telescope, which surprised us."

"So that's the case. Isn't this organization an underground exchange?"

"Haha, you brain, I really don't understand that you can be Professor Lin's son." Fat brother felt that what he said was a bit too much, he scratched his head and continued.

"The underground exchange you went to is just a trading place used by the dark organization to keep in touch with the people of the new era. There are too many hidden activities. Stealing the angel system and destroying the angel system is the enemy of all mankind. What nonsense Back to nature, if there is no angel system, human beings would have no idea where they are, and I really don't understand the meaning of this organization!"

At this time, the personal electronic device on Fat Brother's waist vibrated. Fat Brother looked at the device and suddenly became nervous, and hurriedly stood up and said to Lin Yi: "It seems that the matter is very urgent, please stay here and don't move. I will call my colleague." Come on, don't run around here, it's a big deal, run to a place where you shouldn't go, no one can save you!" After saying that, the fat brother left in a hurry.

Lin Yi still didn't realize for a while, what happened these days broke his original peaceful life.

When she was very young, her parents left her, and due to the principle of confidentiality, Lin Yi didn't know the details of her parents' work until after graduation. When he was a child, his grandparents would always tell him that if he misses his parents, he should just look at the stars in the sky. Your parents are there. This is why Lin Yi became very interested in astronomy.

But since the angel system was activated, Lin Yi has lost the opportunity to observe the space. In fact, Lin Yi also has a vague resistance to the angel system in his heart. Everything is arranged, like a robot, with no freedom at all. As for the dark organization, Lin Yi prefers to call the Diablo organization the Freedom Alliance.

Just when Lin Yi was still immersed in his own thoughts, the door of the meeting room was opened, and the fat man hurried in with another sheriff and a girl, and said to Lin Yi: "Time is running out, come with me !"

"Go? Where are you going? I haven't finished my business yet? If I can't go home yet, give me a result!"

"The one who will give you a result will come with us first"

In this way, Lin Yi once again followed Fat Brother out of nowhere. Lin Yi especially dislikes the feeling of being kept in the dark! Especially under human control. But at this moment, he couldn't help himself and could only follow Fat Brother out of the meeting room quickly.

At this time, the 97-story building has become a mess. The sheriff, the third-class robots, and even a few of the second-class robots are all busy. Although they were very busy when they first entered the floor, they were obviously cautious and orderly. At this time, it is more disorganized!

Fat Brother took Lin Yi and a group of people into the emergency passage and entered the electromagnetic vacuum elevator. In just a moment, the elevator reached the target floor. Lin Yi glanced at it, and it should be the hidden floor between the seventh floor and the eighth floor. After getting out of the elevator, I entered a conference room similar to the one just now, but the lights in this conference room are obviously brighter, and the screen in the middle of the conference room has been turned on, which is the real-time monitoring screen of the earth!

There were already many people in the meeting room, and the old man was still sitting in the middle, but his face no longer had a calm smile, but he could see more nervousness and uneasiness. Seeing Lin Yi coming in, the old man squeezed again With a slight smile, he motioned for Lin Yi to sit down.

"I didn't want to call you here, but the situation is urgent and you need to know what you're facing, so just sit back and listen. It's a great plan, and it's been going on for years! But now Due to the emergency situation, the implementation can only be carried out in advance.”

Then the old man coughed lightly to signal everyone present to be quiet.

"Everyone here is a participant in the Angel B plan. You have been selected a few years ago, and you have been secretly trained. You have botanists, geographers, military experts, physical chemistry, and nuclear power experts. I believe that if With everyone's IQ, if there is no error in the angel system, I have already guessed the difference between myself and other people. The reason why I urgently called everyone together today is because the incident happened suddenly and was extremely urgent."

"You know, the angel system on the earth has been in operation for 7635 days. In addition to maintaining the orderly development of people in the new era, the angel system also has a crucial task, which is to act as the protector of the earth, whether it is a solar storm or an asteroid. , the angel system can use magnetic field and laser weapons to protect the earth, but today the angel system has issued a warning to all human beings through calculations, even the angel system is helpless.”

"You may have known for a long time that our Milky Way will collide with the Andromeda Galaxy in a billion years! And there is a huge black hole in the Andromeda Galaxy. I won't talk about the consequences after the collision. It was later than the time when the sun became a red giant, but the Earth's angel system has been observing the movement speed of the Andromeda galaxy, and found that the mass of the black hole in the Andromeda galaxy has increased geometrically in the past two years, and the consequence is that the collision time is advanced. The worse thing happened today is the glg165540 of the Milky Way, which is the central black hole of the Milky Way, has also been affected by the Andromeda black hole today, and there is a connection between the two black holes. Simply put, the collision time is growing at a geometric double speed.”

At this time, a gentle boy present pushed his glasses with his hands and asked directly: "Mr. Wang, please tell the time of the collision directly, there is no need to explain too much!"

"If it grows at the current double speed, it will be 2100!"

There was amazement in the conference room!

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