A ray of sunlight hit Lin Yi's face slowly in the morning, and Lin Yi especially enjoyed the feeling of being woken up by the sunlight. This was the second day after returning home to rest. After the launch center broke up, all the team members returned home to make adjustments and waited for the order from the angel system. Lin Yi also decided that his current strength was still too small. Now that Smith was temporarily solved, he should listen to the angel system first, and then Be the same as ever!

"Victory? Where's my breakfast? Is it ready?" Lin Yi yelled lazily while lying on the bed.

The bedroom door was gently pushed open immediately, but it wasn't Victory, Lin Yi took a closer look and found that it was Xiaoyu, wearing her oversized T-shirt, walking in with breakfast. Lin Yi blushed immediately and pulled the quilt over again, covering herself.

"Xiaoyu? Why are you here? When did you come!" Lin Yi asked hesitantly

"I came in last night! Seeing that you slept soundly, I didn't bother you. You don't mind borrowing another piece of clothing for you to wear?" After finishing speaking, Xiaoyu put the finished sandwich into her mouth, and put the remaining The lower part was in front of Lin Yi, just sitting cross-legged on the bed, as if waiting for Lin Yi.

Lin Yi felt even more embarrassed. just stuck his head out and asked

"Why don't you go out and wait for me? I'll go out after I get dressed, okay?"

Xiaoyu didn't seem to hear, she forked a sausage and stuffed it into her mouth, and said to Lin Yi

"Mr. Lin, hurry up. There is nothing to be embarrassed about being so grown-up. I am not even a girl. I am afraid that you will take advantage of me. How can you be so coy as a young man? Get up quickly, there are important things to do!" After that, Xiaoyu's face was full of seriousness.

Seeing Xiaoyu's face change, Lin Yi didn't dare to think too much, and immediately stuffed breakfast into her mouth carelessly while getting dressed.

After tidying up, Lin Yi looked at Xiaoyu seriously and asked what was the matter.

"It's like this, someone asked me to meet you. Originally, I was only responsible for helping to communicate with you, but this time it was because you were involved, so I thought about it, and finally decided to bring this message to you! "Xiaoyu changed from her cute and hippie smiling face, and became very serious.

"Who? Why do you want to see me?"

"Well, the Dark Alliance, a student of Mr. Sen!"

"Do you think it's necessary for me to see you?"



"My intuition!"

After listening to Xiaoyu's intuition, Lin Yi agreed without hesitation, and then asked if he could bring Fat Brother with him, Xiaoyu replied that it depends on whether Fat Brother has time, and the rest is up to him. It doesn't matter!

"Then are you coming too?" Lin Yi asked

"I have other important things!" Xiaoyu replied

The two fell into silence again.

Not long after, the fat brother hurried to Lin Yi's house. The fat brother didn't even knock on the door. After entering the password, he walked into Lin Yi's house in a big way. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Lin Yi and Xiaoyu sitting face to face. Wearing Lin Yi's T-shirt, the fat brother was so scared that he wanted to return it. But Lin Yi and Xiaoyu stopped him at the same time.

Fat brother bowed his waist and blinked his eyes and said sorry to the two of them, next time he must knock on the door, he must knock on the door.

Lin Yi and Xiaoyu waved at Fat Brother embarrassingly at the same time, expressing that Fat Brother had indeed misunderstood. Xiaoyu hurriedly changed the topic, and told Fat Brother the reason why he came here.

After the two were ready, they bid farewell to Xiaoyu and went to the place Xiaoyu notified. The thing that made the fat brother very happy this time was that the fat brother could drive the Abraham. Although Abraham was too big for a transportation capsule, but After entering the altitude of 7000 meters, it is almost the world of Abraham.

This time the destination is Cairo, Egypt.

Lin Yi and Fat Brother took the Abraham to Cairo. Although the time was much slower than the transportation capsule, the two of them had completely lost trust in any tool of the Angel system.

When they arrived at the destination, people from the Dark Alliance were waiting for Lin Yi and Fat Brother.

Lin Yi and Fat Brother parked the Abraham. As soon as they stepped off the spaceship, two men in black came to meet them. This outfit was different from the previous Dark Alliance outfits. Lin Yi and Fat Brother also looked at each other and felt a little strange. After confirming the handover signal left by Xiaoyu, Lin Yi and Fat Brother followed the two men in black in peace.

After walking for nearly half an hour, when the fat brother wanted to have a seizure, he finally arrived, in front of a small pyramid. Seeing this pyramid, both Lin Yi and the fat brother couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Almost exactly the same!

Before they could take a closer look, the two were invited in by the man in black. The interior of the pyramid is quite different from the dilapidated appearance of the pyramid. The interior decoration is almost the same as that of the new era of technology. Busy people in black and various small robots are busy in a tense and orderly manner.

In the end, the two men in black brought Lin Yi and Fat Brother into a small office, and brought coffee to signal them to take a moment.

"Lin Zi? This could be the old lair of the Dark Alliance, don't say anything else, if you call the Angel system now, your fat brother will be able to enjoy the rest of his life in the next life!"

Lin Yi smiled slightly after hearing this, sipped his coffee and said

"I think people may not be afraid at all, or they have been prepared for it! Or neither of us can go out."

The fat guy stood up and looked outside through the glass window. The whole hall didn't seem to be any different because of his arrival and Lin Yi's arrival.

Not long after, the glass door was knocked lightly twice, and then a tall and burly man walked in, comparable to Fat Brother. The visitor had dark skin and wrinkled faces. Although the vicissitudes of life, but very capable. The three of them observed each other for a while before realizing that they were just standing there.

"Hello, both of you! My name is Daniel! I forgot to mention it just now, come, let's sit down and talk!" Daniel said with a hearty smile as he invited Lin Yi to sit down with Fat Brother

"Mr. Niu, I wonder why you asked me and my friend to come here?" Lin Yi asked

"Hey~ Don't call me Mr. Niu so awkward, just call me Da Niu, if you really can't call me Brother Da Niu!" Da Niu replied

"Okay, Big Brother! You must also know that my friend and I are the current identities, so I think if we stay here for too long, it will not be good for anyone! So" Lin Yi said directly

"Haha, brother Lin, I like this character! But it's not that I want to see you two, but someone else, but now he has an important matter that is temporarily delayed, but don't worry, I believe that he will be here in half an hour, so Don't be impatient, I'll accompany you two for a while!" After finishing speaking, Daniel picked up his coffee and took a sip.

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