.” This road is not wide , and the suspect can flexibly use the fishing line to commit crimes . ”

.” After that, just drag it away . ”

.” Of course , this is just an inference , and it cannot be verified for the time being , nor can it be investigated accordingly . ”

.” But I personally think that the suspect should have a hobby of fishing . ”

.Li Xiangbin pondered slightly and said , ” According to what Wang Ze said , it should be handled as a murder case . ”

.” From now on , investigate the interpersonal relationship of the deceased . ”

.” See if they have any enemies . ”

.Everyone : ” Yes !”

.At this time , Wang Ze looked at Song Ting and said, ” Sister Song , is there no drug reaction in the body of the deceased ?”

.Song Ting turned her head : ” I haven’t found it yet , what ‘s wrong ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” I think it’s a little strange . ”

.” Both of the deceased are working in funeral homes , and their psychological qualities must be better than ordinary people . ”

.” It’s difficult to be scared to death . ”

.” It’s hard for ordinary people , let alone them . ”

.Scared to death , although there is a theoretical basis .

.But from the actual situation .

.As long as the body is healthy and there is no abnormality in the heart , it is almost impossible .

Chapter 115 _ Is it possible to be female ? ? 2 ?

.Song Ting understood what Wang Ze meant and said , ” You mean to say that the murderer moved his hands and feet on the victim ?”

.” So after being frightened , it’s so easy to have a cardiac arrest ?”

.Wang Ze nodded .

.Seeing this , Song Ting thought for a while and said , ” There are many drugs that can cause or indirectly cause cardiac arrest . ”

.” But these drugs all have one thing in common . ”

.” That’s what has to be injected . ”

.” Because it needs to act directly on the blood of the heart , it is not acceptable to take it orally . ”

.” Unfortunately , I did not find a pinhole in the deceased . ”

.Wang Ze frowned slightly .

.That thing .

.It’s a little weird .

.For him at present , this is the only suspicious point in the process of the case .

.Nothing else to say .

.It’s nothing more than a terrifying ghost .

.Old-fashioned trick .

.He opened his mouth and said : “The murderer wants to use the supernatural event to get rid of the crime . ”

.” I think a little too much . ”

.” Since we can’t find his real modus operandi temporarily , then listen to Team Li and investigate – interpersonal relationship . ”

.” I have to ask what Jiang Ying saw that night . ”

.” If we hadn’t happened to pass by , maybe Yan Jiakui would have died long ago . ”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” That night , the murderer was at the scene ? Is it him that Jiang Ying saw ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” It’s very possible . ”

.” We drove down that road , presumably tore the line he had laid out . ”

.”The original plan was disrupted . ”

.” That’s why he didn’t do it that night . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin’s eyes turned cold : ” Be careful . ”

.” It appears to have been a deliberate murder . ”

.” Split up . ”

.” Bao Qu , you take someone to visit Guangjian’s relatives, friends and other colleagues in the funeral home . ”

.” Wang Ze , Xiaotong , you two and I are in charge of Yan Jiakui . ”

.”The murderer , it is very likely that he has a lot of grudges with the deceased . ”

.” Find the motive and the case is half done . ”

.” Everyone should be careful . ”

.Bao Qu nodded : ” Okay captain , don’t worry . ”

.Song Ting said: ” Then I will go to re-examination to see what is abnormal in the deceased . ”

.She agreed with Wang Ze’s judgment in her heart .

.Two consecutive funeral home staff were scared to death on their way to work .

.This thing is weird .

.It’s not just some tricks such as fishing lines and pretending to be ghosts , you can do it .

.possible .

.There are really important clues that have not been found .

.Li Xiangbin : ” Okay , hard work . ”

.” Go ahead . ”

.Wang Ze got up : ” I’ll go to the lounge . ”

.soon .

.He met Jiang Ying .

.At this time, Jiang Ying was drinking water non-stop , trying to eliminate the fear in her heart .

.That night , she saw something strange .

.I heard today that someone was scared to death .

.Thinking about it , it’s impossible not to be afraid .

.Seeing Wang Ze come in , Jiang Ying got up quickly .

.” Wang Ze !”

.” What the hell is going on ?!”

.Wang Ze took her hand and sat back on the sofa , comforting : ” Don’t worry . ”

.” There are no so-called supernatural events , let alone ghosts . ”

.” This case is a planned murder case . ”

.” What you saw that night was actually a person pretending to be . ”

.” Pretend ?”

.Hearing this , Jiang Ying breathed a sigh of relief .

.Homicide and paranormal events .

.Obviously the former is easier to accept .

.” So it is . ”

.” Who was scared to death ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Didn’t we chat with an uncle for a while that night ?”

.” It’s him . ”

.Jiang Ying’s eyes widened : ” That uncle Yan ?!”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Yes . ”

.Jiang Ying covered her mouth in surprise : ” My God !”

.”I feel that others are very good , how can they be killed . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” It’s pretty good for us . ”

.” But for the murderer, it may not be the case . ”

.” There must be a life- and -death feud between him and the murderer . ”

.”I have a question for you . ”

.” What did you see that night ?”

.” As much memory as possible . ”

.” Don’t be afraid , it’s definitely human . ”

.Hearing this , Jiang Ying frowned and thought about it seriously , and said, ” It ‘s … a white flower . ”

.” Long hair and no feet . ”

.” It’s gone in a flash . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Is that the location on the path we went to after we got off the bus ?”

.Jiang Ying nodded : ” Yes . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Can you still remember your height ?”

.Jiang Ying shook her head : “I can’t remember . ”

.Seeing this , Wang Ze got up and stood a little further away , and said , ” Am I taller ?”

.Jiang Ying stared at Wang Ze for a while and said , ” No. ”

� � ….?

.” A little shorter than you . ”

.Wang Ze squatted down : ” So what ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” It’s even higher . ”

.Wang Ze : ” So what ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” Almost . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Okay, I know . ”

.” Any other features ?”

.” Any little detail will do . ”

.Jiang Ying thought for a while and said , ” At that moment , he seemed to be swaying from side to side , like a ghost . ”

.” It’s scary . ”

.Wang Ze raised his brows : ” Swing from side to side ?”

.After a little thought , he nodded and said : ” Okay . ”

.” Don’t worry about this , go home first . ”

.” I need to go out and investigate the case right now . ”

.Jiang Ying nodded obediently : ” Okay . ”

.After learning that it is not a supernatural event .


.Her fearful mood eased a lot .

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