The square sandalwood rose from the floor, tying a big Celestial Knot, flexible simply did not want to look like wood, the first time Amano Yangna was suspicious, but after reaching out and touching it, pinching it could not move, the wooden feel, all proved that this was true.

This method is simply unprecedented, unheard of, and has never heard of anyone who can do such a thing, even magic, because magic is visual effects, and these sandalwood are real.

"You, the country's security service?"

After two seconds of silence, Amano Yona blinked, it was now Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika who swept over, and did not see the two of them surprised at all, guessed.

In the information age, everything spreads very quickly, and there are a lot of legends on the Internet, such as the country's security department, which seems to have a special and very mysterious department that specializes in dealing with supernatural events and dealing with this kind of thing.

Since Wang Ye is not magic, but a real means, then it is not surprising that Kaguya Shinomiya and Fujiwara Chika should also be members of it? Further, Wang also said that it is also true that she has gained the ability to control the weather?

"The country doesn't have the department you said, that's just a rumor. But I've just wanted you to prove it, it's true. Now listen to me, don't use this power, you who have not cultivated, once you use it, you will be sacrificed to the sky, the so-called weather witch. The symptom is that you will gradually become made of water, the body will be transparent, and finally the world will evaporate, and no one will remember you. "

After canceling the merit of sandalwood, the sandalwood was also put away by Wang Ye, who crossed his hands against his chin and opened his mouth to warn. At the same time, he also explained to Yona Amano the origin of this ability.

After his strength became stronger, it would cause the two dragons to become stronger, so that the sky could withstand more people connected, which was something that Wang did not expect, and he did not calculate at the beginning.

But now that he knows, the tragedy or something will be avoided, and Wang is also ready to take back the ability of Amano Yangna, and make preparations to prevent other people with the same physique from inadvertently connecting to the sky.

"This is a force from another world? Mastered by you, there was a small accident after the strength became stronger? "

Looking at Wang Ye stunned, Amano Yona felt that everything today seemed to be a dream, like a dream.

Whether you meet the shrine in the grove, this thing existed when the world was together, and the country was not prepared to take care of it, and now it is still a big door, and it can't be managed, so Amano Yona knows.

But after walking through the torii gate, everything began to become dreamy, and she was suddenly taken to the sky, and only had time to enjoy the beautiful scenery from a moment above and began to fall, until at some point, she woke up again in front of the shrine.

This is followed by the broadcast of the student union, followed by Wang Ye proving himself and telling the origin of his ability as if it were a novel.

Can I really control the weather?

Such thoughts also appeared in his mind, but Amano Yona tried it together, and Wang also said that once the ability was used, she would be sacrificed, and the world would no longer remember him.

This death-like fear surrounded Amano Yona, making Amano Yona dare not make any rash moves.

"Simply put, that's it."

"But now that the weather outside has begun to change, won't I disappear soon?!"

As Wang Ye nodded, Amano Yona began to become frightened, reaching out and groping around on her body, now the weather outside has changed, maybe she used this unintentionally, she herself didn't know the ability she had acquired?!

"Don't touch it, you can't touch it. Don't look, I'm still here. It's not a change you're causing yourself, rest assured. It's just a reaction that has a second person connected to the sky, and the sky is self-sufficient. Although there is a relationship with you, it is not great. "

Looking at Amano Yangna, who began to groping himself indiscriminately, resulting in messy clothes, Wang Ye shook his head helplessly, sure enough, he still looked too high at Amano Yangna.

Even if Amano Yona's performance in the original book is good, but it is only her ability, without her mother, but there is a younger brother to support, so she should be ready to earn enough tuition for her younger brother, and I think this is enough.

But Yona Amano is different in this world, she does not have a younger brother, but she has a normal family and her parents are alive. Suddenly, he got an ability that he didn't even know, and was told that he would die slowly if he used it.

Yona Amano still began to panic.

"However, you said that my mood may also affect the weather, so it can be considered that I used the ability, right? What if? "

Even if Wang said so, but Amano Yangna was still panicked, not afraid of 10,000, just in case, she lived well and didn't want to die so unclear, and in the end, there was not even a single person who remembered her!

That would be miserable, wouldn't it?!

"So I'm here." Don't worry, I called you here to solve this matter. I can cut you off from the sky, and you won't continue to have this ability, panic. "

"What do I need to do? Please cut this connection quickly! "

Hearing this, Amano Yangna suddenly became excited, looked at Wang Ye expectantly, and couldn't wait to speak.

Now the ability is on her for a minute, and she is dangerous for a minute. She doesn't want to cultivate something, just be an ordinary person, although she will still be curious about this aspect, the devil knows if she can cultivate, and Wang is willing to take her to cultivate!

She doesn't expect those, she just hopes that her life is no longer in danger, right!?

"Don't do anything, it's enough for you to come to the student union, I will cut off your connection to the sky, and at the same time, you will lose your ability." In the future, I will also pay attention to this aspect, if there is a hint, cut it off, you can rest assured. "

Amano Yona is connected to the sky because he has become stronger, and the two 'dragons' have also become stronger, so the sky can connect to the second person, and because of Amano Yona's physique, it is directly connected to Amano Yona.

But this actually has a law to follow, as long as Wang Ye controls it well, this kind of thing will not happen in the future, and the extra connection will only be connected to his own body!

"Whew~ please cut off the connection with the sky."

"Well, since you have no opinion, I'll start."

PS: Book set sail: ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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