It was already the afternoon of the next day after Andis was repaired, and the rest of the team members also took advantage of their free time to enter the dormant cabin to recover their strength, but it was hard for Ah Xing and Ah Jiu to repair Andis overnight. After it was repaired, Lin Yi issued a new task to the two of them. They must make a signal connection with the earth base today. Even a single note must be received by the earth base. The two have no complaints about this. After all, they came to uv It has been nearly half a month, but the main task has not progressed at all, and everyone has become a little impatient.

Although there is no contact with the earth base, the mission still has to continue. Lin Yi, Fat Brother and Andis carry out the extravehicular mission. Miyagi and Victory stayed on Parrot. After assigning their respective tasks, Lin Yi, Fat Brother and Andis drove the Abraham to draw a comprehensive map of Superstars. Under the possible conditions, it is also necessary to analyze geographical features and search for water sources. These common tasks are all necessary for landing on Kepler in the future.

The three installed plotting instruments on board the Abraham. Fat Brother's love for the Abraham cannot be concealed, and Lin Yi can't figure out why Fat Brother loves this interstellar spaceship thousands of years ago so much.

Since he got the Abraham, as long as he doesn't have to go back to the dormant cabin of the Parrot to rest, the fat guy will stay in the Abraham all the time, and even often talks to the Abraham by himself, which makes Lin Yi feel creepy.

Lin Yi often said to wait until the day of return to see what will happen to the fat brother. It is impossible for the Abraham to return to the earth together, not to mention that this is just an escape pod. The real Abraham has been buried under the pink ocean.

Fat brother often sighs because of this incident.

"Brother Fat, why don't you stay in the superstar and the escape cabin of the Abraham until you grow old?"

Lin Yi jokingly said to Fat Brother while operating the mapping radar to scan the geographical features of Superstar

"You don't know, don't look at this escape pod is a product of thousands of years ago, but in terms of performance, it is no worse than the Parrot, and it is easy to operate. I even think that the Abraham is intelligent and conscious." Speaking of the fat guy He glanced at Andis sitting behind him.

Andis didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and ignored Fat Brother, but just cooperated with Lin Yi in drawing the map seriously.

The fat brother started talking to himself about the various benefits of the Abraham, and finally sighed softly. The fat brother himself knew that it was really impossible to bring the Abraham back to Earth, even if it was this ship. The escape pod is also hopeless.

Lin Yi cooperated with Fat Brother tacitly. Today, the drawing task of Chaozan Star has been completed and exceeded a lot of progress. Fat Brother asked Lin Yi whether to continue drawing or return to the Parrot to help Ah Xing and Ah Jiu.

Lin Yi hesitated for a while and asked Andis

"Andis, do you remember Director Wang's private mission?"

"Yes, Lin Yi, I remember"

"Do you know that Namek stele?"

"I probably know a little bit, but I don't know the specifics."

Lin Yi and Fat Brother looked back at Andis behind him, and Andis wanted to evade, but seeing the eyes of the two, he also understood that they would not give up until they spoke out.

"I really don't know a lot. I only know that a good friend of Director Lin was very obsessed with ancient Egyptian civilization in the early days, and also mastered some research results, but then suddenly disappeared without a trace. Namek is the object of research. As for the specific purpose of the stele, I don’t know, and Director Wang has been looking for news about the stele of Namek before you, and even Director Wang once used his private property to launch a satellite called Searching for No. 1, probably for the purpose of It was used to search for the stele of Namek, but there was no news." After all, Andis didn't pay much attention to it and just stared out of the porthole. This resurrection, Andis' personality has changed a lot. Lin Yi also felt the strangeness between Andis and himself several times and wanted to speak up to ease the gap between them, but due to the note from the Victory and the lack of a proper opportunity, Lin Yi has never been able to communicate with him again. Andis communicated well.

"This old king is getting more and more mysterious, Namek, Namek" the fat man said to himself

The Abraham stopped suddenly, and various symbols and maps suddenly appeared on the windshield in front of the bridge, and Abraham's core computer actually replied to Fat Brother's soliloquy, but the content of the reply was different from the various messages on the screen. Lin Yi and Fat Brother couldn't understand or understand the symbols or words at all, and they all looked at Andis with sustenance when they were surprised.

Andis shook his head directly and said,

"Although you can continue to regard me as a robot, I am also a robot of the new era of technology decades ago, not a robot thousands of years ago."

"Who said this, then hurry up and use your powerful database to look it up." The fat guy said to Andis

After a long time, Andis shook his head helplessly and said sorry.

Lin Yi comforted

"I don't blame you Andis, it's not that you don't know about Fat Brother's mouth, you don't need to care too much!"

"This is so weird. If the Abraham could understand Fat Brother's instructions just now, then if it is an intelligent core computer, it should be able to answer, but now we can't understand these strange things," Lin Yi continued.

The fat guy also scratched his head, and frantically exported English and Chinese to the Abraham, but the Abraham never responded again!

Then Lin Yi got in touch with Miyagi and asked Miyagi to help analyze the weird incident just now. After hearing this, Miyagi just asked for the recording and video of the response from the Abraham just now, and asked Lin Yi and Fat Brother not to worry, wait patiently for a while, and check the information on the Parrot by themselves.

Not long after, Miyagi replied to Lin Yi and Fat Brother. Fat Brother must have inadvertently given some instructions to the Abraham, and the Abraham gave a response, which should be some special program stored in the Abraham. But it takes time to figure out what it means.

This sudden little accident made the two of them no longer interested in today's earth mission.

At this moment, Lin Yi pointed to the bottom of the spaceship, and Fat Brother followed Lin Yi's finger, which was the hill where Lin Yi and Fat Brother landed. The fat brother understood, and directly drove the Abraham to dive down and land next to the hill.

Lin Yi reported to Miyagi that he may not be able to return to the Parrot on time, please don't worry. After that, the three of them walked into the hill pyramid again with their equipment and equipment.

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