Lin Yi took Andis back to the room of the remains on the top floor after getting acquainted with the fat brother. Andis was also very interested in the murals on the wall, and kept using the recorder to carefully record each picture in detail with various The angle was taken, and while shooting myself, I expressed my understanding of the mural.

Lin Yi and Fat Brother have made preparations this time. They must bring the remains back to Earth for a proper burial and hand them over to Director Wang. Lin Yi vaguely feels that Director Wang will be able to explain to himself what happened in the hill pyramid . Even if you don't explain it, you have to give yourself the truth of the matter. Lin Yi has become less and less trusting of Director Wang. Lin Yi plans to have a good conversation with Director Wang this time when he goes back.

The fat man patted Lin Yi, which startled Lin Yi.

"Lin Zi, you've always been absent-minded these days, what happened to scare you again?" After speaking, the fat brother pointed to the replacement on the ground.

Lin Yi and Fat Brother intend to take off the space suit of the remains and put them in a safe deposit box, then put the bones into a body bag and bring them back to the Parrot. After the mission is over, they will return to Earth to find the family members of this senior and return the remains and relics to him. family.

Andis is responsible for setting up the lighting system and air monitoring system inside the entire pyramid, while Lin Yi and Fat Brother are going to search the inside of the entire pyramid carefully to find more clues!

Not long after Andis finished installing the lighting system and air system, Fat Brother lamented that a robot is a robot, and human beings will be replaced by robots sooner or later. Lin Yi ignored Fat Brother and stood up and pouted at Fat Brother.

"Do it! Do it for the young master of the Lin family!" the fat brother complained.

The two took off the space suits of the remains one by one, folded them neatly and put them in the equipment box. Judging from the material and style of the clothes, they should be the product of the early cooperation between country c and country c in the new era of science and technology , but Lin Yi and Fat Brother couldn't explain why human beings at that time could break through the wormhole and come to the distant super star, nor could they convince themselves.

"Hey Linzi, look! Is the stone on this senior's neck the same as the one you are wearing?" The fat man said to Lin Yi while taking off the necklace from the corpse's neck.

Lin Yi looked over, and sure enough, the fat man was holding a black stone in his hand. Lin Yi took a closer look and it was indeed very close to the black stone he was wearing!

"Where did you get it?" Lin Yi asked

"Last time the lights were dim and I was a little nervous. I guess we didn't search thoroughly. Just now, I helped senior take off his clothes and hung them around his neck." The fat man threw the stone in his hand to Lin Yi.

The moment Lin Yi received the stone, he was sure that the stone on his senior was indeed the same as the one he was wearing, and that cool feeling instantly spread throughout Lin Yi's body.

Lin Yi has always wanted to find out about the black stone, but it is impossible to investigate clearly after one task after another. Lin Yi also plans to take a little longer rest time after this mission than before, and to figure out the problem of the black stone!

Lin Yi also put the stones into the equipment box, and then he heard the fat man yelling again

"Are we two scared that day or something happened, or the lighting is not good, this senior is wearing a watch, and the Zhaodou brand is from country C!"

After Lin Yi heard this, he ran over in a hurry. Sure enough, the skeleton was wearing a watch on his wrist. Lin Yi gently took off the watch. The date on the watch showed that the hands stopped at 15:22:13 on July 27, 2044. .

According to the time when the Zhaodou watch stopped completely, the fat brother calculated that the senior should have stopped breathing in January of 2044.

2044? Lin Yi thinks it's a bit unbelievable. If it's really 2044, then the senior's equipment is not in line with that era. There can only be one explanation that the senior came to Superstar even earlier!

Lin Yi also put the watch into the equipment box, and said to Fat Brother

"Fatty brother, be more careful, don't be so surprised, and tell me after searching all of them one by one."

"It's gone, it's really gone this time, this senior is comfortable, and I won't take away a trace of nostalgia when I walk gently," said the fat man

Lin Yi has nothing to do with Fat Brother's sometimes silly behavior.

After finishing everything, Lin Yi and Fat Brother are going to use a Type 3 robot to transport the bones and equipment boxes of the predecessors back to the Abraham. Waiting for the three types of robots to work, the two of them carefully observed the stone house again, but this time, although there was lighting, the result was the same as last time, and they did not find anything else in the room.

At this moment Andis called Lin Yi with brain waves

"Everything is ready, wait at the entrance of the three-pronged hole!"

Lin Yi and Fat Brother came to the entrance of the three-pronged cave to meet Andis, and the three of them pointed to the entrance of the cave and walked in.

The distance from the upward hole is almost the same, but there are no paintings on the wall of the cave. It didn't take long to arrive at the stone house on the lowest floor. The lighting here has been set up by Andis with three types of robots.

When the three of them walked into the whole stone house, they were lit up. There was a stone coffin in the middle of the room, and on both sides of the coffin were sacrificial altars. Andys' lighting illuminates the whole picture and it's both creepy and out of place!

Lin Yi walked around the stone house and found nothing, only a stone coffin standing alone in the middle of the stone house. Lin Yi planned to go straight back to the entrance of the three-pronged cave, but Fat Brother and Andis didn't follow when he reached the door. Lin Yi turned around to look at the two of them, but when she turned her head, Lin Yi almost died of anger on the spot.

I saw that Fat Brother and Andis had already opened the lid of the stone coffin, and they were looking at the things in the stone coffin curiously.

As Lin Yi walked towards the two of them, he scolded, "You two are so angry that you came here to rob the tomb? Don't be afraid of being cursed by the pharaoh or something. Then don't cry and tell me to save you." both!"

Lin Yi walked into the coffin and looked inside, and was shocked to stay where he was!

Inside lay a mummy that was exactly the same as that in the pyramid on the earth. The mummy was wrapped in the same way as the ancient Egyptian pharaoh. A mask made of gold was used to cover the face of the corpse, and the body was covered with white shrouds. There are all kinds of utensils made of gold of different sizes.

Fat Brother didn't hesitate to take off the mummy's face mask to reveal a living face. Lin Yi, fat brother Andis gasped when he saw the face of the corpse.

It took Lin Yi a long time to slowly spit out the three words "Director Wang?"

The fat brother also slapped himself hard in the face, and said to himself

"Illusion! Illusion! It must be an illusion!"

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