.” Unless …”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Unless what ?”

.Wang 5.3 Ze was silent for a while, then said: ” Unless , the deceased and the murderer have an extraordinary relationship . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” For example ?”

.Wang Ze scratched his head : ” For example … a single-parent family , a mother and child or father and child who depend on each other . ”

.” Also , love each other , and the love is deeper than the sea . ”

.” Something like that . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin nodded : ” Yes , it makes sense . ”

.” Two people in this relationship , losing each other is equivalent to losing the whole world . ”

.” If the corpse is manipulated again , it is still possible to kill in anger . ”

.” That’s nothing to say , check the deceased received by the funeral home . ”

.” Screening their relationships . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Well , this is a relatively clear direction of investigation at present . ”

Chapter 122 _ Why do n’t you try it ? ? 5 ?

.Nine o’clock in the morning the next day .

.meeting room .

.When Li Xiangbin finished talking about Wang Ze’s inquiry results and inferences , everyone was surprised .

.” Bullying of corpses ?”

.”The deceased was killed because of this ?”

.” Is n’t it for the dead ? Isn’t the living more important ?”

.The crowd whispered .

.Li Xiangbin pressed his palm down , signaling everyone to be quiet .

.” There is currently no corroboration for this matter , it is just an inference with a relatively high possibility . ”

.” From now on , check the deceased received by the funeral home and find out the suspicious person . ”

.” Bao Qu , talk about your investigation results on Guangjian . ”

.Bao Qu straightened up , nodded and said, ” Okay . ”

.” After visiting yesterday , Guangjian has a relatively perfect family . ”

.”The wife has a proper job , and the daughter is doing well in school . ”

.”The relationship between husband and wife is good , and no doubts have been found . ”

.” There is very little communication between relatives , except for festivals . ”

.” Friends’ words … not many , and there is no great hatred . ”

.” Overall, it ‘s normal . ”

.” It ‘s a colleague at the funeral home, and his evaluation is average . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin said, ” What is the general law ?”

.Bao Qu said: ” It should be a contradiction in work . ”

.Wang Ze frowned slightly .

.27 points of conflict at work ?

.Similar words , the security brother also mentioned .

.Li Xiangbin : ” Are there any specific examples ?”

.Bao Qu thought about it and said , ” For example , rushing into the cremation room will make Guangjian very angry . ”

.” Combining this matter with Wang Ze’s inference , it is very likely that Guangjian and Yan Jiakui did illegal activities . ”

.” By the way , is it profitable to buy and sell corpses ?”

.Without waiting for Wang Ze and the others to speak , Ma Haoyu, who has been looking at his mobile phone, said : ” I checked it, and it ‘s quite profitable . ”

.” A corpse can range from twenty to thirty thousand to as many as fifty thousand . ”

.” Look, look , there are people who said they bought corpses for marriage . ”

.” Let me go , what’s the way . ”

.Bao Qu was surprised : ” Is it a yin marriage ?”

.” I’ve heard of it , what about it now ?”

.Ma Haoyu picked up the phone : ” Look , there are sacrifices !”

.” Good guy , as written in the novel . ”

.Listening to the conversation between the two , Li Xiangbin and Wang Xiaotong glanced at Wang Ze at the same time .

.The other party’s inference seems to be getting closer and closer to reality .

.” Okay , be quiet . ”

.Li Xiangbin said .

.Hearing this , Bao Qu , Ma Haoyu and the others quickly stopped discussing and put away their mobile phones .

.Li Xiangbin looked at Wang Xiaotong and said , ” The identity of the deceased copied from the funeral home has been verified, right ?”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” The investigation is over . If ? ‘ Water ‘ resources ‘? Source ?;; Group ;:!6’5,:;6″,6?.1,8.,8?:?9′:,6, ,; Prepare !’; Use ?!; In ‘ Turn ,? group’7 ,.6;6.’.0?!;1!8.?,3,.2?0″

.Li Xiangbin : ” Let it go . ”

.” Let’s see one by one . ”

.Wang Xiaotong nodded : ” Okay . ”

.After speaking , she started to operate the computer .

.At this time, Wang Ze added : ” Old people over 60 years old skip first . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Okay , then there are very few . ”

.Soon , the big screen lights up .

.One after another , photos and basic information appeared on the screen .

.There are men and women .

.After removing the elderly .

.These deceased should all died of disease or accident .

.Li Xiangbin looked at the screen and said, ” First get rid of healthy families . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Okay . ”

.Photos are reduced again .

.There is only one person left .

.After all, the probability of a single-parent family is still very small .

.Li Xiangbin looked at the man in the photo and was about to say something .

.” Wait . ”

.Wang Ze seemed to see something .

.” Go ahead , is there a girl in a white dress ?”

.Hearing this , Wang Xiaotong pressed the keyboard and said , ” Are you talking about her ?”

.On the screen at this time , a young woman was displayed .

.Looking at the age , it is twenty-seven or eight years old .

.After the makeup artist’s make-up , she basically maintained her appearance before her death .

.Very pure .

.very beautiful .

.Wang Ze stared at the photo for a while and said , ” Look at the information . ”

.Wang Xiaotong pressed the keyboard .

.Liu Tong , 29 years old , died of sudden meningitis .

.” Meningitis ?”

.Wang Ze secretly sighed a pity .

.The chances of survival from sudden meningitis are very small .

.Once sick , it can be fatal in just a few hours .

.Li Xiangbin glanced at the photo and said , ” Wang Ze , is there anything wrong with this girl ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” It’s not a problem . ”

.” It just flashed before my eyes just now , reminding me of the white shadow Jiang Ying saw that night . ”

.” Long hair and white clothes . ”

.” This is Jiang Ying’s description . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin looked at Liu Tong’s photo again and said , ” Do you want to say that the murderer, dressed as Liu Tong , scared Guangjian and Yan Jiakui to death ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” It’s possible , check it out . ”

.Wang Xiaotong said: ” Liu Tong is not a local , his hometown is in a rural area in another province . ”

.” Work is a coffee shop waiter , unmarried . ”

.” That’s the information we have right now . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Then we need to know if she has a boyfriend . ”

.Li Xiangbin’s eyes moved slightly : ” What if there is ?”

.Wang Ze glanced at him and said , ” If there is , just make a routine investigation . ”

.” Captain Li , I just raised the possibility , not the murderer . ”

.” Every time you screw me up , it ‘s stressful . ”

.The crowd laughed .

.The atmosphere has eased .

.Li Xiangbin also shook his head with a smile and said , ” Okay , I was wrong this time . ”

.” For a while, Xiaotong, Bao Qu , and Wang Ze , come with me to Liu Tong’s coffee shop . ”

.Three : ” Okay . ”

.At this moment , the door of the conference room was pushed open .

.Song Ting came in .

.” How is it, have you found any clues ?”

.Song Ting said while walking .

.Li Xiangbin : ” I haven’t asked you yet , but you have asked me . ”

.” Where are you ?”

.Song Ting said: ” It is because I have no gain here , so I am asking you . ”

.” If you’ve already found something , wouldn’t I be relieved ?”

.Li Xiangbin has no 960 Nai .

.Wang Ze looked at Song Ting and said, ” Sister Song , have n’t you found out the specific cause of death ?”

.Song Ting shook her head : ” No. ”

.” All indications are that the deceased must have died of cardiac arrest . ”

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