I'm Going To Kepler For My Missing Parents

Chapter 67 Experimental Base In Area 51

The car was speeding all the way, Lin Yi kept looking backwards at the Victory, for fear of knocking the Victory down. The stones rattled on the chassis of the car, and the tires buzzed. Lin Yi and Miyagi, who were used to the transportation capsules, had already vomited in a mess.

The fat man really enjoys the feeling of speeding in a retro car. In the front row, the fat man chats with Xiaoyu while lighting cigarettes one by one.

Finally, after a rough morning, Lin Yi and Miyagi's faces were pale, and they vomited gallbladder several times. When they got out of the car, Lin Yi saw Area 51 written on the road sign, and some warnings in English warning that no entry was allowed. Lin Yi pointed to the road sign and said

"This place has been gone since the nuclear war."

"But the location stated in the letter is here, unless, unless" Fat Brother looked at Xiaoyu halfway through his words.

Xiaoyu is holding the small mirror in his hand to reapply lipstick for herself. Looking at it like this, Xiaoyu is obviously a little impatient.

"Fat brother, if it's wrong, it's because the address you gave me is wrong, and if it's wrong, I have to pay," Xiaoyu said aggressively

"Sister, when did my brother let you suffer?" After saying that, the fat brother took out a stack of world coins from his arms and handed them directly to Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu took the money, raised her eyebrows and laughed.

Every time Lin Yi saw Xiaoyu, her heart would jump wildly, and she didn't know why, but when she saw Xiaoyu's smile, Lin Yi's face turned red all of a sudden.

Xiaoyu got into the car, drifted the car gracefully and made a U-turn on the spot, then kicked the accelerator and drove out. I saw Xiaoyu's arm stretched out from the glass window of the main driver and waved to everyone.

Watching Xiaoyu drive away, Lin Yi also regained his composure and asked Fat Brother

"How to go next?"

The fat guy put on the sunglasses, and then put the equipment on the back of the Victory. He unfolded the map again, and snapped his fingers after a while. Lin Yi and Miyagi followed Fat Brother towards Area 51.

The three of them walked for two hours and the scene had changed. Lin Yi and Miyagi were already sitting on the back of the Victory, and Fat Brother was still studying the map not far in front.

"Brother Fat, do you really know how to read a map? If Victory has a GPS recorder, I really don't know that you have been leading us around in circles."

Because of the hot weather and his own anxiety, Fat Brother was already drenched, and beads of sweat kept falling from his head on the map in front of him. Fat Brother waved his hand impatiently at Miyagi, wiped off his sweat and looked around, only to find that there were no reference marks at all.

"Fat brother, come here quickly. I think it's better to wait until the sky gets darker. If you suffer from heat stroke in a while, the Victory will have no place to carry you." After saying that, Miyagi jumped off the back of the Victory. Walk to Fat Brother and prepare to help Fat Brother to Victory.

Lin Yi was also so hot at this time that his brain was numb, and he was lying on the back of the Victory, Lin Yi said softly to the Victory

"Victory, have you ever been here? The letter said that my father's disappearance was largely due to coming here."

"No! I haven't been here, but I know this place, but I don't know where the specific entrance is."

Lin Yi sighed and jumped off the Victory, then opened the equipment bag, and quickly set up a canopy tent. The three of them rested in the shade of the tent, gradually losing their impatience.

Fat Brother also set up the stove and started preparing dinner, while Miyagi took the map and compared it with the location mentioned in the letter to try to find the mysterious entrance.

The sky gradually darkened, and a little bit of stars appeared in the sky. The temperature also dropped rapidly. Lin Yi stepped out of the tent to look at the starry sky, and suddenly remembered that the position mentioned in the letter was very similar to the constellation at this time.

Lin Yi hurriedly called Fat Brother to bring the map, and then called Miyagi. Take out the map and compare it with the sky, everything is really easy to explain, the tail of Leo is the direction of the mysterious entrance. The three of them burst out laughing immediately, thinking that Fat Brother had spent a long time studying the map of the starry sky with his ass pouted under the scorching sun during the day, as if reading a newspaper backwards.

The three of them didn't waste any more time, and immediately packed up their equipment and set off towards the goal. This time, they arrived at the location marked on the map in less than an hour. A half-short stone gate was hidden behind several huge cacti. The three of them observed carefully around the stone gate, and there was nothing unusual, so they slipped into the stone gate one by one.

Following the stone path, the three of them came to an iron gate. Compared with the dilapidated appearance of the stone gate, it was like the evolution of the earth from the moment they entered the stone path. At this moment, the iron gate already had an electronic password system. Lin Yi entered After typing the password written in the letter, the iron gate opened to both sides, a very small space, just enough to hold Victory and Lin Yi and others.

Fat guy scratched his head and said

"That's not right, there's nothing there!"

"This is an elevator!" Miyagi walked in afterward.

Fatty said embarrassingly

"I know it's an elevator, it's not because you are too nervous to make a joke with you"

After several people entered, the elevator door closed slowly, and then the elevator fell rapidly, and several people felt the feeling of weightlessness. After getting used to it, the elevator door slowly opened again.

Several people couldn't open their eyes under the blinding white light. This is a huge laboratory, but it should have been out of use for a long time. Although the electrical equipment is still operating normally, a layer of dust has accumulated on the ground.

Miyagi was attracted by the experimental equipment in front of him and looked at them one by one. Fat Brother still checked the safety of the entire laboratory like a professional habit. Lin Yi was most concerned about what Mr. Sen asked him to come here to see. Several people split up and acted.

Not long after, Fat Brother told everyone that this place is very safe, you can rest assured, and came to Miyagi to see what these experimental equipments are.

"Miyagi, what kind of experimental equipment are these? They all feel similar." Fat Brother asked suspiciously

"I don't know, but it's definitely about the equipment for human experiments." Miyagi explained to Fat Brother while observing carefully

"Whose laboratory is this? Does the world government know?"

"Should know!" Then Miyagi pointed to the equipment control system.

Fat Brother followed what Miyagi pointed out and took a closer look. Sure enough, there was a symbol of the World Government on the operation interface. This kind of symbol is rare. It was the earliest symbol of the World Government in the new era of science and technology. Ordinary humans do not recognize it. Fat Brother It was only when the angel system gave him a confidential task that he saw it a few times.

Fat Brother was not interested in these things, he just wanted to see what Lin Yi was doing, but he couldn't find Lin Yi when he looked around, so he called out softly

"Linzi? Where are you?"

But there was no response after shouting a few times, and Miyagi also shouted several times but there was no response, the two of them were a little anxious at this moment.

Fat Brother stopped Miyagi and pointed to the footprints on the ground.

Then the two chased after the marks of Lin Yi and Victory on the ground.

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