I'm Going To Kepler For My Missing Parents

Chapter 38 The Peril Of The Parrot

Lin Yi received the brain wave signal, but Lin Yi did not understand what the other party was saying, similar to the ancient Atlantean language. Since Lin Yi's mother is an expert in human language, Lin Yi has learned a lot of ancient languages ​​from her mother since she was a child. However, the language of Atlantis is very rare due to historical data. It was deduced a little bit from the ancient Egyptian language. Since the Atlantean language is very special, Lin Yi immediately thought of the Atlantean language that his mother studied after receiving the brain wave signal.

But the language of Atlantis studied by my mother is just a simple pronunciation and combination, and the meaning is only a few simple words, let alone can be translated.

Lin Yi tried his best to rely on the memory in his mind, and used brainwave signals to reply to the other party's pronunciation of several words in the Atlantean language! As for the meaning, Lin Yi has no idea.

But this time Lin Yi did not receive a response from the brain waves. Lin Yi also felt that he was a bit reckless just now, so why not reply directly in Chinese that he said the voice of Atlantis and didn't know what he said, if the other party misunderstood him, it would bring unnecessary trouble to himself and the fat brother.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi concentrated his energy and began to call the Victory, but still failed to receive a reply from the Victory.

Seeing that Lin Yi was in a daze again, Fat Brother quickly shook Lin Yi and said

"I said, Linzi, you are in a daze when it comes to critical moments. I don't know where the movement just now came from. We have to find a way to get out of here quickly. The Parrot doesn't know what's going on!"

Speaking of the Parrot, Lin Yi regained his composure. Yes, he and Fat Brother are safe for the time being. The Parrot is still facing the huge tsunami outside.

Back to the Parrot side.

Ajiu stared at the weather radar of the Parrot that kept sending out warnings, but from the radar, it could only be seen that a thunderstorm area was rapidly accumulating in the distance and gradually forming a typhoon eye, but at this level, the radar of the Parrot would not issue an alarm . Ah Jiu came to the porthole of the Parrot again, intending to observe the weather in the distance.

As always, the calm and gentle waves of the pink sea, there is no danger at all. Ah Xing also noticed the weather radar alarm, stopped his work and looked into the distance.

"Ah Jiu, is it my eyesight or hallucination, what do you see that line at the farthest point?"

"It's too far away to see clearly, let the Parrot lock and zoom in"

Ah Jiu immediately operated to push the radio telescope of the Parrot above the white line in the distance.

"Ocean waves! Huge waves! Ah Xing! It's a tsunami! I fuck him!"

"Hurry up and tell Miyagi and Andis to return to the Parrot!" Ah Xing shouted at Ah Jiu

"What about Lin Yi and Fat Brother?"

"I can't take care of that much anymore, call them back first!"

When Miyagi entered the Parrot, he hurriedly checked the weather radar and took a closer look at the huge wave with a height of more than 70 meters with the radio telescope. Now, without the radio telescope, the sea wall can be seen slowly by the naked eye alone. Move towards the Parrot!

"Andis quickly inform Lin Yi, I know you two can use brainwave transmission!" Miyagi directly issued an order to Andis!

Ah Xing and Ah Jiu both expressed incomprehension when they heard the information transmitted by the brain waves, and Miyagi continued to direct

"Don't be in a daze, both of you, quickly check whether the doors of the Parrot are locked. I don't have time to explain too much to you two now! Hurry up!"

Although they are in a dangerous situation now, the three of them still cooperated tacitly and checked the various data of the Parrot in an orderly manner.

Miyagi frowned and looked at the sea wall that was getting closer and closer to the Parrot, and then looked at the surveillance screen locked on Lin Yi and Fat Brother. Andis is also following Miyagi's instructions and is sending out a tsunami warning with Lin Yi using brain waves.

Now that the Parrot is stuck in the sand, forcing it to start may damage the warp drive. If you just wait like this, the power of the tsunami cannot destroy the Parrot, but the damage caused cannot be estimated. The dilemma made Miyagi momentarily at a loss.

"Miyagi really can't do it, let's activate the electromagnetic protection!" Ah Jiu gave his suggestion

Miyagi never thought of this method, but the attitude of the Parrot is not good. It is unknown whether the activation of electromagnetic protection will have any effect on the natural force of the waves. This can only be the last resort, and Lin Yi and Fat Brother have no Back on the Parrot, activating the electromagnetic protection means that Lin Yi and Fat Brother must be isolated from the Parrot.

Although Ah Xing and Ah Jiu were in a hurry, they both believed that Miyagi could make a correct judgment, and waited for Miyagi's order, and the electromagnetic protection was ready to be activated.

Seeing that the sea wall was advancing faster and faster, tiny beads of sweat oozed from everyone's foreheads. At the last moment, Ah Jiu still asked softly

"Miyagi, the electromagnetic protection needs to be activated, and the posture is wrong. I don't know the result. I'm afraid it's too late to activate it!"

Miyagi still didn't respond, just staring at the surveillance screen with his eyes, watching every move of Lin Yi and Fat Brother!

Time seemed to stand still, and the entire cab of the Parrot was dead silent! You can even hear everyone's heartbeat and breathing.

It wasn't until Miyagi saw Lin Yi, Fat Brother, and Victory jumping into the hole cut by the Victory, that Miyagi took a deep breath and said to Ah Jiu with a smile on his face.

"Ah Jiu! Activate the electromagnetic protection of the Parrot! Lin Yi and the others can only rely on themselves, we do what we should do to protect the Parrot! Wait for Lin Yi and Fat Brother!"

Ah Jiu quickly conveyed the order to the Parrot.

The nuclear power engine of the Parrot gradually roared, the electromagnetic system started to work, and the electromagnetic protection progress bar on the screen slowly increased.

10%, 30%, and 40% of the team members silently cheered for the Parrot, but the huge sea wall they saw was approaching the Parrot, and the ground began to tremble accordingly, and even the huge waves could be heard The roar seems to swallow everything it goes!

Miyagi said to Ah Jiu

"Maximum power! Start!"

Ah Jiu did not dare to neglect or hesitate at all and directly turned on the power to the maximum. Although everyone knows how much damage this kind of operation will do to the Parrot, and even affect the safety of returning to the voyage in the future, but now it is too late. There is no chance of even returning home!

The speed of the progress bar increases as the power increases and the degree of completion also increases.

70 percent, 80 percent, 90 percent, 94, 95, 96. Just when the sea wall was about to reach the Parrot, the progress bar was finally 100 percent complete, and the Parrot also issued a reminder that the electromagnetic protection was activated!

Then the huge waves engulfed the Parrot in the vast red sea!

Lin Yi and Fat Brother are still like headless chickens! Looking for the exit of the spaceship, the sound just now really startled the two of them, and they didn't dare to touch the various buttons on the center console casually.

"Linzi, do you think that the spaceship or the people on the spaceship or not all have physiological needs?"

Lin Yi was a little overwhelmed by Fat Brother's sudden question. Lin Yi didn't answer Fat Brother's question, but looked at Fat Brother with a frown, trying to find the reason for the problem from Fat Brother's face.

Lin Yi still understands Fat Brother. Seeing Fat Brother's facial expression, he knows that this guy probably wants a plus size!

Lin Yi quickly pointed to the farthest corner

"Brother! It seems that I will die by your hands sooner or later! The farther the better! Otherwise I will be smoked to death by you!"

Fat brother ran quickly to a corner not far away with a smile on his face and said while running

"It's still my brother who treats me best!"

Not long after, I heard Fat Brother suddenly say

"I said, Linzi, come and take a look, what is this?"

Lin Yi thought that the fat brother was going to make fun of himself again, and said impatiently

"Fat brother, can you stop making trouble?"

After waiting for a long time, seeing that the fat brother didn't reply, Lin felt that something was wrong, so he hurried towards the fat brother's position.

As he got closer to Fat Brother, Lin Yi also heard Fat Brother talking to himself.

"What is this? What is it, what is Bora?"

"Fat brother?"

Suddenly saw Lin Yi appearing in front of him! The fat man yelled! Lin Yi was also taken aback by Fat Brother's aggressive reaction!

Both of them took a step back and shouted at the same time

"are you crazy!"

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