I'm Going To Kepler For My Missing Parents

Chapter 58 The Secret Of The Dark Alliance

Morimoto stared at Lin Yi for a long time, stirring the coffee cup constantly with the silver spoon in his hand, Lin Yi felt that there was helplessness and unwillingness in Morimoto's eyes. Lin Yi intentionally or unintentionally talked about his own experience in these years, and told Morimoto a series of things such as entering the Angel system, becoming the captain of the Parrot, and the fat brother Miyagi.

Morimoto just listened silently, and nodded in agreement or frowned. Finally, after drinking three cups of coffee, Lin Yi finished all these. After a pause, Lin Yi also wanted to ask Morimoto a lot, but he really didn’t know what to do. Open your mouth.

Lin Yi turned his head to look out the window at the pedestrians outside the street. Finally Morimoto coughed lightly and asked Lin Yi

"Lin Yi, you are already an adult, and you should be more mature after becoming the captain of the Parrot. Before that, I want to ask you a question. Only when I know the answer can I consider whether to tell you about the next thing! "

"Is something about my parents?" Lin Yi asked eagerly

"Well, that's right!" Morimoto replied.

Lin Yi leaned back, his eyes suddenly filled with firmness, waiting for Morimoto's question.

"What do you think about the existence of the Dark Alliance?" Morimoto asked casually and waved his hands to make Lin Yi relax

Lin Yi pondered for a while, and actually guessed that the appearance of Morimoto this time must have some connection with the Dark Alliance or the Angel system. Lin Yi just smiled slightly, looked at Morimoto for a long time before slowly answering

"Dark Alliance, I don't know much about it, but it was also here last month when it was attacked by a meteor, and I witnessed a little girl lose her parents! And why the meteor broke through the angel system, I believe you know this too "

Morimoto's face didn't show any changes, he just nodded. then asked

"And what would you do if the truth was completely different from what you saw?"

Lin Yi laughed out loud at this moment, looking at Morimoto while laughing.

"Brother Morimoto, just point out what you want to say, don't ask me what I think about these, my idea is very simple, find my parents, log in to Kepler, and live a good life!"

Seeing that Lin Yi was getting impatient, Morimoto just shrugged and told Lin Yi

"If you really want to find Professor Lin, I'm afraid you need to make a choice!"

"What choice?"

"Make a choice between Angel System or Dark Alliance!"

"What is there to choose? My parents work for the League of Angels, and the angel system is helping me all the time. What is the Dark Alliance doing? It's nothing but destruction." Lin Yi said excitedly

"Lin Yi, often things are like this. What the eyes or ears hear and see is not the truth, but what someone needs only for you to see!"

Lin Yi fell silent.

Morimoto stood up and straightened his clothes, took a deep breath, and said to Lin Yi

"Lin Yi, you may be a little tired when you just came back. I'm glad to see you today. It's getting late. This is my contact information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me before your next mission. , we will meet again, then I will go first and have a good rest!"

After Morimoto said these words, he pressed down the hat on his head and walked away.

Lin Yi looked at Morimoto's back, Lin Yi was very distressed, Lin Yi was surprised by Morimoto's sudden appearance, but Lin Yi was not surprised by Morimoto's problem, Lin Yi wanted to investigate with Fat Brother long ago when he came back this time Dark Alliance and Angel system.

Lin Yi looked at the contact information left by Morimoto on the table, drank the remaining coffee, put the note in his pocket and hurried back home.

Pushing open the door, Victory is busy cleaning the house, Lin Yi saw Victory, walked over to Victory and knocked on the head

"What kind of robot are you? I'm still lying in the hospital. You didn't take care of me and went home first!" Lin Yi took off his clothes and socks and threw them on the sofa.

Victory went to the sofa and put all the clothes that Lin Yi had taken off into the back basket behind him, and said to Lin Yi while working

"There's nothing wrong with your checkup in the hospital, you just need to sleep well after you're tired."

"Then I should come back together when I wake up." Lin Yi was still unforgiving.

"Have you seen Morimoto?" Victory suddenly asked

"How do you know Morimoto?" Lin Yi asked in surprise

Victory threw the dirty clothes into the washing machine, went back to the living room, twisted his body and pointed himself at Lin Yi, Lin Yi also knew that Victory would do this when he had something important to say to him, so he sat down too. Get up, no longer slumped on the sofa.

"Lin Yi, all the plans have been advanced because things are a little sudden! I know that my conversation with Andis has already been told to you by Fat Brother, and you must have a lot of confusion in your heart. At first, I don't recommend keeping it from you. , but the upper management still decided to wait for the right opportunity to tell you, but it’s too late.”

"Victory, tell me what it is, even if you don't tell me, I will find out myself when I come back this time!"

"You may not be able to accept what I'm telling you now, but what I'm saying is the truth. If you don't believe it completely, you can investigate it in your own way!" Victory continued.

"The angel system has been silently protecting human beings, and Professor Lin is also one of the main members of the development of the angel system, and any decision of the angel system is made by five human votes, but an accident a few years ago among the five people One person died unexpectedly in a strange accident, and there were no suitable candidates to enter the voting committee of the angel system. The voting committee has been temporarily managed by four people, but the role and purpose of the angel system have gradually deviated from the previous agreement. During this period, Professor Lin also discovered that the angel There are many unknown deeds in the system! In order to resist the angel system, there has been a revolution of the Dark Alliance!"

"Then my father joined the Dark League?" Lin Yi asked, interrupting Victory

"No! No! Professor Lin has been looking for a way to balance the forces of the two parties, but just before the two forces were preparing to negotiate a truce, Professor Lin disappeared strangely! The disappearance of Professor Lin led to the suspension of negotiations, but the angel system is very important to the Dark Alliance. The persecution did not stop because of the negotiation, but became even more severe! Even many accidents caused by the angel system itself are all blamed on the Dark Alliance, such as the accident half a month ago!"

Lin Yi listened to the narration of the Victory, and slowly sat down on the sofa again. Although Lin Yi had doubts about the angel system about the matter on the Spirit Star, no one told Lin Yi personally that everything was Lin Yi Use your own guesses.

"So why choose me? I'm just an ordinary kid!" Lin Yi asked

"No! Lin Yi, you are not ordinary but you haven't mastered that power yet!" Victory replied

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