.The security took a breath and said , ” Not bad . ”

.” Anyway I think he treats every employee the same . ”

.Wang Ze frowned .

.this moment .

.He really admired the big brother in front of him .

.The art of speaking is simply perfect .

.He can understand .

.It means that .

.The tricky relationship between Guangjian and Yan Jiakui should not involve the curator .

.In other words , the curator did not participate in the money-making activities of the two .

.From a case-handling point of view .

.That is the curator , not the next target of the murderer .

.From the overall results of the conversation .

.After the murderer killed Guangjian and Yan Jiakui , the matter was over .

.This is what Wang Ze extracted from the chat content .

.Whether it is credible or not is up to you to decide .

.” Brother, you’re busy , I’m leaving . ”

.Wang Ze waved his hand .

.Security : ” Walk slowly . ”

.Looking at Wang Ze’s leaving back , he whispered to himself , ” Does he really understand ?”

.” If you understand it , that’s very clever . ”

.Wang Ze got into the car .

.Li Xiangbin asked : ” How is it , is there anything to gain ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Yes , I have gained a lot . ”

.” That security guard knows too much . ”

.” I really didn’t expect this . ”

…. why .

Chapter 121 _ Inference [ 4 ]

.” Know a lot ?”

.Li Xiangbin was also surprised .

.” Like ?”

.Wang Ze said, ” For example . ”

.” He seems to know that Guangjian and Yan Jiakui died of murder . ”

.Li Xiangbin’s eyes narrowed : ” Oh ?!”

.Wang Ze continued : ” For another example . ”

.” He obviously knew that Guangjian and Yan Jiakui were secretly doing illegal activities . ”

.” And , a lot of money . ”

.” Also , he told me intentionally or unintentionally that these people in the funeral home should not be murderers . ”

.” In the end , there is no partnership between the funeral director and the deceased . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin thought for a while and said , ” It means that the murderer’s target is Guangjian and Yan Jiakui , very clear ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” That’s what he wanted to express . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” What about the motivation ?”

” Nine Sixty “.” He doesn’t even know the motive, does he ?”

.Wang Ze was slightly silent and said , ” I’m afraid , I really know . ”

.” The security guard mentioned just now that he happened to see a strange van parked in front of the funeral home one night . ”

.” And at that time, Guangjian and Yan Jiakui were also there . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Then what ? What are you doing ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” He didn’t say it . ”

.” But he must know . ”

.” After that, he changed the subject and chatted with me about some bad folk customs . ”

.” He’s not going to start this topic for no reason . ”

.” Then can we think that the mischief between Guangjian and Yan Jiakui has something to do with the bad habits of the people ?”

.Li Xiangbin was suspicious : ” Wang Ze , are you sure you haven’t overinterpreted it ?”

.Wang Ze’s eyes flickered : ” I’m sure not . ”

.” Li team , kid . ”

.” What do you think has anything to do with the bad habits of the people and the victims ?”

.The two looked at each other and shook their heads .

.” Where do I know where to go . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” We think a little deeper . ”

.”The victims, Guangjian and Yan Jiakui , were the last to touch the body . ”

.” Then we can think . ”

.” What’s the relationship between folk bad habits and corpses ?”

.Li Xiangbin : ” What are you trying to say ?”

.Wang Ze glanced at the two and said , ” Yin marriage . ”

.” Yin marriage ?!”

.Wang Xiaotong was startled .

.Why did the topic suddenly jump to Yin marriage ?

.Is it so weird ?

.Li Xiangbin’s expression also changed : ” Yin marriage ?”

.” That security guard is actually trying to talk about yin marriage ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” In addition to yin marriage , I can’t think of any other possibility to associate the corpse with the bad customs of the people . ”

.Yin marriage , as the name suggests , is for the dead to get married .

.In the past, after a young boy and a girl got engaged , if they did not wait for the marriage, they both died .

.At that time, the old people thought that if they did not get married , their ghosts would play a role and make the family uneasy .

.Therefore , be sure to hold a yin marriage ceremony for them .

.Finally , bury the two together .

.They became husband and wife and were buried together .

.At the same time , it also avoids the appearance of solitary graves on the ancestral graves of both parties .

.This is the beginning of yin marriage .

.Later , men and women who gradually developed into single deaths also began to hold yin marriage ceremonies .

.Since it is a marriage , it will definitely need a groom or a bride .

.Where can I find it ?

.It is impossible to live .

.Only find dead people .

.After listening to Wang Ze’s analysis , Li Xiangbin’s eyes turned cold : ” That is , corpse trading ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” That’s right . ”

.”The security guard only mentioned bad folk customs , that is, yin marriage . ”

.” But in fact , the sale of corpses is definitely an industry chain . ”

.” Besides yin marriage , there are many other functions . ”

.Wang Xiaotong was curious : ” What else does the corpse do ?”

.Wang Ze replied : ” For example , it has become a ritual prop for a superstitious goddess . ”

.” For example , the sale of bones . ”

.” For example , bone meal , etc. ”

.Wang Xiaotong was surprised : ” What is bone meal ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Some criminals like to grind human bones into powder to make medicine . ”

.Wang Xiaotong was startled : ” What medicine ?”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” Actually, it’s not too rare medicine , like aphrodisiac . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Uh …”

.” Are corpses expensive ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” It ‘s ok , let’s look at the quality , it’s almost 50,000 . ”

.Wang Xiaotong took a light breath and said , ” This still has quality ?”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” Of course . ”

.” A dead body of an old man , what do you want ?”

.” Young adults, especially young women , will be bought , and the price is considerable …”

.” It ‘s more expensive like a yin marriage . ”

.Wang Xiaotong thought for a while and said , ” More than three million yuan , it’s not even considered to have been spent . ”

.” How many corpses did they have to sell ?”

.Wang Ze : ” If that’s the case , there are bound to be countless . ”

.”The corpse is pushed into the cremation furnace , and it comes out with ashes and bone slag , which is easy to fake . ”

.” Also , opening the urn is not allowed . ”

.” Because that is disrespectful to the dead , as if disturbing the dead . ”

.” The operability is very high . ”

.Wang Xiaotong nodded like a chicken pecking at rice .

.The strange knowledge has been added again .

.” Wait a minute , let me stroke it . ”

.Li Xiangbin waved his hand and said word by word, ” That is to say , Guangjian and Yan Jiakui were suspected of illegal corpse trading and were retaliated by the family of the deceased ?”

.Wang Ze immediately said : ” No , I didn’t say that . ”

.” What is being discussed now is the issue of Guangjian and Yan Jiakui . ”

.” It has nothing to do with the murderer . ”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” But the motive is precisely here . ”

.Wang Ze shook his finger and said , ” I don’t think it’s that simple . ”

.” After all, people are dead . ”

.” If you find that the remains of your relatives have been illegally traded , you can call the police . There is really no need to kill people . ”

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