"Very confident, An Yilun. Are you so sure that Yukino Yukinoshita can help you write a good plan? "

Putting the light novel in his hand into his bag, Wang also knew that Yukino would definitely accept this commission, but could Yukino really help An Yilun?

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish, this is the action policy of the Ministry of Service, the church An Yilun also wrote the plan, and the last person who wrote the plan was An Yilun, the previous came up with such an unsightly plan, An Yilun can really do it? This is not the original!

The original book is in various reasons, whether it is Kasumigaoka Shiwa or Eiri Ri, and even Megumi Kato is helping An Yirenya, but in reality? Megumi Kato is not interested, Kasumigaoka Shiyu just came to return the favor, and Eiri Li is even more indifferent to An Yilun, so it is difficult to say.

"Minister Yukinoshita, please, let me write a plan that shocks Shiza enough! This is the plan I wrote before! "

Without answering Wang Ye, An Yilun also directly proved with actions, took out his previous plan, came to Yukoshita Yukino, a standard taxi seated, respectfully handed his plan to Yukishita Xueno, and pleaded.

In a sense, An Yilunye's behavior, in order to achieve the goal, can drop everything behavior, Wang Ye still appreciates, this is a good advantage in other people, but on An Yilun, he used it in the wrong place!

"Entrust me to take it, and there is no need to sit down, the establishment of the Ministry of Service is to solve the commission, I will take a look at your plan first, get up."

Reaching out and taking An Yirenya's proposal book, Yukinoshita Yukino said to An Yiren, looking down at An Yirenya's plan book, and: The corners of Yukinoshita Yukino's mouth twitched.

What did she see? How is it inexplicably all déjà vu? The male protagonist and the female protagonist met, the two experienced the daily life of youth love, and finally came together happily, and in the daily life of youth love, this full sense of déjà vu, like where they have seen it, and then An Yilun also moved over.

Remember, there is a paragraph that her classmates mentioned when discussing the plot, that is, An Yilun is not only a stitching monster, but also has no name for stitching!

"You this.. Are you sure it's a proposal? "

An Yirenya's proposal is very short, and Yukinoshita Yukino quickly reads the entire content and becomes suspicious of the three words of the proposal.

Isn't a proposal a document that explains the company's long-term goals, milestones, business strategy, and tactics? The main purpose is to explain the future direction of the company, how to reach the destination, and what the goal will look like after the goal is achieved.

But An Yilun is also this, how does it look more like the outline of the outline of the novel? The rough outline does not carry such a class?

"Yes, this is my masterpiece! But it was not recognized, so I came to entrust! "

Nodded vigorously, An Yilun did not have the slightest embarrassment, can do such a thing, maybe An Yilun himself does not know what embarrassment is? In short, An Yilun also clarified his intentions again!

"Biqigu, come and see this proposal."

Reaching out and rubbing his temples, Yukishita Yukino felt a hint of headache, An Yilun's attitude was good, but his confidence was overdone. It's not that Yukinoshita Yukinoba can't handle it, but after all, he and Hijiya still have a match, and Hijiya Hachiman is also a member and is qualified to see this project.

"Wow~ meet a mysterious beautiful girl, I am a me. The two ended after kissing happily... Is it. It seems that only the familiar parts are pieced together, and the original origin can be easily seen in all parts of the story. The low quality is not even a deteriorated copy .... This thing is a proposal? "

Yukino took the proposal from Yukinoshita and looked down, and Biya Hachiman made an unceremonious evaluation, although he looked at Yukinoshita Yukino with a surprised face, can this thing be called a proposal document?

Sure enough, he still thought too much, and the existence of Xiang Wang Ye's situation is still rare, and it is common to be this kind of stupid person.

"Don't look at me, he brought this 'proposal'."

Avoiding the gaze of Hijiya Hachiman to look at Wang Ye, Yukishita Yukino gave a thumbs up to Bijiya Hachiman in his heart, good comment! She thinks so too! However, Wang Ye never came to see the meaning of the plan, he had seen it before?

"I didn't come on the day of school, I was late yesterday because of this guy, I have already seen this plan. Rotten and hopeless, I have no way, let him recognize his troubles, and leave it to the two of you to solve. "

Shrugged, Wang also did not give An Yilun face, anyway, An Yilun did not care about these, Wang also always thought that An Yilun was also difficult to write decent things, so I wanted An Yilun to also be able to recognize reality, and how to do it was left to Yukinoshita Yukino and Bijigu Hachiman.

"Trouble~ indeed..."

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