Chapter 112 _ Wang Ze , there is a case , return to the team ? 4 ?

.” Okay you . ”

.” Now you’ve learned to be slick, haven’t you?”

.Jiang Ying said .

.Hearing this , Wang Ze sighed, ” It’s too hard to be your boyfriend . ”

.” If you praise you , you can be said to be glib . ”

.Jiang Ying blinked , stared at Wang Ze for a while, and said with a smile , ” Okay , just take it as you compliment me . ”

.” Miss Ben is naturally beautiful , and her beauty is obvious to all . ”

.” You , it’s okay to have fun . ”

.Wang Ze took a bite of the bun .

.This time , for the first time , he did not refute Jiang Ying .

.Because of Jiang Ying’s plain makeup .

.Beautiful indeed .

.And it grows in his aesthetics .

.” Hey hey . ”

.He laughed out loud .

.Jiang Ying, who was about to drink porridge, raised her head and said , ” Are you smiling ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Didn’t you let me have fun ?”

.Jiang Ying : “I woke up very early in the morning and became very ill . ”

.After speaking , she lowered her head to drink porridge .

.an hour later .

.Jiang Ying took Wang Ze to the door of the city bureau .

.Before leaving, he said : ” Don’t forget it on weekends . ”

.” If you dare to break your appointment , let’s see how I deal with you . ”

.Wang Ze bent over and looked at Jiang Ying in the cab : “I don’t dare to accept your appointment unless there is a case . ”

.Jiang Ying waved : ” Okay , let’s go . ”

.Wang Ze came to the case handling hall .

.Before they could sit down , a few people gathered around and stared at Wang Ze non-stop .

.Wang Ze was surprised : “What’s wrong ?”

.” Is there a case ?”

.Bao Qu smiled and said: ” There is no urgent case temporarily , but you have a problem . ”

.Wang Ze touched his face and said , ” I washed my face and shaved my beard . ”

.” What’s the problem ?”

.Bao Qu looked at Wang Ze with a smile but not a smile , and said, ” Who sent you here ?”

.Wang Ze : ” My girlfriend . ”

.” What’s the matter , envy . ”

.” Looking for such a girlfriend , I secretly have fun every day . ”

.Bao Qu patted him and said , ” Is the point here ?”

.”The point is . ”

.” You guys went to the house last night . ”

.Wang Ze waved his hand : ” nonsense . ”

.Bao Qu came over : ” Dare you say no ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” You guys are really gossiping . ”

.” Not really . ”

.” If you don’t believe me , let Xiaotong check my room opening records , and I’ll provide my ID number . ”

.On the other side , Ma Haoyu said quietly : ” Not necessarily , it’s your ID card . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Uh …”

.Bao Qu held his chin and said , ” She has never sent you to work in the morning . ”

.” Explain , it’s not the right way . ”

.” And since she’s driving you today , it’s obvious . ”

.” You two , lived together last night . ”

.” If it’s not an open house , it’s your home . ”

.” Or her house . ”

.”The truth , there is only one . ”

.Wang Ze leaned back on the chair and said , ” You’re pretending to be Conan here . ”

.Bao Qu : ” Just say yes or not . ”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” No , I poured the water . ”

.After speaking , he picked up the cup and walked to the water dispenser .

.Bao Qu and several people discussed behind him .

.” I tell you , they were definitely together last night . ”

.” Just be together , what do you care ?”

.” What do you know ? There is a saying that gossip is the fourth instinct of human beings . Everyone has a heart of gossip, don’t you ?”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” No. ”

.Ma Haoyu raised his hand : ” I have it !”

.Bao Qu pointed at Ma Haoyu : ” Look , what did I say ?”

.Wang Ze walked back and took a sip : ” What are the first three instincts ?”

.Bao Qu was taken aback : ” This …”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” I don’t know anything about daring . ”

.” Does it look like a TV show ?”

.” What’s the apartment called ?”

.Bao Qu smirked and said , ” Then what are the first three instincts ? ”

.” I don’t believe you know . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” First , food . ”

.” People are born to eat , and babies have an innate foraging reflex . ”

.” Second , self-protection . ”

.” When everyone encounters danger, they will be conditioned to defend themselves . ”

.” Third , courtship . ”

.”The phoenix will beg the phoenix , let alone people . ”

.Bao Qu was dumbfounded .

.Wang Xiaotong was happy : ” Bao Qu , it’s a bit quick for you to be slapped in the face . ”

.” Don’t challenge Wang Ze’s knowledge reserve . ”

.Bao Qu coughed lightly : ” Wang Ze , your reading is a bit complicated . ”

.Wang Ze took a sip of water and said with a smile : ” When there is a case , the criminal will not wait for us to make up for the knowledge . ”

.” I’m just trying to increase the accuracy of the Criminal Minds profile . ”

.Several people looked at each other .

.Suddenly they understood .

.Why does Wang Ze have such a strong ability to solve cases ?

.Talent is one thing .

.And the hard work the day after tomorrow .

.Criminals come from all walks of life .

.You will never know .

.What method will the next suspect use to commit the crime ?

.Put it bluntly .

.In what way would you kill someone .

.As long as you are lower than their knowledge reserve .

.Then the possibility of perfect crime appearing will be very great .

.” I do . ”

.Bao Qu gave Wang Ze a thumbs up .


.three days later .

.Two in the afternoon .

.An amusement park in Yuncheng .

.When Wang Ze stepped off the roller coaster expressionlessly , Jiang Ying beside him looked puzzled .

.” Aren’t you afraid ?”

.Wang Ze was also puzzled : ” Why be afraid ?”

.” Uh … 933″ Jiang Ying pointed behind her and said , ” One of the best roller coasters in the country , you … you won’t faint , will you ?”

.Wang Ze spread his hands : ” No. ”

.” I know where you are screaming like crazy . ”

.” Watching . ”

.Jiang Ying’s eyelids twitched , and she coughed to hide her embarrassment .

.” I … I’m going to buy ice cream . ”

.She hurried away .

.She did yell just now .

.out of control .

.Now that I think about it , it’s a bit embarrassing indeed .

.Who knew this guy would still have time to stare at her .

.Soon , Jiang Ying came back .

.Two ice creams in hand .

.” Give . ”

.At this moment , Wang Ze’s phone rang .

.He took the ice cream in his left hand and took out his mobile phone in his right .

.” Hello ? Team Lee . ”

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