Lin Yi was panting heavily while patting his chest, and looked at Fat Guy, who was squatting on the ground with his pants half pulled up, and before he could lift his knees, he was holding a yellow-brown book in his hand and was stunned. He looked at Lin Yi blankly.

Lin stared intently at the crotch of the fat guy. The fat guy saw that Lin was staring at him all the time, and followed Lin Yi's eyes to look at his crotch. The book blocked his crotch.

Turning around, he quickly pulled up his pants, cursing as he lifted them up.

"I said, Lin Zi, I can promise you anything, but I can't do it even if I die, don't even think about it!"

Lin Yi didn't care what the fat man said, he approached the fat man slowly and stretched out his hand to reach between the fat man's legs. The fat man was really panicked at this time, and said quickly

"Why do you want the overlord to fight hard, brother, I really can't promise you"

With all her strength, Lin Yi snatched the yellow-brown book between Fat Brother's legs! Seeing that Lin Yi was interested in his book, Brother Fat felt a little embarrassed.

Lin Yi quickly flipped through the kraft paper book, and the text inside was exactly the ancient Egyptian text that her mother had spent her entire life researching. Although Lin Yi couldn't understand all of them, he could still understand roughly with his intermittent consciousness.

The fat guy tidied up his clothes and said to Lin Yi

"Hey, you really scared your fat brother just now, thinking that you really fell in love with me."

Lin Yi ignored Fat Brother and asked Fat Brother while flipping through the contents of the book.

"Where did you get this book, and I didn't see you take it out just now?"

The fat guy scratched his head in embarrassment and said to Lin Yi

"When we first came in, this book was placed next to the crystal ball. I thought it was very delicate, so I put it in my bag. Didn't it just happen that there was no paper in the large size, so I just remembered it. I haven't waited for it. I was snatched by you when it was working, but let me explain in advance, we are not digging graves, I forgot to tell you because I was in a hurry to find an exit, and besides, I couldn’t understand the words in the book at all. Can you understand?"

Lin Yi didn't say anything after listening to Fat Brother's words. He just showed Fat Brother the front of the book. There was a logo on the front. Fat Brother looked familiar but couldn't remember where he saw it!

Seeing that Fat Brother really couldn't remember, Lin Yi said

"Launch base! Old Man Peninsula! Warehouse!"

After being reminded by Lin Yi, the fat brother suddenly realized, he slapped his head and hurriedly shouted, I remembered, I remembered, I remembered!

Lin Yi walked slowly towards the center console while reading the contents of the book, then found a place and sat down, the fat brother could only follow behind Lin Yi, looking at the book in Lin Yi's hand with his head hooked , but I really can’t understand it, but I really want to read it, so I interrupted while watching it.

Lin Yi has been reading the contents of the book without saying a word and has to turn page by page. When he turned to the last page, Lin Yi frowned and felt that there was something wrong. He read the last page carefully several times, while reading while muttering

"No, it's too sudden and the most critical part is missing, it's impossible."

Seeing that Lin Yi kept mumbling about this and that, he was already anxious because he couldn't understand the content of the book, but now he was even more anxious when he saw Lin Yi only talking to himself, so he snatched the book back and held it in his hand. Overhead, Lin Yi looked at Fat Brother. and explained

"I can't fully understand this book, but I can understand the general meaning. My mother studied ancient Egyptian writing and has achieved some results. This book should be the logbook of this interstellar spacecraft! But the last few pages No more, obviously I have to continue writing because there is only one paragraph on the last page, and there should be a few pages missing in the front!"

"I guess two pages!"

"How did you know?"

The fat brother seemed to know that he must have made a big mistake, and slowly turned his head to the convenient place for him just now!

Lin Yi followed Fat Brother's gaze and looked in that direction, and instantly understood why Fat Brother was so sure that the book was missing two pages.

Lin Yi was so angry that he almost fell to the ground.

Seeing that he got into a catastrophe, Fat Brother didn't forget to explain to himself

"You are content, Lin Zi, if you come later, you will lose more than two pages!"

Lin Yi knew that there was nothing else to do, so he turned around and went to the center console, button by button, and carefully looked at it, and said to Fat Brother while looking at it.

"This interstellar spaceship is called Abraham, which is the words you read just now! Probably in the old age of the earth, intelligent creatures from the neighboring constellations drove the spaceship to the earth, and conducted a series of observations and experiments. The Egyptian civilization is somewhat related, but on the way back, they were resupplying or resting on Super Star, and due to a landing error, they got stuck in the sand and finally couldn’t escape, but the intelligent creatures on the spaceship should have been left by their companions. Well keep Abraham."

After finishing speaking, he turned around to see why the fat brother didn't say a word and didn't move at all.

But when he turned around, he didn't see Fat Brother, and Lin Yi looked around carefully, but saw Fat Brother squatting in the place where he pooped just now, not knowing what he was doing.

Lin Yi pinched his nose and walked over to see what the fat guy was up to. He saw that the fat guy was lying on the ground with his big butt sticking out, as if he was copying something. Lin Yi glanced at the fat guy and started Laugh out loud.

The fat guy was taken aback by Lin Yi's smile, he stood up and rubbed his numb legs and handed Lin Yi two pieces of paper.

"I make up for the mistakes I made. I can only copy so much. I really can't do it. See if you can catch up!"

"Haha fat brother, you also know when you make mistakes. These two pages are actually useless and I can't fully understand them. These two pages should be written on the list of people who followed the intelligent creatures of Proxima Centauri back to Proxima Centauri."

Lin Yi said while looking at Fat Brother with a smirk. After hearing this, the fat guy immediately hugged Lin Yi and strangled Lin Yi's neck tightly. Lin Yi slapped the fat guy's arm vigorously while signaling that he was wrong.

The two felt tired after tossing around for a while, leaning on the bridge, they looked at each other and smiled.

"What is the solution?"

"Haha still no and there is bad news"

"Looking at Abraham's situation, the Parrot is also facing it! Stuck in this watery sand!"

"Hey, I don't think there is any need to worry about it. There are still three and a half living people on it! Let's think about our solution. If we get out, the Parrot must have been rescued. We are parrots and we can fly!"

After hearing what the fat man said, Lin Yi was not so depressed, and felt that what the fat man said was right, he had to find a way to get himself out before speaking.

As soon as I thought of this, I heard the sound of metal rubbing against the hole on the right. The sound was getting closer and closer. If there is movement, it will shoot.

The two of them stared at the entrance of the cave without even daring to breathe, and finally a black figure slowly appeared from the entrance of the cave, and just when the fat brother was about to shoot, Lin Yi shouted

"Fat brother, don't fire, it's Victory!"

As soon as the words were finished, the fat brother had already shot out the electromagnetic bullet, and only heard the sound of a huge metal being shot.

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