.” Huh ?”

.As soon as these words came out , everyone looked over .

.Li Xiangbin said : ” When did you meet ? Where ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” Didn’t I just mention that I passed by a funeral home a few days ago ?”

.” It just so happened that Yan Jiakui got off work . ”

.” We chatted for a while . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Did he have anything unusual at the time ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” No abnormality at all . ”

.Li Xiangbin fell silent ( promise well ) .

.In the entire conference room , no one spoke .

.Mainly cause of death …

.So weird .

.Scared to death ?

.What do you see , you will be scared to death ?

.Not long after , Song Ting pushed the door and walked in .

.” Team Lee . ”

.Li Xiangbin raised his head : ” How is it ?”

.Song Ting picked up the report in her hand and said , ” There are no wounds on the whole body , including tiny pinholes . ”

.” As a result of the autopsy , it was determined that the deceased died of sudden cardiac arrest . ”

.” And , no heart disease . ”

.Li Xiangbin was stunned : ” Is it really frightening ?”

.Song Ting did not speak .

.Wang Xiaotong whispered : “The incident happened near the funeral home , you won’t see anything, right ?”

.Hearing this , everyone looked surprised .

.Although she did not say that she saw a ghost .

.But the meaning is obvious .

.Wang Ze narrowed his eyes and said coldly, ” Let’s not say whether there are ghosts in the world . ”

.” At least people who pretend to be ghosts must have something to do with it . ”

Chapter 114 _ When a homicide case is dealt with [ 1 ]

.meeting room .

.Listening to the discussion of several people , Li Xiangbin was silent for a while, and said, ” As a policeman , don’t talk about those useless things . ”

.” Wang Ze is right . ”

.” Even if the deceased saw a ghost , someone must be pretending to be a ghost !”

.Everyone bowed their heads .

.Wang Xiaotong said embarrassedly, ” I ‘m sorry captain . ”

.Li Xiangbin didn’t care about this matter and said , ” Because this case is weird , the branch office was handed over to our city bureau . ”

.” Voices on the Internet will spread very quickly , and there is a high probability of bad influence . ”

.” So , whether the case is an accident or not , we have to find out . ”

.” Do you understand ?”

.Everyone : ” Yes , Captain !”

.Li Xiangbin looked back at the photo on the screen, and after a little thought, he seemed to say to himself , ” Do people really get scared to death ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Yes . ”

.The affirmative tone made everyone look over .

.Including Li Xiangbin .

.Wang Ze continued : ” When people experience certain stimuli , such as excitement , fear , tension, etc. ”

.”The adrenal glands , which secrete a lot of adrenaline , sharply increase blood circulation . ”

.” Too much blood circulation can hit the heart like a flood , possibly tearing the heart muscle fibers , bleeding the heart , and then dying from cardiac arrest . ”

.” Also . ”

.” The 933 expansion of the blood vessels in the heart will also impact the myocardium , causing multiple hemorrhages in the myocardium , and then the heart stops beating . ”

.” So it ‘s entirely possible for people to be scared to death . ”

.After listening to Wang Ze’s words , everyone was thoughtful .

.That is to say .

.In theory, people are scared to death , which is in line with the facts .

.Song Ting glanced at Wang Ze and said with a chuckle , ” Why don’t you be the captain , then everyone can relax a lot . ”

.Wang Ze coughed lightly : ” I’m in the team anyway , it’s all the same . ”

.Li Xiangbin was embarrassed : ” Song Forensic Doctor , why do you always demolish my stage ? ”

.Forensic Doctor Song smiled and said , ” Do you still need to dismantle your stage ? Everyone can see it . ”

.She and Li Xiangbin have been old colleagues for many years. Naturally, they have a good relationship and often joke around .

.Especially after Wang Ze came .

.There are more jokes .

.Song Ting seemed to be very happy about this matter .

.Li Xiangbin shook his head helplessly and said , ” That is to say , Guangjian and Yan Jiakui may indeed have been scared to death . ”

.” Then here comes the problem . ”

.” What did they see ?”

.” Who dares to say that you see a ghost , get out of here immediately . ”

.Wang Xiaotong scratched (chfd) his little head .

.How do you feel that the last sentence is talking about yourself ?

.At this moment, Wang Ze said, ” Is there any surveillance ?”

.Li Xiangbin said : “The surveillance only captured part of the area , and did not capture the death scene . ”

.” The place of the funeral home is the old town , which has been in disrepair for a long time . ”

.” It would be nice to have one or two monitors still working . ”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly and said , ” Is there anything unusual about the video you took ?”

.Li Xiangbin looked at Wang Xiaotong and said , ” Yes . ”

.” Little boy , let it go . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Okay . ”

.She operated the computer and projected two monitoring points near the funeral home on the big screen .

.The screen showed that it was late at night .

.The screen on the left is Guangjian .

.The screen on the right is Yan Jiakui .

.The two got off work normally , one turned left and the other turned right , ready to go home .

.On the way , I suddenly tripped over something and almost didn’t fall .

.The two of them looked puzzled and didn’t forget to turn around to check .

.After no abnormality is found , continue walking .

.Before taking two steps , he stumbled again .

.As if there was something in the air .

.This time .

.Yan Jiakui stumbled and steadied his body , still not falling .

.But Guangjian directly fell a dog and eat shit .

.In an instant , both of them were frightened . After looking left and right , they quickened their pace and left the surveillance area .

.From the point of time .

.Frightened to death in no time .

.As for how frightened .

.No surveillance footage .

.After reading the monitoring content , everyone fell silent .

.This …

.It’s getting weirder .

.Walking on the road well , how can you get stumbled ?

.Just once .

.Two people three or four times in a row , it can’t be a coincidence .

.And it was clear that there was nothing on the ground at all .

.Otherwise , the two deceased people will definitely be able to see them at close range .

.Wang Ze’s eyes moved slightly .

.Suddenly I remembered the broken grass I found when I got out of the car to check that night .

.Li Xiangbin looked at Wang Ze and said , ” Any ideas ?”

.Wang Ze rubbed his fingers habitually and said , ” It’s artificial . ”

.” Artificial ?” Li Xiangbin’s eyes narrowed slightly , and he said, ” Why do you see it ?”

.Wang Ze said: “The murderer is to create panic in the deceased in advance and prepare for the final murder . ”

.” Two trips in a row and it’s night again , fear is a sure thing . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” But there is nothing in the surveillance . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Actually, it’s very easy to operate , the fishing line is enough . ”

.” The toughness of the fishing line is not proportional to its thickness at all . ”

.” That’s why in the fishing circle , there is a situation where the thin line is wide and the big fish . ”

.”The more expensive the line , the more obvious it is . ”

.” At night again , as long as you don’t lie on the ground and look carefully , you can’t see it at all . ”

.This explanation made everyone feel relieved while they were slightly stunned .

.okay .

.There is a reasonable explanation .

.Otherwise , they really thought it was … a supernatural event .

.”A fishing line …”

.Li Xiangbin muttered to himself , ” Is it still possible to find it at the scene ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” I’m afraid it’s impossible . ”

.” The length of the fishing line that is not tied into a fishing line group is basically more than 100 meters . ”

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