
Carrying the ingredients they brought with them in their hands, Lily Ling and the others fell silent looking at the rich ingredients that Wang Ye and the others had prepared, they seemed to have done something superfluous?

Although each person does not bring a lot of things, but they add up to six people, all put together, they can barely have half of what the king also prepared, but everyone is also full of sincerity, this is just a simple king also prepared too much.

So, why did it become like this? The so-called open-air barbecue, shouldn't everyone bring some food over, and then everyone will deal with it and share it together? Why did Wang Ye alone pay for everyone's share? Is there a mistake in their understanding? In fact, the friendship between them can already be at the level of white barbecue?

"You also brought things here, and you broke the bank." Since you took it, let's deal with it together, anyway, it won't be wasted in the end, can I trouble you to help put on the meat skewers first? Thor and I went to dispose of the things that everyone had brought over. "

Looking at what everyone was holding in their hands, Wang Ye was also silent for a while, but soon came back to his senses, isn't it just to add food, and finally it is okay not to waste it, and his king will accept it unceremoniously!

It just so happens that there are some foods that the king has not considered, such as mushrooms and the like, which is more varied, and the barbecue on the evening can be enjoyed.

"No problem, leave it to us~!"

Giving the things in his hand to Wang Ye, Lily Bell took the lead in taking over the work of threading the skewers, so to say that Wang was also the host of the barbecue celebration banquet, although they brought food, but compared to Wang Ye prepared too little, even if Wang is not the host, they will help, after all, they are neighbors.

As for Wang Ye, he said that he would not waste it in the end, which Lily Bell they all believed, you must know that there are four dragons here, this thing is completely out of the question!

The division of labor began, or Thor changed the knife, and Wang also marinated meat. Jia Baili and the others gathered together, and each of them began to string bamboo skewers, while joking and chatting with each other.

'Do you want to wear this?' ’

'See how I'm dressed?' ’


'I'm going to work on too~ I will definitely not lose~! ’

From time to time, such sounds will enter the kitchen, and everyone is in a happy mood, which is a rare party, and it is also to celebrate the successful signing of Eiri and officially become the artist of the love metronome manga version.

The scene gathered humans, dragons, angels, demons. People of these races were able to get together for celebrations, open-air barbecues and so on. It's a rare scene in other worlds!

Time always flows by inadvertently, jokingly, and before you know it, all the ingredients are ready, wrapped in plastic wrap, and everyone starts to vigorously

Wang Ye and Thor brought two large ovens, Aluma carrying wood, and the others with ingredients and stools, and folding tables, to the roof of the apartment.

By this time the sun had set, the moon had just risen, and the time was just right. With the hum of the blower, a layer of charcoal under the two large ovens burns, the hum ends, and after a moment the open flame disappears, and the barbecue can begin!

The chef of the barbecue is Thor and Wang Ye, because there are too many ingredients prepared, so there are many roasts together, and soon the aroma of barbecue pervades the roof, and the women who have long been waiting for it secretly swallow saliva by smelling the aroma of barbecue.

"The first batch of meat skewers are good~"

With Wang Ye and Thor's soft drink, the grilled meat skewers were directly put into the empty basin, and Lukoya was responsible for delivering them to the table, but no one took the lead. Instead, he put a layer of plastic wrap on it, pierced a few small holes to breathe, and then chatted again.

The full moon rose, the last barbecue was grilled, and the charcoal fire left behind continued to burn in the stove, and Wang Ye and Thor came to the table after wiping a handful of sweat.

"So, let's congratulate Eiri on officially signing a contract with the Immortal River Bunko and becoming the artist of the Love Metronome manga version. Cheers~!

Picking up the happy water placed in the ice bucket, without preparing a cup, directly opening it and holding the whole bottle in his hand, Wang Ye looked at Yingli Pear with a smile on his face and drank loudly.

"Congratulations to Yingli Pear on officially signing the contract, cheers!" *N

Holding a glass of happy water, Thor and Lucoya, and Aluma drank beer. After drinking the whole bottle of happy water (beer) in one go, I felt the cold and refreshing feeling coming from the inside out, and everyone officially started!

"Ying Li Li, congratulations on officially signing the Immortal River."

"Eiri, when will the manga be released? I bought it as soon as possible! "

"Eiri pear, Ying Li pear, can you give us a look first? Just a glance! "

Soon, the protagonist of the banquet, Ying Li Pear, received the siege of everyone, and they all gathered around Ying Li Pear, grilled it again, enjoyed delicious food, and began to bombard Ying Pear in anticipation.

And Wang Ye sat quietly on the side, tasting the delicacy again and again, while looking at Ying Li Li with a smile, and answered everyone in a panic.

"Eituri is so popular~"

Moved his position to Wang Ye's side, among the people present, Kasumigaoka Shiyu actually didn't know many people, that is, Wang Ye, Yingli Li, and Thor a few people. But now everyone is gathered around Yingli, and Thor and the others are no exception.

To be honest, Shiwa Kasumigaoka is a little envious of Eiri Pear, and she also wants such a welcome, instead of the so-called 'popular' that girls stay away from, and boys look at them with lust. She also seems to have so many good friends.

"Why do I smell a smell of vinegar? Seeing that English pear is so popular, are you jealous? "

After pretending to sniff around, Wang Ye quipped to Kasumi Hills Shiyu.

This tone, oh that sour~ But Wang also understands where Kasumigaoka Shiyu's sour meaning comes from.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with you being so envious, you just don't want to actively associate with those who stay away. No friends are temporary, now I, Eiri, Thor, Connor, Xiaoai, Lukoya, which one is not your friend? So there is nothing to envy, right? You already have us as friends~"


Hearing this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was stunned, Wang Ye said that she really didn't notice, it turned out that unconsciously, the friends around her were not only Ying Lili and Wang Ye, there were already so many friends?

"I got the bull's horn. This skewer is delicious. "

PS: Book set sail: ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!! _

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