"Eight handwritten suicide notes?"

Liu Guanghai pondered.

"This is very strange."

He was also a former criminal policeman and had rich experience.

At this moment, after Wang Ze's assumption, the case that originally had no clues seemed to become full of doubts.

Li Xiangbin murmured:"If it is really a serial murder case, then there must be……"

He didn't finish.

But the meaning was very clear.

The eighth victim was most likely not the final victim.

In other words, there would be a ninth victim.

That would be a serious problem.

A serial murder case with eight deaths was already considered a major case.

It was enough for Jingzhou to set up a special case team and assign someone to investigate.

Wang Ze continued,"So, we need to find out who is behind this as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, there will be more victims."

"The murderer obviously has a serious antisocial personality and will not stop unless he is caught."

"The longer it takes, the more people will die."

These words almost scared Li Xiangbin and Liu Guanghai into a cold sweat.

If that time really comes, they should just resign immediately to avoid being forced to be held accountable.

""Wang Ze, are you sure?"

Liu Guanghai asked in a deep voice.

Wang Ze smiled and said,"Director Liu, this is the first time you ask me this."

It can be seen that Liu Guanghai is really anxious.

Or rather, he is scared by what he said.

Liu Guanghai said solemnly:"Wang Ze, if this is really a serial murder case, we must not let the murderer continue to be so arrogant and bring disaster to this city."

"You know, we are the last line of defense against crime."

Wang Ze restrained his smile and nodded,"Don't worry, Director Liu, I will do my best."


Liu Guanghai nodded with satisfaction and said,"You and Xiang Bin should work together. If you need anything, just let me know."

Wang Ze blinked and said,"I need"

"Oh?" Liu Guanghai was surprised."Say it."

Wang Ze coughed lightly:"Captain Li said that I should come to the Municipal Bureau after graduation."

Hearing this, Liu Guanghai said as a matter of course:"Nonsense, where do you want to go if you don't come to the Municipal Bureau? You can't run away."

How could he let go of the genius who solved the case at his doorstep so easily.

Even if he had to tie Wang Ze up, he had to tie Wang Ze in.

Wang Ze rubbed his eyebrows and said,"Then do I still need an internship?"

Liu Guanghai was stunned.

He understood what Wang Ze meant.

Are you negotiating conditions here?

At the moment

, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In fact, he had thought about this matter a long time ago, and he didn't need Wang Ze to ask at all.

The accumulated merits of the cases solved by Wang Ze a year ago had already reached the qualification for a leap in police rank.

It's just that there is no position for the time being.

But if he enters the Municipal Bureau, it will be different.

Liu Guanghai held back his laughter and said,"No need for internship, just start working directly."

Wang Ze asked,"Anything else?"

Liu Guanghai pretended to be stupid:"What else?"

Wang Ze's mouth twitched, and he felt that the guy in front of him was a bit of a swindler.

I helped you solve so many cases, and in the end I even surrendered to you. I was only exempted from the internship.

"Okay, just pretend I didn't say anything."

He collapsed.

Seeing Wang Ze's depressed look, Liu Guanghai laughed and said,"Okay, I'm just kidding you."

"I have prepared the application. When you come, I will give you the rank of first-class police superintendent."

Wang Ze's eyes lit up.

On the other side, Li Xiangbin was also a little surprised.

First-class police superintendent?

That's a bit exaggerated.

According to regulations, no rank will be awarded during the first year of internship.

After one year, if you pass the test, you will be awarded the rank of third-class police superintendent.

After that, it depends on your performance or qualifications.

Wang Ze was directly awarded the rank of first-class police superintendent when he joined the job, which is a jump of three levels!

If he jumps a few more levels, he will catch up with him.

Although the police rank and position have nothing to do with each other, it is an honor after all.

And in theory, a high police rank is very helpful for promotion.

After being surprised for a moment, Li Xiangbin smiled knowingly.

It's understandable if you think about it.

Just based on the cases that Wang Ze helped solve, it is enough for this treatment.

"How about it"

"Now, can we concentrate on solving the case?"

Liu Guanghai looked at Wang Ze with a half-smile.

Wang Ze felt a little embarrassed by the other party's look and said,"How can I? I just asked casually."

"Even if I am a trainee police officer, I will do my best to solve the case."

"Haha." Liu Guanghai patted Wang Ze's arm, and the more he looked at him, the more he liked him. He said,"I'll wait for your good news."

The two of them left the office.

In the corridor, Li Xiangbin said as he walked,"This is the first time I've seen someone who can skip the internship period."

After that, he added,"This is also the first time I've seen a genius in solving cases like you."

"Welcome in advance"

"When did you graduate?"

He was looking forward to Wang Ze's joining.

After leaving Liu Guanghai's office, Wang Ze's mind was once again filled with cases.

He seemed not to have heard Li Xiangbin's words and answered irrelevantly:"Where is the person who called the police?"

Seeing Wang Ze quickly enter the state of investigating the case, Li Xiangbin restrained his smile and said:"He should be in the reception room. Go talk to him?"

Wang Ze nodded:"Since the cause of death of the deceased was due to emotional problems, perhaps his boyfriend will be a breakthrough."

"What we need to do now is to fully understand the victims."

Li Xiangbin hesitated:"Wang Ze, is it really a serial murder case?"

These five words carry a lot of weight.

He was really scared just now, and couldn't help but want to confirm it again.

Wang Ze:"Yes."

After getting the affirmation, Li Xiangbin took a deep breath and said:"It seems that we have to prepare for a protracted war."

His trust in Wang Ze was formed over time.

If it was the first time he met Wang Ze, he would definitely regard his words as nonsense.

But it is different now.

The solving of many cases has made Li Xiangbin completely convinced by Wang Ze's talents and abilities after many shocks. He doesn't even have the idea of doubting it.

Well, since this case has been identified as a serial murder case.

The difficulty of solving it may not be small.

Eight consecutive deaths, without any trace.

This shows that the murderer's method is very sophisticated, and has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

That's why he said it was a protracted war.

At the same time, we must be mentally prepared for the ninth death to appear at any time.

As they spoke, the two came to the reception room.

Before pushing the door, Wang Ze looked at Li Xiangbin and said,"Captain Li, we can't fight a protracted war, we have to fight a speed war."

"Before the ninth victim appears, the murderer must be caught"


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