Lin Yi was fully awake three hours later, lying in Xiaoyu's arms, Fat Brother built a bonfire next to the transportation capsule. Andis was also removed from the car by the fat brother and placed next to the campfire.

Lin Yi sat up in Xiaoyu's arms with difficulty, looking at a new mound of earth not far away.

"That's it?" Lin Yi asked

"Oh, that old guy Smith!" Fat guy replied while stirring the bonfire constantly

"How did he die?" Lin Yi asked in confusion

"Him?" Fat Brother was about to continue when he was interrupted by Xiaoyu

"He committed suicide, probably because he fell into our hands and felt afraid of being tortured, so he shot himself!"

After saying that, Xiaoyu winked at Fat Brother, and Fat Brother immediately understood.

Lin Yi felt as if his headache was about to explode, so he took a bag of drinking water beside him, unscrewed it, and poured it on his head. He rubbed his face vigorously with his hands.

But Lin Yi felt very strange seeing the blood on his hand, and just wanted to ask Xiaoyu what happened to the blood on his hand.

Xiaoyu pointed to Andis next to him, and said

"Let's go after a good rest, send it to the launch center as soon as possible, and repair Andis. I saw the tissue fluid in his core began to flow out. I don't know how much it will affect him!"

Lin Yi also looked over, and sure enough, as Xiaoyu said, Andis's body was already soaked in a large area, and yellow liquid continued to seep slowly along the big hole in his chest.

"Are you going with us?" Lin Yi asked

"No, I still have my business. If there is a destiny, we will meet again." Xiaoyu will still be so cheerful.

After finishing speaking, Xiaoyu stood up, arranged her clothes, and began to check and load the equipment one by one into her retro American car. Fat Brother also followed to help.

"Is there any problem with Lin Yi's appearance like this?" Fat Brother whispered to Xiaoyu

"I don't know, just keep watching and don't tell him yet!" Xiaoyu replied in a low voice

Seeing the two whispering, Lin Yi also wanted to walk over, but he couldn't move his leg at all. He looked at the air bomb wound on his leg. Although it had healed up, the heart-pounding pain still surged up heart.

Lin Yi could only close his eyes and lean on the traffic capsule.

After all the gestures were done, the fat brother helped Lin Yi into the traffic bag, and waved goodbye to Xiaoyu.

Close the car door, fat brother said to himself

"When this task is over, why don't you tell the old man to fix me a retro car? This shit is too unreliable!"

Then the traffic capsule slowly rose and headed towards the launch center.

It was early in the morning when they arrived at the launch center, Ah Xing and Ah Jiu had already been waiting for Lin Yi and Fat Brother at the gate of the launch center, and they hadn't contacted for such a long time, Ah Xing was already in a hurry. Seeing Fat Brother's traffic capsule stop, he was relieved.

Opening the car door, Ah Jiu sent Andis to the maintenance workshop, where Miyagi and Victory were also undergoing maintenance. The fat brother helped Lin Yi to the temporary medical room of the launch center. After Lin Yi was given an injection by the doctor, he fell into a deep sleep again, lying in the dormant cabin, the fat brother could only stand outside the dormant cabin and watch Lin Yi. Not long after, Ah Xing, Ah Jiu, and Miyagi all came to the dormant cabin one by one to watch Lin Yi rest quietly in the dormant cabin.

The four surrounded Lin Yi. The fat brother told the other three people everything verbatim, which is also what Lin Yi asked the fat brother on the transportation capsule.

Lin Yi didn't want his personal affairs to get mixed up in the mission. And now it's not just the angel system that is so simply involved, the angel system, the Dark Alliance, my father, Director Wang, and other forces are all intertwined. If you want to get out of your body, your life will be in danger. It's okay for the rest, especially the fat brother already has his own child, Lin Yi doesn't want to drag everyone down because of him!

"Three, I am very happy to meet you, and so is Lin Zi, but now things are not as simple as setting out missions for the Angel system, and all purposes and plans need to be changed. It is a good opportunity to quit now, and no matter what time you want to It’s okay to leave, but I just want everyone to think about it carefully!” The fat brother repeated Lin Yi’s word for word to get rid of him.

The three of them looked at each other, Miyagi held his chin and said

"You really have to think about it! Our captain has too many secrets! And he seems too kind."

"Yes, yes, and I have never known what abilities he has? Could it be that he has a pitiful attribute when he sees people?" Ah Jiu also said

"Yeah, the technology is not as good as Ah Jiu, the theory is not as good as mine, the brain is not as good as Miyagi, and the body is not as good as Fat Brother." A Xing also nodded and echoed.

After hearing this, the fat brother became anxious and yelled:

"Let me tell you guys, it's not like you don't know how Lin Zi treats you. Even if you plan to quit, you won't be able to bury Lin Zi like this."

After finishing speaking, the fat brother began to push a few people out of the house, shouting while pushing

"Walk, walk, walk, it's my fat man who is blind and misjudged you all to go."

Pushing everyone out the door, the fat brother came to Lin Yi's dormant cabin and muttered to himself

"I'm sorry, Lin Zi, I didn't expect to disappoint you!"

"I'm sorry for what? Why are you disappointed?" Lin Yi said.

The fat brother was startled by Lin Yi and hurriedly asked

"Why are you awake? Let's rest a little longer"

Lin Yi sat up and asked

"where are they?"

The fat brother hesitated for a moment and didn't know how to answer Lin Yi. Seeing Fat Brother's appearance, Lin Yi guessed it himself. Then he smiled slightly and said to Fat Brother

"Fatty brother, you should go back too! I didn't want to drag everyone down. It's good to be like this! Go back and spend time with your sister-in-law and children. I'm very grateful that you didn't leave! Thank you, fat brother!"

Just as Fat Brother was about to refute Lin Yi, the door of the room was opened. Miyagi, Ah Xing, Ah Jiu, and the Victory, and finally Andis also walked in!

"You?" Lin Yi asked blankly

"We report to Captain Lin! Complete the mission together! The ultimate goal is to land on Kepler!"

Lin Yi's eyes were already wet with tears, and he didn't want everyone to see it! He just kept complaining that Fat Brother shouldn't lie to himself with them! Fat Brother felt very wronged, and regretted what he said to the few people just now. Both of them felt embarrassed, so they could only lower their heads and keep saying sorry.

The crowd hugged tightly, and Andis and the Victory were standing not far away. Lin Yi suddenly looked up at the two robots, and pulled them over to surround them.

One hand, two hands, three hands,,,,

Until the cumbersome robot arms of the Victory came together. Five humans and two machines shout together

"Target Kepler! Come on! Forward!"

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