After eating the staple food, while tasting the sundae while chatting casually, Wang Ye and Yingli Li finally ended this lunch before one o'clock, not very expensive consumption, but the service was very thoughtful, and Yingli Li three people chatted with each other too hi.

During the period, even discussed in advance where to go next, paid the money to leave the maid café, Wang Ye and the three did not take a taxi again, but chose to walk.

Their destination is a large shopping mall two streets away from here, and there are many collections of figurines and games for sale, and the distance between them is more than 1,500 meters, and they can reach the location while chatting and strolling.

When you enter the mall, there are more COS inside, and most of them are store staff, where you can see various COS, and you can also find a variety of figurines, games, etc. in each store.

"Then first of all, the first stop, I remember that there is a collector's version of the game to buy at the right-hand side, go to this first."

Looking at the mall, Wang Ye looked at the nearest game store on the right, and walked in with the three of them.

There is a saying, although the collector's version of the game here is more expensive than the one bought online, but the packaging is also more fancy, and there will be small gifts, according to the original plan, Wang Ye and the three spent two hours, in the mall to visit all the famous stores, the purchased things are basically directly carried in the hand.

Wang Ye is okay, but after coming out, the things in the hands of Kasumi Hills Shiyu and Ying Li are enough for the two beautiful girls to endure, because there are other places to visit behind, Wang Ye and the three simply came out and went directly to the express delivery site, and all the things they bought were sent home by express.

Subsequently, Wang Ye and the three went to the second destination, the third destination, and it was not until six o'clock in the afternoon that Wang Ye and the three returned home from the newly entered subway station.

"Then, I'll go back first."

Out of the subway station, Kasumigaoka Shiyu directly waved goodbye, but was stopped by Wang Ye.

"Today Yingli Li officially signed, I am ready to celebrate again, Shiyu also come together, tomorrow will go back will be the same~"

Looking at Shiyu Kasumigaoka who waved goodbye, Wang Ye hurriedly reached out to stop her and proposed.

The last celebration was because Yingli Pear was officially notified, and this time, it was officially signed, and it was also a day of great significance, Wang also felt that he should celebrate, make a barbecue on the roof, Kasumigaoka Shiyu stayed in Wang Ye's house for a day yesterday, it should not be worse than this day's time, right?

"Let's celebrate: Well, stay for Eitashi to celebrate tonight. "

Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu agreed directly without thinking, and when she officially signed the contract, the family also celebrated a little, and now since Wang is also ready to celebrate Yingli. Then stay and stay for a night, she believes her parents will understand her.

"Okay, let's take a taxi back and I'll take Thor to buy the ingredients for the night, and I'll go to the rooftop for an open-air barbecue tonight!"

Seeing that Kasumi Hills Shiyu agreed, Wang also nodded, took a taxi, and walked home too slowly, or it was more comfortable and faster to take a taxi directly!

"Open-air barbecue, I want to eat grilled leeks, fish!"

Eyes on the face, sitting in the rental of English pear has been impatient, barbecue this thing, although usually rarely eaten, but English pear also like it, occasionally eat barbecue in the store, but barbecue and barbecue began to be a little different, English pear more like to eat barbecue.

Grilled meat is directly put on top of the meat slices to grill, and then dipped in seasoning, barbecue is marinated meat and the like, when grilled even without adding ingredients taste good, if there is cold happy water, it is even better!

"Don't worry, there will be no less."

Looking at Ying Lili's impatient expression through the rearview mirror, Wang Ye responded with a smile.

Barbecue has always been Wang Ye's favorite food, since the last life has been very like, although the taste of this life has become light, but who said that barbecue has to be heavy, Wang still likes to eat barbecue.

"Is there anything Shiyu wants to eat?"

"Barbecue... Beef"

After thinking seriously for a while, Shiwa Kasumigaoka replied with some doubt.

She didn't have anything she particularly liked, but she didn't like it either, and if she had to say it, it might be beef. Although Shiwa Kasumigaoka is a girl, she is a carnivore, and the protein and fat she absorbs are also obediently grown in the place where she should go.

"There will definitely be beef, forget it, there will be no less meat and vegetables by then."

There is a row of black lines hanging on the forehead, barbecue must have several kinds of meat, mutton, pork, beef, but also the most common three meats, how could Wang forget to buy it.

Not enough Since Kasumigaoka Shiyu has already said so, then there should be nothing picky, then it is easy to do, with Connor there, no matter how much barbecue is prepared, it is not afraid of waste, and everything is more.

Back at home, Yingli and Kasumigaoka Shiyu rested on the sofa, and Wang Ye directly pulled Thor and left again, and on the way, he also invited the neighbor next door, Lily Bell, Little Evil God, Jia Baili, and even Wang also asked Jia Baili to invite Rafier and others again.

Then it was time to buy ingredients, well, five pounds to start, and finally there was no way, Thor had to go on a cognitive barrier, and the two of them went directly back to their home through the space door. After dragging large bags into the room, both Eiri and Kasumigaoka Shiwa were stunned.

"That's too much, right? Can we finish eating? Won't it go to waste? "

Looking at Wang Ye and Thor's two large bags, Kasumigaoka Shiyu asked stunned.

"Don't worry, I also invited my friends next door to finish eating." By the way, Thor, does Aluma have an invitation? Let's invite us too. "

"Okay, I'll go invite Aluma."

Since it was Wang Ye's proposal, Thor did not have the idea of refusing, although Thor still hated Aluma a little, but when there were so many barbecue delicacies, Aluma should not make trouble, as long as Aluma did not make trouble, Thor could still accept it.

After inviting Aluma, Thor and Wang Ye began to process the ingredients, Thor changed the knife, Wang also marinated the meat, Kasumigaoka Shiwa directly took over the work of washing vegetables, and Yingli and Lukoya were responsible for the hand.

Vegetarian meals are easy to do, but meat has to be dressed into skewers, which is more troublesome, but fortunately, before you can start wearing skewers, Lily Bell and others arrived.

Ding dong~

"Excuse me~"*N

PS: Book set sail: ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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