"Okay, it worked."

The magic array in his hand disappeared, Lukoya nodded to the king, and now he has successfully modified the cognition and memory of Yukinoshita's parents, and Yukino Yukino's mother is definitely a normal mother in the future!

And Yukoshita Yukino's father will not find anything abnormal, both of them will forget the scene they just saw, in the memories of the two, it was Wang Ye who persuaded Yukinoshita Yukino's mother, and Yukinoshita Yukino's mother was persuaded to change her evil!

Hearing this, Wang also canceled the sandalwood that bound his parents under the snow, and since it was over, there was no need to continue to bind people, otherwise he would have to trouble Lukoya again.

"Thank you for your guidance, I know what to do in the future."

After the sandalwood that bound the couple under the snow disappeared, Yukishita's mother and Yukishita's father came to their senses, and as soon as they woke up, Yukinoshita's mother bowed to Wang Ye and respectfully expressed her gratitude.

In the memory of Yukishita's mother, it was Wang Ye's timely appearance that let her know her mistake, and at the same time avoided a crisis in the Yukoshita family, which deserves her such thanks.

"Well, go out and meet Yukinoshita Yukinoshita and Yukinoshita Yono, me and Lukoya won't continue to nag, I think you must have a lot to say to the two of them now."

Nodded, Wang also led Lukoya to the door, the time was not early, if he went back now, he might be able to catch the lunch made by Thor.

"Wait, although I can't help it, but please let me express my gratitude, there is not much money in this card, only 30 million, thank you again."

Seeing that Wang Ye and Lukoya were leaving, Xuexia's mother hurriedly chased after him, took out a bank card from his bag, and handed it to Wang Ye a little nervously.

She knew that this money was not much, and it was not enough to express Wang Ye's kindness for saving the Xuexia family, but now she can only express her gratitude.

"I'll accept it unceremoniously, see you later."

Glancing at the bank card in the hand of his mother under the snow, Wang also thought about putting it away, just because he recently felt that there was not enough pocket money, this is simply dozing off and someone sent a pillow.

Wang also wanted to help, but once again owed Lukoya a favor, it is not too much to collect one 30 million, and Wang also received it with peace of mind!

Seeing that Wang also accepted the bank card he sent, Xuexia's mother finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Wang also thanked her. Wang is also happy because he got a small amount of money, and Yukishita's mother is also happy because she expressed her heart.

Both of them were happy and walked towards the door together.

At the same time, for the sentence in Wang Ye's mouth that there is a chance goodbye, he also has his own calculations in his heart, Wang Ye obviously knows Yukino under the snow, and from the reaction of Yukino under the snow, he can also see something.

It is indeed a chance to see each other, maybe after meeting a few times, she will become a mother-in-law. For the charm of her own girl, Yukinoshita's mother is still very confident!


As soon as the door was pushed open, Xuezhi was about to ask Wang Ye what the result was, but after seeing Wang Ye's mother behind him, he immediately stopped his words and sent Wang Ye an inquiring gaze instead.

"Just send it here, and the next time you can have a good chat with them and make up for the damage that has been done to them over the years."

Giving Yukinoshita Yukinoshita and Yono a reassuring look, Wang Ye turned his head and said to Yukishita's mother and Yukinoshita's father.

Subsequently, Wang Ye and Lukoya left completely, and what happened next had nothing to do with him, and the grievances accumulated in the hearts of Xueno and Yang Nai under the snow for so many years must be able to be vented after they left.

Wang also estimated that after the death of the beginning of school, he might see a different Yukinoshita Yukino.

"Thirty million yuan, you must have a big meal today!"

On the way home, Lukoya still missed the big meal that Wang Ye had promised to come down before, and she gradually liked the food of this world, especially some of the food broadcasters she saw on the Internet.

Those delicacies are all Lucoya has not eaten yet, and Lukoya has wanted to eat for a long time. It's just that Thor hasn't learned how to do it yet, so he endures it for the time being.

But now, she helped Wang Ye once, let Wang Ye prepare a big meal out, she can at least taste what it tastes first, so that she can wait until Thor learns how to do it later

"Good, good, if you have anything you want to eat, just say, I will definitely let you eat the dinner!"

Smiled and nodded, Wang also found that Lukoya has become more and more Aluma recently, gradually becoming a foodie, and often let Thor learn various food practices when he was at home, and now he promised Wang to help, and the reward actually revolved around food.

"Chicken noodles, fried chicken thighs, pork chops, steaks... It seems to be delicious, can I make a list after I go back? "

"I can't take it as if I didn't hear it~!"

As soon as Lukoya's voice fell, Aluma's voice came from the air.

Subconsciously looking up, Aluma was wearing an OL suit at this time, holding her hands to her chest and flying in the air, looking down at Wang Ye and Lukoya.

I don't know if it's Wang Ye's illusion, feeling that Aluma seems to be slightly fatter than when she first met her?

"Aluma? Why are you here? "

Looking curiously at the sudden appearance of Aluma, Rukoya questioned.

Obviously I didn't feel the existence of Aluma before, could it be that this is the power of foodies?

"Of course I'm going to be here, Lukoya, which two human memories you modified, I can't assume that I didn't see it."

Slowly descending from the sky, Aluma said imposingly, but kept giving Wang Ye a look to hint at Wang Ye.

Lukoya modified the human memory, she Aluma can't be regarded as not seeing, but if she has a share of the big meal afterwards, then she can find nothing!

After recently starting to work in this world, Aluma has been saving food every day, because the salary has not yet arrived, just took this opportunity to support food and drink, tenaciously survive this month, and after receiving the salary next month, she can eat whatever she wants. The job she is looking for is not bad, and the salary is quite high.

"How about taking you a big meal on the evening?"

"No problem, I promise I won't see anything today!"

PS: Book set sail: ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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