.And working in a funeral home can also affect relationships .

.Very simple truth .

.Everyone will think that people who work in funeral homes will have some bad luck .

.It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages .

.Can not touch , do not touch .

.unless it is a close relative .

.Therefore, the five words of rare and precious are quite appropriate .

.Wages are naturally low .

.” Is there … is there a supernatural event ?”

.At this time , Jiang Ying whispered behind Wang Ze .

.The man looked over and smiled : ” You think too much , how can you be so exaggerated . ”

.” People who believe in ghosts and gods ca n’t do this . ”

.” Any age . ”

.Wang Ze coughed lightly : ” I’m sorry Big Brother Yan , my girlfriend may have seen something just now and was frightened . ”

.The man nodded and said, “I understand , it ‘s normal . ”

.” I’ve worked in funeral homes for so many years and I’ve often met people who are frightened . ”

.” Especially at night . ”

.” As time goes by , few people take this road . ”

.” Actually, it’s all to scare myself . ”

.” It’s either the white plastic bag or the squeak of the window , haha . ”

.During the chat , the atmosphere gradually eased .

.Jiang Ying was not so afraid anymore .

.It seemed that he was really dazzled just now .

.The more movies you watch , the more your cognition will be opened up .

.Soon , the man left .

.Wang Ze and the two also got into the car .

.But this time , it was Wang Ze who drove the car .

.Although Jiang Ying’s mood calmed down a little , she was still a little scared .

.The so-called once bitten by a snake for ten years is afraid of the rope .

.Even if you see something wrong .

.It’s hard to forget in a short time .

.” Are you all right ?”

.Wang Ze asked while wearing his seat belt .

.Jiang Ying nodded and said , ” It’s okay . ”

.” Wang Ze . ”

.” Did you say there are ghosts in the world ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Uh …”

.Here again .

.At the moment , he said helplessly : ” We have the same view of the world , you know . ”

.” Look at my mouth shape . ”

.” There are no ghosts in the world . ”

.Jiang Ying was amused by Wang Ze , and said with a smile : ” Well, well , consistent . ”

.” Let’s go . ”


.Forty minutes later .

.The community where Wang Ze lives has arrived .

.He’s ready to get out of the car .

.” Slow down on your way back . ”

.Jiang Ying hesitated , holding back for a long time , before he stopped talking .

.Finally said : ” Wait . ”

.Wang Ze turned his head : ” What ‘s wrong ?”

.Jiang Ying said very seriously : ” I suddenly don’t want to go back anymore , go to your house . ”

.” You sleep on the sofa , I sleep on the bed . ”

.Wang Ze glanced suspiciously at Jiang Ying , and exposed it mercilessly : ” You are still afraid , aren’t you?”

.Jiang Ying wondered : ” No. ”

.” No ? Good . ”

.Wang Ze unfastened his seat belt .

.” I’m leaving , don’t follow me . ”

.Jiang Ying quickly grabbed Wang Ze : ” Don’t, don’t ! Please , please , please . ”

.” I dare not drive alone tonight . ”

.It seems that just happened .

.It really left a psychological shadow in her heart .

� � ….?

.I’m afraid , it will take a few days to forget .

.Wang Ze thought it was funny : ” Why didn’t you tell me earlier , I can take a taxi back . ”

.Jiang Ying said aggrieved : ” I … didn’t I want to send you off ?”

.Wang Ze glanced at her , and after being silent for a while , said , ” Okay . ”

.Seeing that the other party agreed , Jiang Ying breathed a sigh of relief .

.She really dare not go back !

.I remember a question in a TV show .

.How to make a girl not come home at night ?

.The answer is : to make the other party believe that , out of this door , you can meet a ghost .

.Such words .

.She will definitely stay with you all night long .

.this answer .

.Kind of like a scumbag .

.Park .

.Go upstairs .

.Open the door .

……… 0

.Turn on the lights .

.Jiang Ying looked at Wang Ze’s residence curiously , and said , ” Your house is quite clean . ”

.” It’s just too small . ”

.Wang Ze put on his slippers and said angrily, ” Can you please not compare your villa with mine . ”

.Jiang Ying smiled and said , ” Don’t get me wrong , I’m just describing it . ”

.” It’s small , but I really like it . ”

.Wang Ze found a new pair of slippers for Jiang Ying and said , “I like it , I’ll sell it to you for ten million . ”

.Jiang Ying said: ” Then you are really a profiteer . ”

.” This house , at most 1.5 million . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” So I’m still a millionaire . ”

.” By the way , toothbrushes, toothpaste and towels are all new , so you don’t need to buy them anymore, right ?”

.” I see the shops are closed outside . ”

.Jiang Ying said, ” Do you really think of me as a pampered rich lady ?”

.” You can use it, why can’t I use it ?”

.Wang Ze coughed lightly : ” I thought your towel couldn’t cost a few thousand dollars a piece ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” Uh …”

.” Can you exaggerate more ?”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” I’ll find it for you . ”

.Watching Wang Ze enter the bathroom , Jiang Ying’s hand shook slightly .

.This was the first time she had been alone in a room with a man .

.And this person .

.Still her boyfriend .

.Tension came suddenly .

.Fortunately, Wang Ze looks like a dog , so he shouldn’t be a lecher, right ?

.If Wang Ze heard this sentence .

.Even if it’s not a lecher .

.I’m afraid Jiang Ying will have a long memory tonight .

…. why .

Chapter 111 _ Conditioned reflex ! ? 3 ?

.The night is deep .

.Wang Ze was drowsy on the sofa, holding the quilt .

.The TV is on .

.From the bathroom, there was the sound of rushing water .

.It was Jiang Ying who was taking a bath .

.She didn’t want to wash it .

.It is estimated that it was on the way to the funeral home , which scared sweat out .

.At the same time , I also want to wash away the so-called ” bad luck ” .

.And he said he would never go that way again .

.For Jiang Ying’s overkill , Wang Ze found it funny , but also expressed understanding .

.If there is a choice , I am afraid there will be nine out of ten people , and I don’t want to be near the funeral home .

.Psychologically , it’s a slap in the face .

.Even if everyone’s future is there .

.The movie is over .

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