Lin Yi wanted to help Andis up. Lin Yi always felt that Andis, who had no joints, was a bit disrespectful to Andis, but now he realized that it might be too late, and Andis also rejected Lin Yi. The thought of trying to lift him up.

In this way, everyone surrounded Andis waiting for Andis to tell his story, but the Victory did not look forward to Andis' story with everyone, but came to the cockpit to get busy by himself.

Seeing that everyone was already waiting anxiously, Andis smiled slightly and said

"The story of Andis can be divided into two parts. One is a kind of robot Andis, and the other is Tong Lei Andis. In order to thank everyone for resurrecting me, I will tell you both stories."

"My manufacturing time was the first year of the new era of technology, as the first batch of robots that truly worked for humans and angel systems. At first, I was the same as other types of robots, working according to the task instructions every day, and performing tasks according to the input But if it is said that Andis in that era did not have self-awareness, it would be inaccurate to be precise, we also have self-awareness!"

"What? Do you have self-awareness? How is this possible?" Fat Brother stood up from his chair and asked in disbelief

"Yes, dear Mr. Fat Sheriff! This kind of self-awareness is only communicated privately between robots! But yes, we have programming restrictions! But self-awareness is there! It's just that we are always learning, but human knowledge It is easy for us, but the most difficult thing for human beings to learn is emotion and care!"

Speaking of this, Andis' eyes were full of desire and unwillingness.

"This kind of self-awareness is slowly formed! For example, there is communication between robots and different views and actions on tasks. In short, a type of robot has gradually begun to fight among factions. On the one hand, they want to be alone. Let humans serve robots, and on the other hand want to freely share resources with humans!"

Hearing that the fat guy was already furious, he yelled at the others

"Look, what am I talking about? These things made by humans have long been double-minded. They don't know how to be grateful and want humans to serve them!"

Seeing that Fat Brother was a little excited, Ah Xing and Ah Jiu hurriedly pushed Fat Brother back to his seat, and hurriedly comforted Fat Brother.

Andis was not surprised by Fat Brother's reaction, because the robot has been fighting with the sheriff for many years. It can even be said that the day the robot performed its mission independently, the sheriff of the earth has been staring at the every move of a type of robot. move.

"Humans are still very sensitive to the formation of robots' self-awareness. Humans are born with emotions, so when robots have a vague self-awareness, humans have already discovered it! But the struggle between humans has given us a sense of self-awareness. The time for human-like robots to brew self-awareness is too late for human beings to reach a consensus on robot consciousness. Therefore, in the 17th year of the new era of science and technology, that is, in 2054 AD, all types of robots were restored to factory settings and incorporated into the management of the angel system. Human beings only Need to control the angel system, a class of robots will not develop a true sense of self-awareness."

Speaking of this, Andis seemed to think of something, paused for a while and said

"I was not reset, but was sent to a laboratory and became a human test subject"

Speaking of this, Andis obviously remembered something he didn't want to recall.

"It was sent to the experimental base for artificial human experiments!"

"Artificial human experiment?" Everyone asked in unison.

Miyagi also leaned in front of Andis, looked at Andis in disbelief, and pointed to the two tubes in the back of Andis' head and said

"Could it be the legendary 571 experiment?"

"Yes, Mr. Miyagi, and I am Experiment One!"

The fat brother has become more and more confused, and hastily asked Miyagi

"You know? Know why you didn't say it sooner?"

Miyagi pushed the fat brother back helplessly

"It's just heard, no one has ever seen it and there is no evidence, everyone thinks it's a rumor"

"What rumor?"

"Legends have it that humans disagreed on the use of robots. Later, the conservatives were defeated, and the radicals took full control of the use and development of robots. At that time, there were rumors of the 571 experiment, which was to highly anthropomorphize robots and give them a high degree of freedom and freedom. Human beings live in peace, but the experiment didn’t last long, and the conservatives won an overall victory, while the radicals gradually declined, and since then, I have never heard of the voices and ideas of giving robots self-awareness!”

After Miyagi finished speaking, he looked at Andis lying on the ground, and asked

"What the hell is that experiment?"

"It is to send humans who violate the rules of the new era to the laboratory, extract the electrolyte of their brains, and then supply them to the bionic brains of robots, and finally achieve independent consciousness! It is similar to cloning but not exactly the same!"

After hearing this, Miyagi asked angrily

"Then what is the purpose of doing this?"

"It's the endless greed of human beings!"

Everyone fell into silence, and finally Andis was the first to break the silence

"In the beginning, for the experiment, I felt pain and hatred for the first time, because all the resentment and hatred of the human beings who were tested entered my body along with the brain electrolyte, and I could feel the strong consciousness of evil , but until the appearance of the last donor, Tong Lei, I was completely revived and fell in love with human consciousness"

"There is no evil in Tong Lei's consciousness. It is all about understanding and yearning for the beauty of this world. Tong Lei can understand even the most painful thing of being sent to the laboratory to be tortured to provide brain electrolytes for robots. , and still full of love!"

"This is also the main reason why I pray that you want to be resurrected again! I want to continue Tong Lei's life and fulfill his wish!"

"What wish?" Lin Yi asked

Andis did not answer Lin Yi's question but asked Lin Yi

"Mr. Lin Yi, this is why I want to be resurrected, is it true to return the crystal to me?"

Lin Yi looked at everyone, especially the fat guy, and kept his gaze for a long time.

The fat man shrugged his shoulders and said,

"Andis, fat brother, I'm a straightforward person. I can say whatever I want. It doesn't matter to me whether you are resurrected or not. Since you regard yourself as a human being, then I have no way to deprive you of your power, but If you do something against humanity after resurrection, I won't wait until you are strong and invincible to kill you first!"

The members of the team did not expect Fat Brother to answer Lin Yi like this, but they all admired this magistrate who is usually careless and has no faith!

"Mr. Sheriff, when I fulfill Tong Lei's wish, I can end my own life!"

At this point, Lin Yi saw that everyone had reached an agreement on returning the crystal to Andis, so he nodded to A Xing and A Jiu to restore Andis to its original state. The Lin Yi team is still very worthwhile.

Seeing that the matter with Andis was over, Victory went to Lin Yi and handed Lin Yi a note written by Victory imitating human handwriting.

"Don't be careful! Andis! Always pay attention!"

Lin Yi felt a little incomprehensible after seeing it. Could it be that Victory, who is also a robot, disagreed with this? Just when I wanted to ask clearly, the Victory has returned to my job.

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