.Wang Ze was slightly silent and said , ” I mean , what caused the cardiac arrest . ”

.” This …”

.Song Ting had difficulty answering this question .

.”I really can’t find it . ”

.” Our conclusion is that the deceased saw something terrible that caused an instant acceleration of blood circulation , tearing of the heart muscle , and cardiac arrest . ”

.” Why do n’t you try it ?”

.She knows .

.Although Wang Ze is good at criminal psychology , he is definitely an expert in forensics .

.Just rarely do it .

.In general cases , their forensic department is enough to give a clear autopsy report .

.This time , it ‘s a little harder .

.In fact, she didn’t believe that the deceased was really scared to death .

.It must be ignored somewhere .

.As soon as these words came out , everyone’s attention focused on Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze didn’t hesitate , got up and said, ” Okay , let’s go . ”


.ps: I will read every comment and make selective corrections . Thank you readers for your great subscription .

.As for the female lead … uh .

.The character has been set , but I will try to listen to opinions .

.After all, a girl who goes to a mental hospital to find a boyfriend is a bit of a tiger .

.Like silly white sweet white moonlight , you can’t do this kind of thing , ha .

Chapter 123 _ The main cause of cardiac arrest [ 1 ]

.Li Xiangbin , Song Ting and others came to the forensic room .

.Two corpses were lying on the cold dissection table .

.Song Ting , the anatomical wound has not been sutured yet .

.From the perspective of anatomical position , her key investigation site is the heart .

.Cardiac arrest .

.The problem must be near the heart .

.especially myocardial fibers .

.Song Ting said, ” In the past two days , our forensic department has conducted a comprehensive investigation of the two bodies . ”

.” From head to toe , nothing was missed . ”

.” Unfortunately , no man-made wounds have been found . ”

.” Wang Ze , do you think there is something wrong here ?”

.The voice fell , and everyone looked at Wang Ze in unison .

.In the conference room , they are free to express their opinions on the case .

.But in the forensic room .

.It’s hard for them to interrupt .

.Including Li Xiangbin .

.After all, the profession has a specialization .

.There are very few people like Wang Ze who fully bloom , almost none .

.Facing everyone’s gaze , Wang Ze did not immediately answer Song Ting’s words .

.Instead , he circled around one of the corpses a few times .

.This is Yan Jiakui’s body .

.Judging from the face , the deceased’s face was hideous , the facial muscles contracted , and the pupils were dilated .

.Clearly frightened .

.A few seconds or more before he died , he must have seen something terrible .

.this .

.There is no doubt now .

.The point is .

.A cremation chemical that touches the dead every day .

.A person who is almost immune to so-called paranormal events .

.scared to death .

.Really weird .

.There should be a deeper reason .

.After observing and thinking for a while , Wang Ze put on gloves and gently opened the anatomical wound .

.The blood has basically coagulated .

.But there is still a little bit of liquid blood to be seen .

.” Cotton swabs . ”

.Wang Ze leaned closer , staring at the wound near the heart .

.At the same time , reach out .

.The forensic doctor on the side heard the words and quickly stepped forward and handed Wang Ze a cotton swab .

.Wang Ze took the cotton swab and carefully took a blood sample near the myocardial fibers .

.Seeing Wang Ze’s actions , Song Ting couldn’t help but said, ” Do you still want to test for drug residues in your blood ? ”

.” We’ve tested it twice and there’s no toxic reaction . ”

.” What’s more , there were no injection wounds near the heart of the deceased . ”

.” Even if someone moved their hands and feet , it should not be used this way . ”

.Wang Ze straightened up , looked at the blood on the cotton swab up close for a while , and said , ” I don’t care how the murderer did it . ”

.” Let’s start by assuming that there is something wrong with the blood . ”

.” There is no poison reaction , what if it is decomposed ?”

.Hearing this , Song Ting was taken aback : ” Decompose ?”

.” However , the decomposed compound will become an ion . ”

.” How do we determine what the killer used, hypothetically ? ”

.Wang Ze turned around and came to the laboratory , saying , ” It depends on our luck . ”

.” According to the periodic table , start with the most likely and check one by one . ”

.” Hey , take concentrated hydrochloric acid and dilute it to 100ml . ”

.Forensic : ” Okay . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Suppressor solution , add sodium citrate and sodium nitrate . ”

.Forensic : ” Okay . ”

.Watching Wang Ze’s testing process , Song Ting fell into deep thought .

.Don’t speak , just wait quietly .

.Although Li Xiangbin and others couldn’t understand it, they also knew that they could not be disturbed at the moment, and stood there quietly .

.In the entire forensic room , only Wang Ze and the forensic doctor were busy .

.an hour later .

.Wang Ze connected the electrodes .

.The numbers are out .

.Song Ting hurried forward .

.” This conductivity …”

.” Fluoride ion ?”

.She knows .

.Wang Ze used a simplified version of ion chromatography .

.The presence of specific ions can be accurately detected in a short period of time .

.But this requires a premise .

.That is, it is necessary to know in advance what the detected ion is .

.That is to say .

.The first thing Wang Ze detected was the fluoride ion .

.” Looks like we were right in our assumptions and with good luck . ”

.Wang Ze took off his gloves and said .

.Song Ting was a little surprised by this result .

.It wasn’t the test results that surprised her .

.It is Wang Ze’s judgment .

.” How do you know it’s fluoride ?”

.Song Ting said .

.Wang Ze : ” When I was in the police academy , I happened to read a book on inorganic compounds . ”

.” It can cause a person to go into sudden cardiac arrest without a trace . ”

.” At the moment , there is only one possibility . ”

.At this moment, Li Xiangbin couldn’t bear it any longer and said , ” What do you mean ? Speak the vernacular . ”

.” Is the cause of death determined ?”

.Wang Xiaotong and the others also looked at Wang Ze with curiosity .

.Wang Ze turned around and said , ” Hydrogen fluoride . ”

.” Hydrogen fluoride , an inorganic compound . ”

.” Under normal conditions , it is a colorless , pungent odor toxic gas with very strong hygroscopicity . ”

.Li Xiangbin was taken aback : ” Gas ?”

.” What do you mean ? The deceased inhaled poisonous gas before he died ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” I haven’t finished speaking yet . ”

.” This hydrogen fluoride is easily soluble in water and can be infinitely miscible with water to form hydrofluoric acid . ”

.”The point , on hydrofluoric acid . ”

.” When hydrofluoric acid enters the human body , it enters the blood circulation and affects tissues throughout the body . ”

.”� ” Especially the bones . ”

.” Why bone , because the toxicology of hydrofluoric acid is mainly to attack calcium ions to form insoluble calcium fluoride . ”

.”A specific clinical response , including a rapid reduction in blood calcium . ”

.” Thus , causing arrhythmias and even … cardiac arrest . ”

.After listening to Wang Ze’s words , Li Xiangbin and the others’ expressions changed .

.They can probably understand .

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