.” I’ll go down and have a look . ”

.After speaking , Wang Ze opened the car door .

.” Hey, hey ? Don’t go !”

.Seeing Wang Ze get out of the car and walk away , Jiang Ying was so frightened that she quickly opened the door and chased after him .

.She dared not stay in the car alone .

.Both sides of the road .

.The street lights are very old .

.And on average, one out of every three lights is broken .

.Even if it is still working , it occasionally makes a chirp sound , and it seems that it may be extinguished at any time .

.Surrounded by the old town .

.The buildings are old houses .

.Maybe it’s because it’s too close to the funeral home , so no developer likes to come here to flip the community .

.Even tobacco , alcohol, sugar and tea shops are hard to find .

.far away .

.Only the neon lights of the small hotel and the 24-hour adult product vending shop can only be seen .

.one word .

.partial .

.two words .

.Very biased .

.Not suburban , but better than suburban .

.After Wang Ze walked fifty meters, he stopped and looked around .

.A breeze blows .

.The white garbage bags on the ground rolled like dandelions and flew in the air .

.Opposite is the funeral home .

.This kind of atmosphere is really infiltrating .

.If something weird appeared again , it would definitely scare passersby half to death .

.No wonder no one lives there .

.Jiang Ying grabbed Wang Ze’s clothes and hid behind him timidly .

.At this moment , she is like a weak little girl .

.” Is that what you saw just now ? ”

.Wang Ze pointed to the white garbage bag not far away .

.Jiang Ying shook her head again and again : ” No, no , it’s definitely a humanoid !”

.” Humanoid ?”

.Wang (chfd) Ze blinked .

.” Roughly where ?”

.Jiang Ying pointed to the opposite side and said , ” That small road …”

.Seeing this , Wang Ze stepped forward .

.Jiang Ying was rejecting her whole body , but she didn’t dare to get too far from Wang Ze .

.” Wang Ze … let’s not go, shall we ?”

.” Let’s go !”

.Wang Ze kept walking , turned his head and said , ” I thought you were quite brave . ”

.” When I was chatting with you about ghosts , you said you wanted to catch them and play . ”

.” No chance now ?’

.Jiang Ying was about to cry : ” I was wrong , I shouldn’t brag , I don’t dare anymore …”

.Wang Ze patted her hand lightly and said , ” Okay, okay , do n’t scare you anymore , do n’t be afraid . ”

.” I’ll take a look and leave . ”

.While talking , the two came to a fork in the road .

.Weeds on both sides .

.About half the height .

.Wang Ze took out a cigarette and lit it, his eyes wandering around .

.For a moment , his vision stopped .

.He took two quick steps and squatted down .

.There are several broken grasses .

.The fracture is new .

.or animals .

.or man-made .

.After watching for a while , Wang Ze got up : ” Let’s go , it ‘s alright . ”

.He didn’t know what Jiang Ying saw .

.But it must have been an accident .

.By coincidence , anything can happen .

.” Good good . ”

.Jiang Ying was amnesty and hurried back with Wang Ze .

.When walking across the funeral home .

.Suddenly , a harsh voice sounded !

.In a quiet night , this sound is extremely abrupt .

.Jiang Ying was so frightened that the hair on her body suddenly rose , and she subconsciously hugged Wang Ze .

.” What … what sound ?!”

.Wang Ze turned his head slightly .

.The harsh sound continued .

.Only .

.It’s the door open .

.Funeral home door .

.A man came out of the funeral home .

.It should be the staff who are off work or handing over .

.The man closed the door and was stunned for a moment when he saw Wang Ze and Jiang Ying on the opposite side .

.this big night .

.Where did the young man come from to fall in love at the funeral home ?

.Looking at each other , Wang Ze nodded with a smile , and said softly, ” It’s okay , the door of the funeral home is open . ”

.Mention the funeral home .

.Jiang Ying dared not even look at it .

.” Are people still ghosts ?!”

.Wang Ze : ” People . ”

.” Really ?”

.Jiang Ying took a peek and found that it was indeed a human being .

.” At night , it scared me to death . ”

.The man came over and said with a smile , ” Young man , why did you come here ?”

.Wang Ze smiled : “The overhead is blocked , take a detour , and buy something by the way . ”

.” Buy something ?”

.The man turned his head .

.His eyes were on the adult store .

.Then , there was an expression that men understood .

Chapter 110 _ I suddenly don’t want to go back [ 2 ]

.Opposite the funeral home .

.Out of the habit of men , Wang Ze handed each other a cigarette .

.He was not polite and took it .

.” You ~ are … college students, right ?”

.Wang Ze does look like a student .

.But after the man saw Jiang Ying , he hesitated again .

.He didn’t show it .

.Sibling love is normal .

.No fuss .

.Wang Ze took a cigarette and said with a smile , ” No , we have already worked . ”

.” Oh , it ‘s working . ” The man nodded and said with a smile , ” Very good , very good . ”

.They didn’t know each other at all .

.There is also a gap in age .

.Indeed if .! Water :; Resource ” source “‘: Group .,?6″!5;:; 6′.6,1..8 ?’,8”?’9’6,, Backup ? “: :?” transfer !!. Group ,?’7?;?6;6:;:0;1,””8′”3?.2.’0 Nothing to talk about .

.”What ‘s your surname, eldest brother ?”

.Before the cigarette in his hand was finished , Wang Ze asked if he had any .

.The man said, ” My surname is Yan . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Is Yan Ruyu’s face ?”

.The man laughed and said , ” No, no , it’s serious Yan . ”

.” Oh oh . ”

.Wang Ze nodded .

.”I heard that the salary of the funeral home is quite high , which is true and false . ”

.The man said: ” It’s okay , after all, the nature of the work is special . ”

.” In general , no one really wants to come . ”

.” Even if he comes , he will run away in two days . ”

.”What is rare is more expensive . ”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” That’s right . ”

.The nature of the work of a funeral home is indeed a great challenge to human psychology .

.Dealing with the dead , there is a gloomy atmosphere everywhere .

.You ca n’t do it without a strong psychological quality .

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