A young man was sitting in the reception room.

He was wearing glasses and looked handsome.

He seemed a little nervous. He didn't move the disposable paper cup in front of him.

He kept rubbing his hands.

He looked very uneasy.

There was a police officer accompanying him in the room.

Or rather, watching him.

As the person who called the police and the first person to arrive at the crime scene, the young man's confession was very important.

"Have some water."

The police officer said.

The young man forced a smile and said,"Thank you, thank you……"

He said thank you, but still didn't pick up the cup.

Seeing this, the police officer didn't say anything.

The young man's reaction was normal.

Anyone who saw a room full of blood and corpses would not be able to remain calm.

Otherwise, it would be suspicious.

At this moment, the door of the room was opened.

Wang Ze and Li Xiangbin walked in.

"Captain Li."

Li Xiangbin nodded and looked at the young man sitting on the sofa.

Someone coming in made the young man even more nervous. He was already drooling before he started asking.

His mental quality was very average.

""You ask Wang Ze."

Li Xiangbin said casually.

He knew that Wang Ze had very high questioning skills. He could often get unexpected clues from the person being questioned or the suspect inadvertently.

Wang Ze moved a chair and sat in front of the young man.

After taking a look, he said,"Don't be nervous, we are just doing routine questioning."

The young man subconsciously cleared his throat and nodded slowly,"Okay."

Wang Ze:"What's your name?"

Young man:"Chen Li."

Wang Ze:"What is your relationship with the deceased?"

Chen Li:"I'm his boyfriend"

"Boyfriend?" Wang Ze raised his eyebrows,"Didn't you break up?"

"Well……"Chen Li was embarrassed for a moment and corrected,"Ex-boyfriend."

Wang Ze didn't care about the details and continued to ask,"Tell me what you saw before you called the police."

When mentioning this, Chen Li's body shook unconsciously, as if he was still in shock.

He didn't speak immediately.

Wang Ze was not in a hurry and waited quietly.

People who see a corpse for the first time will have a deep imprint in their minds.

But the initial memory is not clear, but a little fuzzy.

This is a person's self-defense mechanism.

Deny what you have seen and forget subconsciously.

As time goes by, the memory will become deeper and the picture will become clearer.

Therefore, Chen Li needs a few seconds to recall.

After a while, he said,"I... After I went in, I shouted a few times, but there was no response."

"Then, I went to Yulan's bedroom, but there was still no one there."

"There is no one on the balcony or in the kitchen."

"The last bathroom I went to"

"I...I saw Yu Lan lying in the bathtub, covered in blood!"

"I…I called the police."

His description was relatively simple, but I could probably understand the process.

""Why did you run away after calling the police?"

Li Xiangbin interrupted.

He knew that Chen Li must have been scared away, but he still had to ask.

Chen Li was a little flustered when he heard this.

"I... I don't know, I don't want to stay there, I'm scared."

Hearing this, Li Xiangbin didn't say anything more.

Wang Ze looked at Chen Li and said,"Did you live together before?"

Chen Li was stunned and said subconsciously,"No."

Wang Ze:"Then how did you get the key to Guo Yulan's house?"

Chen Li said,"It's just for convenience."

Wang Ze didn't dwell on this issue.

It's not strange for boyfriends and girlfriends to have the same key.


Wang Ze asked,"Since you broke up, didn't she take your key back?"

Chen Li shook his head,"No."

Wang Ze:"You didn't take the initiative to return it?"

Chen Li shook his head again.

Wang Ze:"You and Guo Yulan are in the same school or class."

Chen Li's dress and appearance clearly showed that he was a college student. Chen

Li said,"Same school, different class."

Wang Ze:"Then after the breakup, did you and her still have contact?"

Chen Li hesitated and said,"Yes."

Wang Ze:"Why."

Chen Li said,"She...she has always wanted to get back with me, but I have always disagreed."

Wang Ze pondered for a while and said,"Has Guo Yulan done anything unusual recently?"


Chen Li raised his head slightly, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

Wang Ze explained:"It's to make you feel that it's very strange."

"For example, the tone of voice, usual behavior habits, etc."

Chen Li thought about it and said uncertainly:"It should be... no."

Wang Ze said:"Think carefully, is there any change."

Chen Li became more and more nervous, swallowed his saliva and said:"That's right, my mood seems to be getting lower and lower."

On the other side, Li Xiangbin frowned:"Nonsense, you dumped her, how can you not be depressed? Answer the question well."

Chen Li was frightened by Li Xiangbin and lowered his head quickly.

He was a college student, where had he been to such a place and seen such a posture.

Wang Ze raised his hand and motioned Li Xiangbin not to interrupt.

He looked at Chen Li and continued to ask:"You said that your mood is getting lower and lower. Has it been like this since the breakup, or did it suddenly become like this one day after the breakup?"

Li Xiangbin was surprised.

What do you mean?

But Chen Li seemed to understand Wang Ze's question and said:"It was a week after the breakup that I had some emotional problems."

Wang Ze asked:"What about a week ago?"

Chen Li:"A week ago, I was angry and crying."

When asked this, Wang Ze was silent for a while and said,"Why did you go to Guo Yulan's house today?"


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