Fat Brother and Miyagi walked along the footprints while looking at the glass containers of the same size around them.

"Miyagi, do these experimental equipment look familiar to me?"

"Your memory is really bad! It's not familiar, these containers are exactly the same as the ones on the Spirit Planet" Miyagi replied while looking at the marks on the ground

"That's right! Did I say that? It looks so familiar!" The fat brother finally remembered where he had seen these glass containers.

There is still yellow liquid in the glass container, and a series of bubbles spit out from the bottom of the container from time to time, and the shadows of Fat Brother and Miyagi are reflected on the glass container from time to time. The fat man looked a little numb, suddenly the fat man stopped, and said to Miyagi

"Miyagi, shouldn't it be? Are these things installed the same as those on the Lingshen planet?"

Miyagi didn't answer Fat Brother's question, but continued to look for Lin Yi's footprints with a gloomy face, hoping to find Lin Yi sooner.

Suddenly, Lin Yi's shout was heard not far ahead, Fat Brother and Miyagi looked at each other without further delay, and ran along Lin Yi's footsteps.

Walking out of the neatly arranged terrarium area, there is a huge glass aquarium in front of you. Lin Yi and Victory are right in front of the aquarium. Lin Yi squats on the ground and cries, and Victory is also staring at the huge glass container blankly. stuff in.

Fat Brother quickly came behind Lin Yi, and before he could ask what happened to Lin Yi, he was also shocked by the sight in front of him.

I saw that in the glass aquarium, countless human brains were soaked in the water tank. The brains were wrapped in a small glass container, and there were two glass tubes on both sides. However, it may be because the retreat was in a hurry, and some of the glass tubes were still fixed. At the joint below the glass container, some floated above the water without having time to fix it. The whole glass aquarium makes people feel scalp numb.

Miyagi was already vomiting at this moment. Fat Brother just stared blankly, the huge World Government logo behind the aquarium was refracted by the water and looked extremely huge and ironic. It took a long time for Fat Brother to spit out two words slowly from his mouth


Fat brother helped Lin Yi up slowly, and waited until Lin Yi stood up before asking

"Linzi, what are these? Are they human??"

"Fat brother, yes, it is the angel system that uses humans as experiments, obtains human brain tissue fluid, and then endows a type of robot with life and self-awareness"

"Is that the kind of Andis?" asked the fat man

Victory turned its head and said to Fat Brother

"No, Andis is an experiment of human beings themselves. Human beings endowed Andis with self-awareness and preserved human memory for Andis. It can be said to be the continuation of life, but it is not here. This is the angel system. The experiment made by myself is a robot that gives life and self-awareness to the robot, which is brand new!"

Although the fat brother didn't understand it very well, he could also make it clear that the angel system was quietly doing experiments that humans didn't know about.

"So, the angel system has broken away from the shackles of humans, and wants to rule humans?" Fat Brother asked suspiciously

"It may not have been completely successful, and it should be discovered that this experimental base was transferred to the spiritual planet without humans!" Miyagi said out of breath, holding his legs.

"If that's the case, why can we still be sent to the Spirit God Star for missions?" Fat Brother continued to ask

Suddenly a man's voice came from behind.

"It's because you're lucky, and I wanted to get rid of you there!"

The few people were taken aback and hurriedly turned around to look. Perhaps because they were shocked by the scene in front of them, the three of them didn't notice the situation behind them at all.

Fat Brother took a closer look and saw that it was Mr. Wang's assistant who was ridiculed by Lin Yi as the hook-nosed Smith. Behind Smith was a row of Type I robots, and all of them were holding electromagnetic guns, and their guns were aimed at Lin Yi and the others.

Fat Brother's hand slowly touched behind him, but was stopped by the hook-nosed Smith.

"Fatty, be honest! Throw the gun out, even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about the friends around you. I'm not kidding you." The mouth was aimed at Fat Brother's wrist, and countless infrared laser spots hit the foreheads of several people.

The fat brother glanced at Lin Yi, and Lin Yi nodded slowly. Then the fat brother threw out the electromagnetic gun at his waist.

"Fatty don't play tricks, I know where you hide your weapons! Hand them all over!" Smith continued

The fat brother had no choice but to throw it all over the floor.

Smith moved forward a few steps, looked at the weapons thrown by the fat brother, and then pointed to the Victory and Miyagi with the crutch in his hand. Seeing that the two of them were not moving, they winked at a type of robot beside them. This type of robot and Andis are almost carved out of the same mold. At first, the fat brother recognized this type of robot and gave Lin Yi a wink, but Lin Yi shook his head and confirmed that this was not Andis. I saw this type of robot coming to Miyagi, after a careful search, he turned out Miyagi's sidearms and threw them on the ground, then came to the side of the Victory, took out the electronic jammer from his waist and stuck it on the victory On the phone, the Victory phone went into standby mode as soon as the screen went black before it could speak.

Lin Yi shouted Victory and wanted to rush over, but with a bang, Lin Yi was hit in the thigh, and blood oozed from his pants immediately. Seeing this, the fat guy immediately supported Lin Yi and yelled at Smith

"Damn you, if you want to die, give it a good time. I really didn't expect to fall into your hands today!"

Smith ignored the fat man and turned his head to look at the type of robot that fired the gun. He was about to say something, but when he heard the fat man's shout, he turned his head back and laughed loudly.

Moving forward a few steps, the robot behind him immediately took out a chair, and Smith sat directly on the chair.

Fat Brother and Miyagi helped Lin Yi to sit down, and Miyagi opened the backpack to take out the first aid medicine. A robot next to Smith tried to stop it, but was stopped by Smith with a wave of his hand.

Cut Lin Yi's pants, blood gushed out one by one

"Linzi, don't die, Amitof, God bless!"

Miyagi calmly took out the tourniquet to tie Lin Yi's thigh, and then injected Lin Yi's other leg, then gritted his teeth and poked his finger into the hole in Lin Yi's leg to see what it was. Bullet, but the finger turned twice in it and found nothing. He looked up at Fat Brother. The fat brother also calmed down from his panic, and when he saw the bullet hole in Lin Yi's leg, he cursed.

"Don't buckle that shit, it's an air bomb!"

Then Miyagi put the disposable gunshot treatment device on Lin Yi's wound. The screen on the treatment device showed that it was analyzing, and then entered the treatment reading bar. When the progress bar was completed, the treatment device automatically fell off. The gunshot wound on Lin Yi's leg has been stitched up. But Lin Yi didn't wake up, and was still lying in the fat man's arms with his head drooping.

Smith couldn't help clapping his hands when he saw this scene, the expression on his face was extremely exaggerated and excited. then said

"Lin Yi! Your father is much stronger than you!"

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