Frankly speaking, Hijiya Hachiman agrees with Wang Ye's statement, and he also wants to get An Yilun to give up the idea of writing a project and then making a GALGAME, everyone has everyone's talent.

If An Yilun really likes making games so much, he can work hard after graduation, or enter a game company, or accumulate enough funds, and when An Yilun is mature enough, hire others to complete this idea.

You can't write a plan, you can hire someone else to write a plan for you, and then use someone else to make the game and finally release it. And now An Yilun is still just a high school student, even if he really cobbled together and found like-minded partners, he may not be able to make any fame, but he is just the same as the group of guys who shouted youth slogans, spending time in vain.

There is no denying that there are geniuses in this world, they detect their talents early on, and they have begun to shine at a young age. The king in front of him is also a ready-made example, and this project in An Yilun's hand proves that he does not have this talent!

"An Yilun, I think it's better for you to give up this idea, first accumulate enough experience, or enough capital, and then set up a small company to make your own games, which is also more effective than starting now."

Placing the 'proposal book' in his hand on the table in front of Yukino under the snow, Hijiya Hachiman sorted out the language and opened his mouth to persuade An Yiren as well.

The reason why Hijiya Hachiman is called a great teacher is because at a young age, he has understood many truths that only adults know, although Hijiya Hachiman is not very popular, but just like Hijiya Hachiman summed up himself, his results are still good. If you work hard after leaving society, you are not unable to contribute.

"I don't agree with your idea, since I accepted this commission, there is no reason to give up, I will seriously guide An Yilun how to write a proposal, even if there is no talent, hard work will definitely bring rewards."

Bijiya Hachiman's words did not wait for An Yilun to also refute it, Yukinoshita Yukino was the first to refute, she also thought that An Yilun also had no talent, but diligence can make up for it, as long as An Yilun is also willing to work hard, he will definitely be rewarded.

And judging from the various performances of An Yilun after he also entered the Ministry of Service, An Yilun also has the momentum of diligence and ability, and also has that kind of enthusiasm, and the snow under the snow will not give up.

"Thank you very much!"

An Yirenya, who had just gotten up and was stuffed aside and hit hard by Hijiya Hachiman, bowed to the snow under the snow at a ninety degree angle.

When everyone did not approve of him, Yukinoshita Yukino approved his idea and was still ready to complete his commission, which was enough for An Yilun to thank him seriously.

"Then, An Yilun let's start too."

Nodding gently, Yukinoshita Yukino accepted An Yilunya's thanks, and immediately began the activities of the Ministry of Service with full action, and taught An Yilun to write a proposal!

In this regard, Wang also held a sideline attitude, and Bijigu Hachiman opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but after glancing at Wang Ye, who didn't care, he thought about it and obediently closed his mouth and said nothing.

In the Ministry of Service, the minister Yukishita Yukinai occupies the first position, and the king also occupies the second position, and can even fight with Yukinoshita Yukinai, and sometimes the king is actually the first. And he is a little Mengxin who has just entered, ranking third, the lowest level of existence.

Hijiya Hachiman did not find himself uncomfortable thoughts, and stood honestly on the sidelines, watching Yukinoshita Yukino's teaching to An Yirenya. Wang also watched with interest.

At first, An Yilun was still very serious and full of momentum and had to learn how to write a proposal, but as time went by, An Yilun also began to desert, and there was a summary of Yukishita Yukino's final summary of the proposal, the left ear went in and the right ear went out, and the upper eyelid and lower eyelid fought when they opened. The vision gradually became a little blurry, and the darkness gradually swallowed An Yilunya's vision.

Bang bang!


Suddenly opened his eyes, greeted An Yilun is also full of firepower, the whole body seems to be surrounded by cold air under the snow snow, this scene An Yilun finally reacted, at this moment in front of him, but known as the snow woman under the snow snow!

"Is that your attitude?! Do you really want to make this game if you want to learn how to write a proposal, but you can't even do it by listening to a simple lecture, but you are still full of fascination and confidence like an elementary school student? If you just come to us to help you write this proposal, then you will be disappointed, the ministry is not a house of everything, and it is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish. "

"Don't say that, Minister, An Yilun also attaches great importance to being able to burst into enthusiasm in the wrong place, and I am still looking forward to what he can come up with under your training."

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