.At this time , Li Xiangbin said, ” How is the relationship between Guangjian and Yan Jiakui in the funeral home ?”

.The curator hesitated : ” Alright … okay ?”

.” Actually I don’t know much about it . ”

.”The funeral home has a very complete process from receiving the deceased to cremation . ”

.” I also don’t need to do anything myself , mostly management . ”

.”� ” I haven’t seen anyone quarrel with anyone anyway . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” How many people are there in your funeral home ?”

.The curator said: ” There are more than a dozen people who work for a long time . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” What specific position ?”

.He answered this question skillfully , saying : ” There are corpse makeup artists , funeral directors , master of ceremonies , cremation chemicals , and what are the waiters receiving ? ”

.” Oh yes , and the sales manager . ”

.Wang Xiaotong was surprised : ” What about your funeral home and the sales manager ?”

.The curator nodded : ” Yes , of course there is . ”

.” The entire Yuncheng is not just our funeral home . ”

.” Which industry has no competition ? ”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” Give me a copy of the information of all the staff of your funeral home . ”

.” Okay , wait a minute . ”

.The curator got up and left .

.After he left , Li Xiangbin turned his head : ” Is it possible that someone inside the funeral home killed Guangjian and Yan Jiakui ?”

.Wang Zedao ( Nuo Mo’s ): ” Are you trying to talk about financial disputes ?”

.Li Xiangbin nodded and said, ” Yan Jiakui’s income is definitely not low , aren’t colleagues jealous ?”

.Wang Ze pondered for a while and said , ” Can you make so much money by stealing things from the dead ?”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” We don’t know the specific inside story . ”

.” But didn’t he just say that there is still a fee ?”

.” Perhaps Yan Jiakui and Guangjian , who received the money and did nothing , earned two copies ?”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” If you don’t do anything with the money, do the family members of the deceased also have a motive for committing the crime ?”

.Li Xiangbin turned his head : ” Because of this trivial matter, isn’t it ?”

.Wang Xiaotong shrugged : ” Who knows . ”

.this year .

.Anything can happen .

.After a while , the curator came back .

.” Police officer , these are all the staff information of our funeral home . ”

.Li Xiangbin took it .

.” Okay , thank you nephew . ”

Chapter 119 _ Big brother , take the draw ? 2 ?

.Before leaving .

.Wang Ze asked , ” How many deceased people does your funeral home take in a day ?”

.The curator thought about it ;, Water ! Course :;? Source : Group ;’6.;?5..6,;6::”1,8!’8″,9!.6;” Preparation :,; Use .,! in . to turn ”. group !7:’6,;6″”,0,1;,:8″3′!2″,0 to think , and said: ” There are more than 2,000 in a year. . ”

.” On average a day … five or six . ”

.Wang Zedao : ” In the past month , have all the photos of the deceased been kept ?”

.The curator was taken aback by this question and nodded : ” Yes , but it’s an electronic version . ”

.Wang Zedao : ” Investigation needs , our police need a copy . ”

.Curator : ” Okay . ”


.Funeral home door .

.inside the car .

.Li Xiangbin handed the information to Wang Ze : ” Is there any problem ?”

.Wang Ze took it and flipped it over and said , ” These are all basic materials , and I can’t see any problems . ”

.” Murderers are now no more than two types of people . ”

.” First , the internal staff of the funeral home . ”

.” Second , the family of the deceased . ”

.” It’s half-probable and we need to investigate further . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” So you want photos of the recent deceased ?”

.” Well . ” Wang Ze nodded . ” Although it is unlikely that the living will kill the dead , there are exceptions that cannot be ruled out . ”

.” It must be checked . ”

.” As for the funeral home …”

.After speaking , he turned to look out the window .

.Funeral home door .

.There is a security guard lingering .

.He smiled slightly and said , ” Have you heard of it, bystanders will be clear . 940″

.Li Xiangbin was surprised : “The bystanders are clear ?”

.” Nonsense , who doesn’t know these four words . ”

.”What’s wrong ?”

.Wang Ze raised his head , motioned to look at the security guard , and said , ” Security guards generally don’t touch the internal procedures of the funeral home , let alone intervene in those messy things . ”

.” But that’s precisely the case . As a bystander, he can see the problem most clearly . ”

.” It’s even possible to know some secrets . ”

.” What do you think ?”

.Li Xiangbin stared at the security guard for a while, and said, ” Go and ask ?”

.Wang Ze took out a box of cigarettes and said with a smile : ” Li team , reimbursement . ”

.Li Xiangbin glanced at it and said in surprise : ” I’ll go , such expensive cigarettes . ”

.” Where did you get it ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” You forgot , I have a super rich second-generation girlfriend . ”

.” Children testify for me , I have to pay back when I go back . ”

.After speaking , he opened the door and got out of the car .

.Wang Xiaotong covered his mouth and snickered .

.Li Xiangbin twitched the corners of his mouth and said , ” This guy is not a man at all . ”

.” That girl Jiang Ying, she is blind to you . ”

.Wang Xiaotong laughed .

.” Haha . ”

.On the other side , Wang Ze opened the cigarette and came to the security guard .

.” Brother , are you busy ?”

.The security guard turned his head and said with a smile , ” The current police officer is so young . ”

.Wang Ze said with a smile : ” It looks young . ”

.” Come on , have a cigarette . ”

.As he spoke , he handed him a cigarette .

.The security guard was also polite and reached out to take it .

.” Young man , just ask if you have any questions . You’re welcome . ”

.Wang Ze stepped forward to set the security guard on fire , and said , ” It’s okay , I’ve already asked all the questions . ”

.” Just taking a break and chatting . ”

.” Our captain , curse people every day . ”

.Thankfully , Li Xiangbin didn’t hear this sentence .

.The security guard laughed : ” Normal , normal , all the same . ”

.Wang Ze handed the whole pack of cigarettes to the other party and said , ” Brother , take it and smoke it . ”

.” Huh ?”

.The security guard looked at the obviously expensive cigarettes and hesitated : ” This …”

.Without waiting for the other party to refuse , Wang Ze directly stuffed the cigarette case into the other party’s hand .

.” You ‘re welcome, brother , you worked hard . ”

.” The job of a funeral home is not easy . ”

.The security guard put away the cigarette with a smile , and saw Wang Ze pleasing to the eye a lot .

.” Not really, boy . ”

.” Especially working as a security guard in a funeral home , I really can’t do it if I don’t have the guts . ”

.Wang Ze lit his cigarette , nodded and said, ” Yes . ”

.” People with poor mental quality , who dare to come here . ”

.”I always hear about some supernatural events in the funeral home, is it true or false ?”

.The security guard waved his hand : ” It’s all nonsense , how can there be any supernatural event ? (chfd)”

.” Just frighten myself . ”

.” Let me tell you , Lao Guang and Lao Yan are definitely not scared to death . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Oh ?”

.” Why are you so sure . ”

.The security guard said: ” Because I don’t believe there are ghosts in the world . ”

.” Any paranormal event can be explained by science , you know ?”

.” If it can’t be explained , it means that scientific development has not yet arrived . ”

.Wang Ze was surprised .

.He didn’t expect it .

.This 40-50-year-old security guard has this insight .

.He laughed : ” Did n’t they all say that the end of science is theology ?”

.The security guard said: ” That is also the end of science. Where are we now ? ”

.” Not even a first-level civilization . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Uh . ”

.This big brother .

.something .

.When you have nothing to do, you can watch short videos online every day, right ?

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