Lin Yi slightly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of white, white walls, white ceiling, white sheets, a girl in white clothes came vaguely in front of him, Lin Yi wanted to rub his eyes, but he had no strength at all. Raising his arms, he could only close his eyes again. After a little strength, he tried to open them again. Where is he?

"Mr. Lin, are you awake?" A sweet voice reached Lin Yi's ears.

"Where is this place? Shouldn't I be on the Parrot? Where's Fat Brother? Where's Miyagi?" Lin Yi asked with difficulty

"Don't get excited, it's not good for your recovery, you have returned to the earth base, and now you are in the treatment center, you need to rest." The girl Tiantian answered Lin Yi's barrage of questions with a little concern.

Lin Yi still wanted to sit up and take a closer look around, but a sense of drowsiness struck Lin Yi, and Lin Yi fell into a deep sleep again.

When Lin Yi woke up again, it was already the third day after returning to the earth base. As for why he was so tired, the doctor concluded that everyone's physique is different when passing through the wormhole. Lin Yi should be caused by the molecules in his body and the wormhole. Because of the resonance, the fatigue will increase, resulting in such fatigue.

After a comprehensive physical examination by the doctor, Lin Yi was allowed to leave the hospital. The moment Lin Yi walked out of the hospital, Lin Yi still felt weak in all limbs. The glare of the sun hurt Lin Yi's eyes. He found the sunglasses, but the backpack he had been carrying was not on his shoulders, and his big brother, Miyagi, was nowhere to be seen after being discharged from the hospital, and even the Victory was not with him.

Lin Yi originally wanted to take a transportation capsule back home, but gradually adapted to the bustling earth, the bustling crowds on the street, and the long-lost sunshine, Lin Yi decided to walk home. Lin Yi gradually felt that the exhaustion in his body disappeared little by little, and his spirit improved a lot.

Stop and go Lin Yi unexpectedly came to the entrance of Peninsula Coffee, seeing the cozy people in the cafe, who would have thought of the scene where meteor fragments filled the sky half a month ago and turned the whole block into a sea of ​​flames.

Lin Yi walked into the cafe unconsciously and sat in the same seat as before. The three types of robots still flew over as usual, Lin Yi ordered a cup of coffee skillfully, and continued to look out the window in a daze.

"Your coffee" a voice rang in Lin Yi's ear

Lin Yi didn't pay attention to it, and just stared out the window blankly at the traffic capsules and crowds that flowed on the street.

"Your coffee Lin Yi!" The voice just now came again.

Lin Yi turned his head impatiently to send the three types of robots away, but when he turned his head, he saw that the voice was not from the three types of robots, but a familiar face.

A few years ago, Professor Lin became more and more busy. After Lin Yi's mother followed Professor Lin to the space station, Lin Yi became more lonely. In order to attract the attention of his parents, Lin Yi began to skip classes frequently, and even scribbled indiscriminately during the exam, just so that the school could contact his parents and let them notice him. In the end, Lin Yi finally got his wish, and his mother asked him to stay at home and wait for important matters to be explained to him.

Lin Yi was full of joy and thought that his mother would come home to teach him face to face, but a big brother who didn't look much older than him came to the house. This person introduced himself as Professor Lin's student named Morimoto, who was entrusted by Lin Yi's parents to come to Lin Yi as the guardian of Lin Yi's earth.

Mainly responsible for a series of issues in Lin Yi's life and study. At first Lin Yi disliked the existence of Morimoto, and even found fault with Morimoto on purpose, but Morimoto seemed to be born with a good temper, no matter how mischievous Lin Yi was, Morimoto was very patient. In this way, Lin Yi and Morimoto gradually became good brothers who talked about everything.

But Morimoto didn't come to Lin Yi's graduation ceremony on the day of Lin Yi's graduation. After the ceremony, Lin Yi ran home like a gallop, hoping that Morimoto could share his achievements and joy together.

But there is only a short handwritten letter left by Morimoto to Lin Yi at home.

"Lin Yi, I am very glad that you can complete your studies with your own ability and I also hope that you can be assigned to the job you like. You have grown up and should try to be independent. I was unable to participate because of more important things I’m sorry for your graduation ceremony! I’ve been very happy during the five years I’ve been with you. I’ve successfully completed the tasks entrusted to me by Professor Lin. Thanks for your cooperation. There’s still a long way to go. I want to go, I hope you can stand alone, come on Lin Yi!"

The letter was short. Lin Yi frantically looked for Morimoto for a long time, but it was as if the big brother had never come, and there was no news at all.

Lin Yi turned his head and saw that familiar face, it was Morimoto! Lin Yi was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth at all, and slowly stood up, tears streaming down his face unconsciously.

Morimoto's eyes were already rosy at this time, but Morimoto just smiled slightly

"What's wrong? Forgot about my big brother? Don't let me sit down and buy me a cup of coffee?" Morimoto said to Lin Yi

Lin Yi hugged Morimoto, crying even more presumptuously.

Morimoto pushed Lin Yi onto the seat slowly, and although he shed tears, he still smiled and said to Lin Yi

"Haha, you haven't changed at all after all these years, you still cry like a little girl, this is the famous captain of the Parrot, why is it still not strong at all."

Lin Yi slowly regained his composure, looking at Morimoto.

Although Morimoto hasn't changed much, both of them thought Morimoto was Lin Yi's big brother when they walked on the street before because they were not a few years apart, but now seeing Morimoto completely take off his youthful appearance, mature and The vicissitudes of life are written all over the whole face, and a bright red scar from behind the ear to the neck is even more eye-catching.

Lin Yi and Morimoto sat down face to face, and each drank coffee for a while. Lin Yi still couldn't hold back the vow to completely forget this person because of Morimoto's leaving without saying goodbye, and asked first.

"Why? At that time" Lin Yi still didn't continue to ask but lowered his head again.

Morimoto rubbed Lin Yi's head with his hands, and replied with a smile

"Because you need to grow up! I can't take care of you all the time, and at that time, I wanted to say goodbye to you face to face after attending your graduation ceremony, but it happened suddenly. Big brother first apologize to you!"

Lin Yi didn't intend to blame Morimoto too much at first, so he raised his head and looked at Morimoto.

"So you're working here? And your neck?"

Morimoto touched the scar on his neck subconsciously and said happily

"Oh, this is a little thing, I was stung by a little thing! I'm here just to wait for you!"

"Wait for me?" Lin Yi asked in surprise!

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