.Seeing that the other party was talking about the mysteries of the universe , Wang Ze quickly returned to the topic .

.” Brother , do you and Guangjian Yan Jiakui know each other very well ?”

.The security nodded : ” Not bad not bad . ”

.” I used to drink alcohol at the funeral home . ”

.” Drinking at the funeral home ?” Wang Ze was surprised and said , ” Then you are really brave . ”

.The security guard said indifferently : ” I’m used to it , what’s so scary about it . ”

.Wang Ze : ” These two are quite rich, right ? ”

.Referring to this matter , the security guard looked back and after confirming that no one was there , he whispered : ” I tell you , Lao Guang and Lao Yan , they made a lot of money . ”

.Because of the pack of cigarettes .

.He didn’t hide much from Wang Ze .

.Sometimes .

.Pulling in the relationship is that simple .

.Wang Ze flicked the cigarette ash and said , ” How do you make money ?”

.Security guard : ” How else can you make money ? Make money with black hearts ?”

.” These days , as long as you can make money , you can do anything . ”

.” I came back one night to get something , and I happened to see a van I hadn’t seen before , parked in front of the funeral home . ”

.” Lao Guang and Lao Yan are here . ”

.” What do you think they can do sneakily ?”

.” I guess it has something to do with cremation . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze was silent for a while, and said, ” What kind of van ?”

.The security guard said: ” It’s the kind that is common on the street , silver and white made in China . ”

.Wang Ze tried to ask , ” You didn’t remember the license plate number, did you ?”

.The security guard shook his head : ” Then how can I remember . ”

.” I remember what that thing does . ”

.Wang Ze : ” What month and date ?”

.Security : ” Oh , that must have been a year ago . ”

Chapter 120 _ Master in the folk ? 3 ?

.a year ago ?

.This …

.It’s been a while .

.Surveillance video , ~ I am afraid that it has been regularly deleted .

.Generally speaking ,

.The surveillance video on the street can be kept for one month to three months .

.In some accident-prone sections , surveillance video will be retained for three to three months .

.Special places like hospitals may be kept longer .

.Like half a year .

.Wang Ze pondered slightly and said , “What were they doing at the time ? ”

.The security guard smiled and said , ” I’m sorry , I didn’t see it clearly . ”

.”I was far away at the time , and after seeing the car , I didn’t even take anything and went home . ”

.Wang Ze glanced at him and said , ” Brother , you are quite a man . ”

.The security guard laughed : ” Sometimes , knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing . ”

.” I don’t want to be promoted to get rich in my life, it ‘s enough to live in peace . ”

.” Something that’s messy , just don’t see it . ”

.Wang Ze was silent .

.Everyone has their own way of living .

.To a certain extent , the security elder brother lived a relatively transparent life .

.If you don’t put aside your identity as a policeman .

.I’m afraid that even the van thing , may not necessarily ask .

.” I really don’t know , what are they doing ?”

.He asked again .

.I always felt that the other party should know something .

.Hearing this , the security guard took a puff of cigarette , gave Wang Ze a deep look , and said , ” Young man , you must have been excellent when you were in the criminal investigation team at such a young age, right ?”

.Seeing that the other party suddenly changed the subject , Wang Ze’s smile remained unchanged , and said , ” Big brother has praised him . ”

.” It’s okay , okay , haha . ”

.He is not overly modest .

.Talking too fake is not conducive to pulling in the relationship .

.The security guard asked , ” Is your hometown Yuncheng ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Yes , the locals . ”

.Security guard : ” My hometown is in the mountainous countryside . ”

.” It’s far from here . ”

.” Hey , the times are developing and society is progressing . ”

.”I didn’t expect our city to change so much . ”

.”On our side , it’s relatively backward . ”

.” Many old cultural bad habits still exist . ”

.Wang Ze’s eyes flickered and he said with a smile, ” That’s right . ”

.” In the backcountry, there are many things to believe . ”

.” I don’t mean anything else, bro . ”

.The security guard smiled and waved : ” It’s okay , what you said is the truth . ”

.” It’s not superstition , it’s custom . ”

.” You young people , you shouldn’t know much now . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” It’s okay , I heard it from the older generation . ”

.” I don’t know what the security brother is referring to ?”

.The security made a haha : ” No, no , I’m just chatting . ”

.” It’s hard to catch someone to talk , talk a lot , talk a lot , haha . ”

.Wang Ze stared at him for a while, then chuckled , ” Brother , can I ask something ?”

.Bao Bao said loudly : ” You say it . ”

.Wang Ze : ” How is the relationship between Guangjian and Yan Jiakui and colleagues ?”

.” Relationship …”

.The security guard pondered slightly and said , ” Not very good . ”

.”The workplace is something , you know . ”

.” Although our funeral home is not big , although the sparrow is small and complete , and the employees perform their duties , it can be regarded as a workplace society . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” That’s right . ”

.Bao Bao said: ” Since it is a workplace society , the small circle is very important . ”

.” Look . ”

.” Lao Guang and Lao Yan are usually very close , and they don’t like to be in contact with colleagues very much . ”

.” As time goes by, the contradictions will come out . ”

.” Funeral services have a set of procedures, and they are indispensable . ”

.” Removal , registration , refrigeration , memorial services , grooming , cremation, etc. ”

.” Lao Guang and Lao Yan are responsible for cremation . ”

.” Do you understand what I’m saying ?”

.Wang Ze’s thinking changed sharply .

.At first glance , there is nothing wrong with these words .

.Also , it doesn’t seem to want to express anything .

.But he knew that the security must have wanted to tell him something .

.I just don’t want to say it too clearly .

.Contradiction ?

.Funeral service process ?

.Cremation ?

.Wang Ze memorized a few key words and said with a smile , ” Brother’s words are a bit esoteric , difficult to understand , difficult to understand . ”

.The security guard showed a meaningful smile , took out a new cigarette and handed it to Wang Ze .

.” Borrowing flowers to offer Buddha . ”

.Wang Ze took the cigarette .

.The security guard said: ” Young man , these people in our funeral home are actually all there to support the family . ”

.” Even if it’s a little bit contradictory , what can you do ?”

.” Hey . ”

.”To live a stable and free life , the most important thing is to have a wife and children on the kang head . ”

.Wang Ze frowned slightly .

.opponent’s words .

.There are contradictory points .

.But precisely because of the contradiction , the amount of information is greater than it appears on the surface .

.This security is not easy .

.The words were not revealed , but secretly told him a lot of things .

.Work in a funeral home .

.Qu Caicai .

.” Brother , thank you . ”

.The security guard waved his hand : “You ‘re welcome . ”

.” I’m just a small security guard and I didn’t make any contribution to the society . ”

.” And you , who fought on the front line of crime despite the danger , are great . ”

.” What I admire most is your police officers . ”


.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Big brother has won the prize . ”

.At this moment , he hesitated a little and said , ” The director of your funeral home is a good person, right ?”

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