.Wang Ze’s sleepy chicken pecking at the rice , then fell back to sleep .

.At this moment, the bathroom door was opened , and Jiang Ying came out wiping her wet hair .

.” What is ” Nine Three Three “, Wang Ze … eh ?”

.Seeing Wang Ze who had already fallen asleep , Jiang Ying was taken aback .

.” Hair dryer …”

.She walked over slowly and whispered , ” Wang Ze ? Where’s the hair dryer ?”

.Wang Ze closed his eyes and breathed evenly .

.Jiang Ying didn’t want to disturb him , but the girl couldn’t sleep without drying her hair at night .

.” Wang Ze ?”

.Jiang Ying approached .

.” Wang Ze ?”

.Jiang Ying leaned into each other’s ear .

.The next moment , Wang Ze suddenly opened his eyes , grabbed Jiang Ying’s hand like a conditioned reflex , got up and pressed her on the sofa .

.Jiang Ying : “..”

.She was horrified .

.” You … what are you doing ?!”

.” Uh , Jiang Ying ?”

.Wang Ze , who was completely drowsy, could only see the face of the person below him .

.Jiang Ying’s face turned red all of a sudden .

.” You, you … you let me go …”

.Wang Ze got up quickly : ” Sorry, sorry , conditioned reflex !”

.Crime Sim Palace , put him in a state of extreme tension for a long time .

.A little movement can arouse his vigilance .

.And then counteract those who approach .

.” Professional Habits Professional Habits …”

.Looking at Jiang Ying lying on the sofa , Wang Ze laughed again and again .

.Jiang Ying’s face turned even redder , she quickly pulled her clothes , and Mosquito said , ” I’m asking about the hair dryer …”

.” Hairdryer ? Oh , yes , yes !”

.Wang Ze turned around , went to the cabinet at the door, and took out a hairdryer .

.” Come on, let me help you . ”

.He stood at the door of the bathroom and waved to Jiang Ying .

.Jiang Ying kept her head down and walked over quickly .

.in front of the mirror .

.With the warm wind , Jiang Ying’s hair fluttered .

.With a hairdryer in hand, Wang Ze was blowing Jiang Ying’s hair very seriously .

.Jiang Ying glanced at Wang Ze secretly through the mirror .

.The redness on his face has not yet dissipated .

.In my mind , I was still thinking about what happened just now .

.What is shame and anger ?

.After being shy .

.Just anger .

.” He must have done it on purpose !!”

.Jiang Ying gritted her teeth in her heart .

.” Deliberately take advantage of me !”

.” You wait for the old lady . ”

.” I’ll be back for sure … uh . ”

.how ?

.As if thinking of some scene , Jiang Ying’s face turned red again .

.Wang Ze looked at her and said , ” Are you okay ? Is it too hot ? ”

.Jiang Ying : ” No … it’s all right . ”

.” Thank you . ”

.Wang Ze smiled : ” Who are we with whom ? ”

.” It ‘s over just now , I apologize to you . ”

.” It’s really a conditioned reflex . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” How dare you say it !”

.Wang Ze quickly shut up .

.After blowing his hair , Wang Ze quickly put down the hairdryer and jumped on the sofa in a panic .

.He was really afraid that Jiang Ying would trouble him later .

.Jiang Ying walked out of the bathroom .

.Looking at Wang Ze who was sleeping with his head covered , he felt a little funny .

.Today .

.It’s really a big loss .

.Not to mention sending him back in person , I was still …

.OK .

.For the sake of your good performance , I don’t care .

.She turned and went into the bedroom .

.A clear door lock sounded .

.Wang Ze lifted the quilt , and immediately became unhappy , shouting , ” Hey ? What do you mean by locking the door ?!”

.” How can I still get in !”

.” Doubt my character ?”

.Jiang Ying’s voice came : ” I am not doubting your character , I am very sure of your character . ”

.Wang Ze wondered : ” What character ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” Rogue character !!”

.Wang Ze jumped : ” Damn it !”

.” That’s what you said . ”

.” I don’t have the consciousness of being a girlfriend at all !”

.” My parents have seen each other , I touch … ahem , go to sleep . ”

.Jiang Ying said angrily, ” What did you just say ?!”

.Wang Ze felt guilty : ” No … nothing …”

.” Go to sleep now , I have to go to work tomorrow . ”

.Jiang Ying gritted his teeth .

.Silent all night .

.The next morning .

.When Jiang Ying came out of the bedroom in a daze , Wang Ze had already woken up and finished washing .

.And .

.Breakfast was also on the table .

.Very simple breakfast .

.porridge .

.and buns .

.Of course , pickles also count .

.Seeing Jiang Ying get up , Wang Ze turned his head and said with a smile : ” Get up . ”

.” Going out is no better than being at home , so let’s make do with it . ”

.Jiang Ying rubbed her eyes and gradually regained her spirits .

.I seem to have forgotten what happened last night .

.” Morning . ”

.Jiang Ying waved her hands weakly and walked into the bathroom .

.Wang Ze has been carefully observing Jiang Ying .

.After seeing that she didn’t seem to have any intention of going over the old account last night , she was relieved .

.” If I had known, I wouldn’t be able to afford to buy food so early . ”

.Wang Ze sat at the dining table and ate first .

.soon .

.After washing , Jiang Ying came over .

.” Your bed is a little hard . ”

.She commented on the quality of sleep last night .

.Wang Ze raised his head : “A hard bed is good for the waist , and it ‘s not easy to have a herniated disc . ”

.Jiang Ying sat down and said, ” Really ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Of course !”

.Jiang Ying picked up a bun and said casually, ” How is your waist ?”

.Wang Ze : “5.3 er …”

.Jiang Ying paused and stared, ” Literally !”

.” I want to say that if your waist is not good , many amusement facilities cannot be played !”

.Wang Ze held back his smile : ” Very good . ”

.” I can attest to … uh . ”

.Seeing Jiang Ying’s increasingly dangerous eyes , Wang Ze quickly changed his words : ” I mean when playing high-altitude amusement facilities , I can prove it . ”

.Jiang Ying took a big bite of the bun ,

.I don’t know if Wang Ze is regarded as a bun .

.Wang Ze stared at Jiang Ying for a while .

.Suddenly I feel that this girl looks really good .

.Su Yan is a mirror of the demon .

.And Jiang Ying belongs to the kind of perfect pass .

.” What are you looking at ? Something on your face ?”

.Jiang Ying glanced at him .

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Yes . ”

.” It’s kind of pretty . ”

.Jiang Ying : “…”

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