I'm Going To Kepler For My Missing Parents

Chapter 51 Fat Brother's Cry

After the fat brother came to his senses, he knelt down on the ground with a plop and cried loudly while calling Director Wang's name. It seemed more painful than his own father lying inside.

Such crying made Lin Yi calm down, and he looked carefully at Director Wang in the coffin again. Although it looks very similar to Director Wang, but if you look closely, you can still see the difference. In terms of age, it is obviously much younger than Director Wang!

Lin Yi hurriedly patted Fat Brother.

"I said big brother, did you cry to death? If not, get up and take a closer look. It's just that it looks like Director Wang, and it's not Director Wang at all!"

Hearing what Lin Yi said, Fat Brother stood up slowly, wiping his tears while looking at Director Wang in the coffin. watch and talk

"Director, I didn't expect you to take the first step! Hey? Why are you still young, Director?" The fat man turned his head to look at Lin Yi and asked again.

"Linzi, do you think this is the king's game?"

Lin Yi and Andis shook their heads at Fat Brother together.

"Okay, fat brother, stop making trouble, there is no one else here who is exaggerating like you?"

Looking at Fat Brother again, he stopped crying and began to search carefully for the things in the coffin.

Lin Yi sighed and came over, but apart from some sacrificial objects, there were no useful clues in the coffin, and the sacrificial objects around him were neither gold nor silver, but mostly carved out of clay and stone. Made, except for the golden mask.

Lin Yi ordered to record it with a recorder, and asked Andis and Fat Brother to restore the stone coffin to its original state.

The three returned to the entrance of the three-pronged cave, and now there was only the parallel entrance left, and the three of them walked directly into the straight entrance without wasting too much time.

The walking time this time was not much, and it was much shorter than going up and down. First, I went straight for a short period of time, and then slowly went up with a very gentle slope. Lin Yi speculated that it should be the middle of the pyramid, and he walked into the stone house. The area is extremely wide.

Lin Yi looked around and saw that this should be the living area of ​​the ancient Egyptians left behind by Proxima Centauri! There are various living utensils made of stone, and judging from the scale, there were a lot of people at that time!

"Linzi, so the ancient Egyptians have lived here for a long time, but how did they do it? There is nothing here, and a tsunami of that scale seems to make life difficult!"

"No, I think the ancient Egyptians and the intelligent creatures of the Proxima Centauri reached a certain agreement at that time, and they would not be allowed to stay here for too long. It's just that the spacecraft that came to the Proxima Centauri should not be able to take all the ancient Egyptians away. There is a way to stay, and they should be picked up again in a short time."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I don't know, I just feel that if the natural conditions of Super Stars were bad, I believe that the ancient Egyptians would not sit still. Maybe something really delayed them, or some kind of accident, and these ancient Egyptians waited here. In the end, we couldn’t wait for the intelligent creatures from Proxima Centauri to come back.” After speaking, Lin Yi pointed to the utensils made of stone.

"If they were picked up in a short time, they wouldn't have to make living utensils, but these utensils were not well-built, which proves that the ancient Egyptians didn't think they had to wait for a long time, but it's a pity that in the end their Pharaoh is buried here too!" Then Lin Yi pointed to the ground again, meaning the stone coffin in the lower cave.

"It seems that Pharaoh's surname is Wang," said the fat man with a malicious smile.

"It seems that Director Wang has to answer all the confusion here. If I want him to be willing to tell us more details." Before Lin Yi finished speaking, the fat brother rushed to say

"I have to help the old man find his tombstone, not a stone monument." The fat man stuck out his tongue in embarrassment

Lin Yi looked at Andis and said

"Andis, the old man told me that you have the radar of that stele, can you find the exact location?"

"Yes, Mr. Lin, but don't ask me about the radar. It's the first time I have come into contact with it. I only entered the method of use. I also tried to decipher the principle, but unfortunately, the inventor of this device is obviously beyond the current state of the earth. There are many levels of technology!" Andis replied directly

Lin Yi also felt that since returning the crystal to Andis, Andis's wisdom seemed to grow and become more and more comprehensive, but now I'm afraid it should be too late, and I don't know if his decision will be correct in the future Lin Yi can only accept the current result, and Lin Yi is also prepared for the worst, once he finds that Andis has abnormal behavior He and Fat Brother worked desperately to kill Andis first, which was also the only idea Lin Yi and Fat Brother agreed on when Andis returned the crystal.

Then I saw Andis pause for a while, and a glass lens protruded from the side and back of the eye, followed by a beeping alarm sound, and Andis slowly began to search for the stele along the position pointed by the lens.

Lin Yi and Fat Brother continued to search for valuable clues, but there were indeed no useful clues in the whole house, and it seemed that the ancient Egyptians walked in a hurry and their equipment was messy. Although Fat Brother felt suspicious, he also gave his own thoughts. Either the ancient Egyptians were really picked up by the intelligent creatures of Proxima Centauri, so they left in a hurry, but the unreasonable thing is why the Pharaoh was not taken away. Moreover, although the Abraham is stuck in the mud, if they come back to pick up the ancient Egyptians, they will try to save the Abraham, and the fat brother firmly believes that the Abraham is a living interstellar spacecraft. Another possibility is that the ancient Egyptians were in a hurry when they encountered some kind of natural disaster, but the design of the hill pyramid is very reasonable to avoid most of the natural disasters. It is not known what it is.

Lin Yi also nodded in agreement with Fat Brother's deduction. It seems that there are indeed many secrets on Superstar, and the old man must know a lot!

Lin Yi and Fat Brother carefully recorded every detail of the stone house with a recorder for future research. If the ancient Egyptians could live on Superstar for a period of time, it may be helpful for our current technological power to land on Kepler.

"Mr. Lin! Here! The radar indication is here!"

Andis yelled at Lin Yi and Fat Brother, and had already bent down.

Lin Yi and Fat Brother also hurried to the location pointed by Andis, and saw that Andis was picking up a pink stone with a mechanical tool. The stone was square and transparent, the size of a pack of cigarettes, emitting a faint Pink light, and there seems to be a swirling liquid flowing inside the stone, but if you look carefully, there is no real liquid.

"Where did you find it?" Lin Yi asked while admiring the pink stone

"Under this stone seat"

Sure enough, there was a round stone seat in front of Lin Yi, with a groove inside, the size of the groove was the same as the pink stone.

"Strange!" Fat Brother said, then looked up at the sky

Lin Yi and Andis also looked towards the sky, and the three saw an incredible scene at the same time!

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