"The Parrot is about to enter the wormhole, turn off the dark matter accelerated ionizer, and the countdown begins, five, four, three, two, one!" As the countdown came out on the Parrot broadcast, the moment the Parrot turned off the accelerator, it disappeared directly into the wormhole. in the hole.

Lin Yi's first excitement about wormhole flight has become more and more serious now. The wormhole flight itself is accidental, and the passage connecting the two spaces requires continuous experiments to obtain stability and safety. However, this is the second time that humans have traveled through this wormhole. The first time was Lin Yi When the team comes.

Lin Yi and Miyagi also often discussed wormhole flight. According to the straightforward words Miyagi explained to Fat Brother, wormholes are loopholes in the process of cosmic expansion. Just like a drop of water falling on the ground is the explosion of the universe, the process of water splashing outward is the process of the expansion of the universe, the process of water droplets falling to the ground and splashing around is the Big Bang, and the large water drop turns into countless tiny water droplets. The whole splashing process of the galaxy is continuous until no one knows the end point, and the water droplet in the center can never catch up with the outermost water droplet. At this time, a wormhole appears, as if two small water droplets are moving back and forth at the same speed It splashes outwards, but there is a small channel between the two drops of water. A particle of dust entering the channel can instantly reach the splashed water droplets on the outside, but it is also possible that the channel is broken for some reason, and the dust will reach it after the break. I don't know where.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi closed his eyes tightly and only prayed that the Parrot could go through the wormhole and reach the edge of the solar system! The lights inside the Parrot were flickering. The time of this trip seemed to be much longer than the previous times. The Parrot began to vibrate violently. You could even feel that the Parrot was going up and down continuously, and even began to turn slowly!

"Damn it, I'm going to throw up!" the fat guy yelled loudly.

Before Lin Yi could speak, he heard Fat Guy start to vomit with a wow sound. At this time, the parrot turned more and more violently, and Fat Brother's vomit also began to spread in the whole Parrot. At first, Lin Yi wanted to I was joking with the fat man, but smelling the fat man's vomit and seeing the filth flying past in front of him, Lin Yi couldn't hold on and vomited out, followed by Axing and Ajiu, and Miyagi kept holding back for two. His cheeks puffed up, and finally he couldn't help vomiting. The entire Parrot was in a mess.

"I'm sorry everyone, or let me die here!" Fat brother had already started talking nonsense and rolled his eyes.

Suddenly all the lights of the Parrot went out, and within a few seconds, the lighting was restored, and the rotation stopped, and a beam of sunlight shone into the interior of the Parrot.

Slowly everyone opened their eyes, looked at the radar navigation, and the Parrot appeared near Enceladus. This crossing deviates greatly from the set goal, but fortunately, it is closer to the earth than closer. Far.

The team members were covered in filth at this time, the pungent smell filled the entire cockpit, and the fat guy was the first to speak

"Haha, I'm alive, I'm alive, I thought I was the one to be cowardly, but I didn't expect that you all should vomit like me, so you just vomit and hold back!"

Then the four of them pressed Fat Brother firmly on the seat, and wiped all the vomit on Fat Brother.

After escaping from the dead, everyone took a shower, and the three types of robots cleaned the cockpit. Miyagi also called everyone in front of him, pointed at the computer screen and said

"This time travel is weird! It's unreasonable!"

Everyone looked at the trajectory and data of the Parrot on the screen, and then looked at Miyagi.

"From the trajectory, the wormhole just now has an abnormality. I have analyzed the various principles of the wormhole before, and this flight has also verified my inference. The reverse flight of the wormhole is unstable and extremely unsafe. This time It should be that the distance is relatively short. If it is longer, I am afraid that the Parrot has been torn apart, and the destination is too far from what we expected. It is not that the exit of the wormhole is here at Enceladus, but after we exit the wormhole. leave this place”

"Then no matter what, didn't we come back?" The fat man said while sucking his teeth

Everyone looked at Fat Brother sucking his teeth and felt sick again.

The fat brother asked directly regardless of the appearance of other people

"You and Lin Yi are the only ones with good brains here in Miyagi. Don't make it so complicated, just tell us what you mean by what you want to say."

"That is to say, the forward traversal of the wormhole is actually controllable, but the risk factor of reverse traversal increases with the increase of the distance. If we go to Kepler and find that it is not suitable for living, I am afraid we can only never come back”

Everyone fell into silence.

"Welcome back to the solar system. Team members have worked hard. The Earth base has established a complete connection with the Parrot. The Parrot can be handed over to the Earth base for operation. The team members can rest at ease." Xiao Jiang's voice on the radio broke the silence in the cockpit .

Lin Yi nodded to Miyagi, agreed and then arranged for everyone to choose to rest and go about their own affairs, Lin Yi said to Fat Brother

"Fat brother, come to my room to find me later, I have something to tell you"

Fat Brother nodded, and then the Parrot was taken over by the earth base, and it will return to the earth base in at most 7 hours.

When he came to the room, Lin Yi slumped on the chair exhaustedly, and saw the fat brother push the door to enter, Lin Yi struggled to get up, the fat brother was a little surprised to see Lin Yi so tired

"Linzi, are you okay, you just vomited, can't you act like this?" Fat Brother asked with concern

"Fat guy doesn't know why, the stone on my chest used to give me a steady stream of power, especially on the Lingshen star and the Chaozan star, I can feel it, but when I just passed through the wormhole, it seemed that something This thing has been absorbing power from me, it seems that this thing is nearby, but I don’t know where it went, but don’t worry, I’ll be fine after a while.”

"Then what do you want to say?"

"I'm afraid I'm going to trouble you, Fat Brother. I'll be able to return to the earth base soon. The next mission is estimated to land on Kepler, but before I land, I must figure out the angel system! So I still need your help, so Maybe you and sister-in-law"

Before he finished speaking, Fat Brother interrupted Lin Yi directly.

"Lin Zi, don't worry, I thought you were going to say something! Don't worry, I will arrange it and give me half a day."

Lin Yi's eyes were full of gratitude, but he was really tired, his tired eyes closed uncontrollably, and in a blur, the fat man put a blanket on Lin Yi's body.

Fat Brother turned around and came out of Lin Yi's room and saw the Victory. After what happened last time, Fat Brother was also full of wariness about the Victory. Victory didn't say much, just stood silently at the door of Lin Yi's room, Fat Brother wanted to say something but shook his head helplessly and left. Victory glanced at the door of Lin Yi's room and then at the fat brother who was going away, then came to the porthole of the corridor and looked towards the direction of the earth.

"Professor Lin! I hope that what you think is correct, Lin Yi, I will bring you by my side! Please rest assured!"

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