.Targeted homicides have nothing to do with people who have nothing to do with them .

.After all .

.This is the feud between the murderer and the dead .

.Usually innocent people are not involved .

.Unless it’s one of those indiscriminate serial murders .

.Wang Ze sent Jiang Ying away from the city bureau .

.Watching Jiang Ying’s car gradually disappear from sight , he turned his head .

.Li Xiangbin and Wang Xiaotong happened to drive out .

.” Get in the car . ”

.” Let’s go to Yan Jiakui’s house now . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and got into the co-pilot .

.Vehicle starts .

.Li Xiangbin : ” Have you asked for any useful information ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” If he doesn’t wear height-enhancing shoes , he probably knows his height . ”

.” One meter seven or eight . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Male and female ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” Then I don’t know . ”

.Li Xiangbin said, ” He didn’t dare to have direct contact with the deceased. Could it be a woman ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” It’s hard to say . ”

.”The killer’s method of killing is peculiar . ”

.” It may be that the head-on confrontation is uncertain . ”

.” Probably to maximize if !” Water !”! Resources ! Resources ?, Group :”6;”?5!6.’;6?1;8!8,,9!,,6′:, prepare :; Use ,?!? Turn .;! Group ?!7′,6′,6’0..1.:8″”;3!,2′!0 to reduce the traces left , in an attempt to get rid of guilt with supernatural events purpose . ”

.” It’s also possible that special motives point to it . ”

.” Just like Tang Hong in the previous case , the victim tortured and killed the cat with nails , and he also nailed the other party to the bottom of the bed with nails . ”

.” So , there ‘s no way to judge gender from that . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin nodded slightly : ” Let’s investigate and investigate . ”

…. why .

Chapter 116 _ Visit the family of the deceased ? 3 ?

.two hours later .

.The three of Li Xiangbin came to the house of the deceased Yan Jiakui .

.Yan Jiakui’s wife, Hou Man , is an accountant .

.his son .

.Currently still in college .

.Because of his father’s death , he has returned from the field .

.whole home .

.With a very dull atmosphere .

.” Please come in. ”

.Houman looked sad and his eyes were red .

.It seems that I have been crying a lot these days .

.” Thank you . ”

.In the living room , several people took their seats .

.Li Xiangbin said , ” Ms. Hou , I take the liberty to interrupt today because I want to ask something about Yan Jiakui . ”

.Houman sighed and said , ” I know , I’ve already told you . ”

.” What’s the use of asking like this ?

.Li Xiangbin said sincerely : ” Ms. Hou , we are from the Yuncheng Bureau . ”

.” Your husband’s case , ” Jiu San Qi “, has now been handed over to the city bureau for us to handle . ”

.” Don’t worry , we will definitely find out the truth . ”

.Hearing this , Hou Man was stunned for a moment : “The truth ?”

.” Didn’t you say you were scared to death by hitting a ghost halfway ?”

.Li Xiangbin frowned : ” Who told you ?”

.Houman looked at the young man beside him .

.Li Xiangbin and others also looked over .

.The young man became nervous and stammered : ” I … I read it from the Internet …”

.” They all said that my dad met a ghost in the middle of the night and was scared to death . ”

.Photos and even videos of the scene have been posted online .

.Netizens guessed , yes .

.The three words of funeral home are indeed easy to cause associations .

.Li Xiangbin looked at him and said, ” What’s your name ?”

.The young man bowed his head and said nothing .

.Houman said, ” Officer , this is my son Xiaoshuang . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded and said , ” Ms. Hou , ghosts and gods are unbelievable . ”

.” I can tell you responsibly that Yan Jiakui’s death was definitely caused by human factors . ”

.” Therefore , I hope you will cooperate with our investigation . ”

.Houman’s expression changed : ” Human ?!”

.” You … you mean , my husband was killed ?”

.Li Xiangbin : ” There is a possibility . ”

.Houman was stunned : ” How could …”

.” My husband never sins against anyone . ”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” Ms. Hou , we will judge for ourselves if we do n’t offend anyone . ”

.” Until then , I hope you can answer our questions truthfully . ”

.Houman nodded subconsciously : ” Okay , just ask . ”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” Before the incident , was there anything unusual about Yan Jiakui ?”

.” Abnormal ?” Hou Man thought for a while, then said , ” No. ”

.” It ‘s just normal work and work . ”

.” After coming back , drink two sips of wine , watch TV for a while and then fall asleep . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Is there anything different from before ?”

.Houman shook his head : ” No , I didn’t notice it anyway . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Then … does he have any new friends recently ?”

.Houman said: ” Should not be ?”

.” He has very few friends . ”

.”The funeral home has a special job , and no one wants to get too close to him . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Have there been any conflicts with relatives ?”

.Houman shook his head : ” No. ”

.” Relationships with relatives are for New Years and festivals, and we don’t usually see each other very often . ”

.” Maybe they think Jiakui is unlucky . ”

.” It doesn’t matter , we can just live by ourselves . ”

.At this moment , Wang Ze interjected : ” Ms. Hou , can I take a look at it at home ?”

.Houman turned his head : ” Yes . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay , thank you . ”

.” Li team , you ask first , I’ll go shopping . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Okay . ”

.Wang Ze got up , first glanced at Xiaoshuang, and then came to a bedroom .

.Looking at the layout , it should be the master bedroom .

.That is where Yan Jiakui and his wife lived .

.Open the wardrobe .

.The clothes inside are neat and tidy .

.Wang Ze flipped slightly , thoughtfully .

.After closing the closet , he came to the bedside .

.Open the bedside table .

.inside .

.There are a few packs of cigarettes .

.Wang Ze is a smoker .

.So , know more about the brand of cigarettes .

.” It’s quite generous to myself . ”

.” Did you send it ?”

.Wang Ze said to himself .

.This smoke .

.There are forty-five boxes outside .

.With Yan Jiakui’s salary , he should not be willing to buy such expensive cigarettes .

.possible .

.It was given by the family of the deceased .

.It’s the funeral home after all .

.Sending some benefits will be somewhat more convenient for the family of the deceased .

.After walking around , Wang Ze left the master bedroom and came to the second bedroom …

.here .

.It should be where Yan Jiakui’s son lives .

.There are computers .

.There are also anime posters on the wall .

.Coming to the table , Wang Ze stared at Yan Xiaoshuang’s computer for a while .

.this computer .

.It doesn’t seem cheap .

.He took out his phone and took a picture .

.Shopping software search .

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