Lin Yi and Fat Brother came to the middle of the room. After a while, the seawater in the room disappeared. This metal seems to be completely incompatible with water. There is no moisture in the room. Water is like dripping on the metal surface. On the arid desert, they are incompatible with each other, and there is no trace at all.

Lin Yi frowned and looked carefully at the metal in the room and asked Fat Brother

"Brother Fat, have you ever seen this material before?"

Fat Brother also frowned and shook his head.

Lin Yi fumbled on the ground with his hands but couldn't find where the water was flowing away from. He couldn't help being a little annoyed. Seeing that Lin Yi was getting anxious again, the fat guy couldn't help being a little impatient. The fat guy frowned and turned his eyes twice. Lin Yi says

"Lin Zi, come here and see what this is?"

Lin Yi took a flashlight and found nothing unusual. Just as he was concentrating on checking where the fat guy was pointing, the fat guy suddenly punched Lin Yi in the face.

Lin Yi was completely dumbfounded by this punch, and shouted at Fat Brother while holding his sore nose

"Are you crazy! It's me, I'm Lin Zi!"

I saw the fat brother jogging over with a smile and said to Lin Yi while running

"Linzi, hurry up! Don't waste your nosebleed dripping on the ground"

The fat guy didn't wait for Lin Yi to react, he pressed Lin Yi's head and shook it vigorously to the ground. Sure enough, Lin Yi's nosebleed was thrown all over the ground, and the fat guy quickly turned on the water bottle he was carrying and poured it on the ground. on the nosebleed.

I saw nosebleeds and water fused together and turned into a light red liquid that began to flow into the middle of the room. Fat Brother excitedly followed the water to the middle position, completely ignoring how hard Lin Yi's punch was.

Lin Yi also covered his nose and followed behind the fat man, when he heard the fat man talking to himself

"Lin Zi, look, look, I'm such a genius, I've found a position!" After speaking, he looked at Lin Yi triumphantly.

Lin Yi was confused by the fat man, so he stuffed the tampon in the first aid kit into his nose to stop the bleeding, and Lin Yi patted the fat man again.

"I said fat brother, can you discuss it with me, do you have to use my nosebleed for this trick?"

"Linzi, I want to bleed myself, but I can't do it. Besides, don't you think the result is good? Am I smart?"

After the fat man said this, he looked at Lin Yi, but when he saw the things in Lin Yi's hands, he immediately withdrew his smile, and felt a little embarrassed instead.

Lin Yi is holding an old-fashioned pen in his hand. This pen is a gift from his mother for entering higher education. Lin Yi cherishes it very much and keeps it with him.

The fat brother also understood what Lin Yi meant, but he still refused to admit his mistake and whispered

"Manly man, next time you encounter this kind of situation, it will be fine if you punch me. Besides, I am afraid that you will hit me. If I get punched in vain and don't stop my nosebleed, it won't be for nothing. with this thing"

"Okay, okay, fat brother, even if your merits and demerits are equal, hurry up and see if you can open this sewer!"

Lin Yi and Fat Brother found that the place where the water flows down is very ingenious. If the water in the house is particularly large, the drain cover should also be raised accordingly, so that the seawater can be discharged more quickly. If it is not small, then the well cover is average. If you don't pay attention, you can't find the only gap in the thickness of a playing card.

But since the drain can be raised, there is more than that. Lin Yi and Fat Brother used the emergency tools around them and finally spent a lot of effort to open the drain just enough for a person to get in.

The fat brother glanced at Lin Yi and signaled that Lin Yi would be the first to go down this time. The fat guy doesn't want to be Lin Yi's meat pad again.

Seeing the seriousness on Fat Brother's face, Lin felt both angry and funny, so he put on his helmet and got into the sewer. Fat Brother followed closely behind.

This time Lin Yi was ready to fall again, not to mention that even if the fat brother was still behind, no one would be able to withstand being pressed down by the fat brother.

But this time it just slid down normally, more like riding a slide, and it seems that the cover on the top opened by the Victory is more like the ventilation system of this building.

Lin Yi and Fat Brother stood up and turned on the lights after confirming that there was nothing serious. Lin Yi and Fat Brother were stunned.

The whole room is still a huge circle, but Lin Yi and Fat Brother can see that this is not a building, but an interstellar spaceship, but Lin Yi, who is not human, doesn't know, so Fat Brother looks to the left with the flashlight Looked and looked, and muttered to himself while watching, but Lin Yi couldn't hear what the fat brother was muttering clearly.

Lin Yi also held up the flashlight to check back and forth. Lin Yi came to the bridge of this spaceship. It didn’t look like a human. The layout of all the buttons was completely different from that of the spaceship on Earth. The ball is usually exposed outside and one side is inlaid in the console. Lin Yi put his hand on the crystal ball curiously.

The moment Lin Yi's hand touched the crystal ball, the lights of the entire spaceship flickered, and Lin Yi was startled and quickly withdrew his hand. Fat Brother was also taken aback by this flash, and ran over following the light from Lin Yi's flashlight.

"I said, Linzi, what are you doing? Did you make it flash just now?"

"Fat brother, I don't know, I put my hand on it just now." After that, Lin Yi pointed to the crystal ball just now with the light beam of the flashlight.

The fat brother walked over curiously and put his hand on the crystal ball, but there was no response!

"Lin Zi, was it a coincidence just now? Why don't you try again?"

Lin Yi put his hand on the crystal ball again, and the moment he put it on the crystal ball, the lights of the entire spaceship flickered again, Lin Yi immediately took his hand away, and the lights dimmed again.

Fat Brother looked at Lin Yi and then at the spaceship

"Linzi, please tell me the truth, how many things you haven't told me, when did you get this thing here?"

Lin Yi ignored Fat Brother and just confirmed with his eyes whether he wanted to keep his hand on the crystal ball, Fat Brother nodded.

Lin Yi wiped the sweat from his hands on the spacesuit this time, took a deep breath and pressed his hand directly on the crystal ball. Sure enough, the spaceship's lighting turned on. After several flickering, The entire spaceship was illuminated, and the various buttons on the instrument panel were also illuminated. Lin Yi didn't know whether to take his hand off, the fat guy stood aside and rubbed his chin vigorously to express

"Lin Yi, take your hand off. There should be no problem. The entire spaceship has been activated. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

After hearing this, Lin Yi slowly took his hand off the crystal ball, and as expected, the lighting system did not go out this time, but continued to light up the entire spaceship steadily.

Thanks to the light, Lin Yi and Fat Brother can take a closer look at the spaceship this time.

The entire cab is a huge circular room with six holes around it, and Lin Yi and Fatty slid down from the hole on the far right. In the middle of the room is a huge center console with various buttons on the table. What's special is the crystal ball that Lin Yi put his hand on just now, and the crystal ball emits a faint blue light. There is a huge porthole in the middle of the circular room. The fat guy walked up to the glass and knocked with his hand, and the sound was very muffled, but he didn’t know the material of the huge glass window. The fat guy shone a flashlight on the outside of the glass window, and it seemed to be Superstar. The sand beneath the ocean.

Suddenly Lin Yi seemed to have received some kind of signal, and the stone on his chest didn't seem to be emitting cold air as usual, but was getting hotter and Lin Yi even felt a little burnt. Just when Lin Yi was about to take out the stone. The crystal ball on the bridge of the spaceship emitted a dazzling golden light, and the entire spaceship buzzed. Both Lin Yi and Fat Brother heard the sound of metal being impacted. Just when they were at a loss, Lin Yi received the sound. EEG signal.

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