.” Huh ?”

.” Five thousand ?”

.Wang Ze’s eyes moved slightly .

.Yan Jiakui is quite generous to his son .

.Is it just generous ?

.He felt a little strange .

.No matter how high the salary of a funeral home is , there is a limit .

.A thousand or so .

.And Houman is just an ordinary accountant .

.In general , working families .

.It is quite unusual to be willing to spend so much money to buy a computer for his son .

.” This keyboard headset seems to be quite expensive . ”

.Wang Ze took a few pictures again .

.After confirming the price, he frowned .

.He left the bedroom and went to the living room .

.Li Xiangbin is still asking .

.Wang Ze found a space and interrupted, ” Yan Xiaoshuang . ”

.” Huh ?”

.Yan Xiaoshuang turned his head and looked at Wang Ze .

.Wang Zedao : ” How much living expenses does your father give you every month ?”

.Yan Xiaoshuang didn’t know whether to answer , so he looked at Houman .

.Houman said quickly : ” Five thousand . ”

.Hearing this number , not only Wang Ze , Li Xiangbin and the others were also surprised .

.” So much ?”

.Houman is puzzled : ” His 5.3 side consumption is relatively high , of course he needs to give more . ”

.” What ‘s wrong ?”

.” Does this have anything to do with my husband’s death ?”

.Li Xiangbin looked at Wang Ze .

.He knows .

.Since the other party asked about this , it should have been some clues just now .

.Wang Ze shook his head slightly , motioning to turn around .

.Seeing this , Li Xiangbin looked at Hou Man and said , ” Ms. Hou, it ‘s alright , let’s continue . ”

.” As I said earlier , Yan Jiakui often works overtime , right ?”

.Houman nodded : ” Yes . ”

.” Sometimes , not coming back for days in a row . ”

.Li Xiangbin objected : ” Is n’t it right ?”

.” Although the funeral home needs to work night shifts , it is a shift system . ”

.” How could he not come back for several days ?”

.Hearing this , Hou Man was at a loss : ” Really ? I don’t know . ”

Chapter 117 _ Extra income ? 4 ?

.The dazed look on Houman’s face didn’t look like he was pretending .

.Should really not know .

.Li Xiangbin felt strange .

.The funeral home does not need to travel , and the home is so close , how could it not be back for several days ?

.He hesitated a little , and said, ” Ms. Hou , take the liberty to ask , how is your relationship … between your husband and wife ?”

.Houman was stunned , and immediately understood what the other party meant .

.At the moment , she affirmed : ” Officer , he absolutely cannot have an affair . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Why are you so sure ?”

.Houman said earnestly, ” Just rely on my trust in him !”

.Li Xiangbin was helpless : ” Okay , let’s not talk about this . ”

.” Then talk about his relationship with Guangjian . ”


.After half an hour .

.The three left Yan Jiakui’s house .

.Li Xiangbin handed Wang Ze a cigarette and said , ” It seems that Yan Jiakui and Guangjian are very close . ”

.Houman mentioned just now .

.Guangjian is one of the few close friends of Yan Jiakui .

.And .

.Been here more than once for a drink .

.All are neighbors .

.Both work in funeral homes .

.Also fireworks .

.Adding up the three factors , it is not surprising that Guangjian and Yan Jiakui can become iron buddies .

.But the crux of the matter .

?27?Exactly right here .

.Both are now dead .

.And to be more precise , they were all killed .

.It’s not as simple as a coincidence .

.In the middle , there is definitely a secret that they don’t know .

.Just haven’t found it yet .

.” Wang Ze , what do you say ?”

.Li Xiangbin took a cigarette and looked at Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze just lit a cigarette and said , ” There is a problem with their family’s consumption . ”

.Referring to this matter , Li Xiangbin said : ” Oh yes , I almost forgot if you didn’t say it . ”

.” Why do you ask Yan Jiakui’s son’s living expenses ?”

.Wang Ze let out a breath of smoke and said , ” I found that their family is quite rich . ”

.” It can’t be said that it is very rich , and it is still at the stage of consumption concept . ”

.” Wait for the little boy to check the Yan family’s assets , maybe he can know something . ”

.” Yan Jiakui and Houman’s clothes , especially Houman , are basically expensive brand names . ”

.” And Yan Jiakui’s cigarettes are not cheap . ”

.” Including Yan Xiaoshuang’s computer , mobile phone , and monthly living expenses . ”

.” With Yan Jiakui’s basic salary , he can’t save any money so much . ”

.This thing is weird .

.Although these things can be bought on the surface , it is a problem that is reluctant to buy .

.Take the most intuitive example .

.You worked hard to make money for a few years and saved 300,000 .

.Will you use these 300,000 yuan to buy a high-end car ?

.I’m afraid not possible .

.As long as you don’t have a hole in your brain , you can’t do this kind of thing .

.Affordable and rich to buy .

.These are two completely different concepts .

.Li Xiangbin was surprised : ” Moonlight ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Young people are fine , they can understand . ”

.” But for a whole family . ”

.” This kind of consumption view is really abnormal . ”

.” Unless . ”

.” They are richer than they appear . ”

.Li Xiangbin pondered for a while and said , ” Do you want to say that Yan Jiakui has other income besides the salary of the funeral home ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Yes . ”

.Li Xiangbin’s eyes flickered : ” If this is the case , it is very likely that it has something to do with his death . ”

.Wang Ze : ” That’s right . ”

.Li Xiangbin chuckled : ” Then the direction of the investigation is coming . ”

.” Little boy , when you get in the car, go to the bank to check the Yan family’s property . ”

.Wang Xiaotong nodded : ” Okay . ”


.inside the car .

.Sitting in the driver’s seat is Wang Ze .

.But the vehicle did not start .

.them .

.Waiting for Wang Xiaotong’s verification results .

.Soon , Wang Xiaotong hung up the phone and operated on the computer for a while .

.After the results came out , she froze for a moment and said , ” Three million two hundred thousand . ”

.” Three million two hundred thousand ?”

.Li Xiangbin looked surprised .

.” Why so many ?!”

.” He has to eat or drink for more than 20 years, right ?”

.Wang Ze turned his head and said , ” It seems that Yan Jiakui does have other sources of income . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” That Guangjian …”

.Wang Ze : ” It must be the same . ”

.” I don’t know what they’re doing . ”

.Li Xiangbin turned his head : ” Little boy , can you find the specific transfer record ?”

.Wang Xiaotong shook his head : ” No , basically cash deposits . ”

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