.But what attracts the most attention is the last four words .

.Cardiac arrest .

.”The deceased was really poisoned ?”

.Li Xiangbin was surprised .

.Song Ting looked at Wang Ze .

.As a senior forensic doctor , she knew that the other party must have something to say .

.Wang Ze said: ” It is poisoning , but not oral . ”

.”The murderer , obviously, has a very good understanding of the toxicity and effects of hydrofluoric acid . ”

.” Oral , it can’t achieve the effect of being scared to death . ”

.” The safest way is to inject fluoride into the blood near the heart to destroy myocardial fibers . ”

.” Fluoride is not highly toxic , it takes time to react and it ‘s not necessarily really lethal . ”

.” But if at this ( Nuowang Hao ) time , a strong external stimulus is applied to the injected person , which will cause the opponent’s blood flow to increase and impact the ventricle . ”

.” Then , there will be a great probability that people will be scared to death . ”

.Li Xiangbin widened his eyes .

.Didn’t expect that the truth would be like this .

.” Wang Ze , you really started the whole case by yourself . ”

.Li Xiangbin spoke subconsciously .

.It’s up to him to investigate the case .

.I didn’t expect that even the autopsy would have to be done by him .

.If you do this , the rest of our criminal investigation team will look stupid .

.Wang Xiaotong and Bao Qu also looked at Wang Ze with admiration .

.Leaving aside the case , it is a bit suspected of breaking the forensic field .

.Haven’t seen those forensic doctors , have you been blinded ?

.Song Ting is better .

.After all , she never underestimated Wang Ze .

.” Eh ? No , wait a minute !”

.At this moment , Li Xiangbin suddenly remembered something .

.” Isn’t there no injection wound ?”

.” How did the murderer do it ?”

Chapter 124 _ Team Li , arrest them ! ? 2 ?

.This question brings everyone back to their senses .

.It also brought the doubts back to the beginning of the case again .

.Autopsy results .

.There were no wounds on the body of the deceased .

.Including tiny pinholes .

.This is a definite fact .

.It’s a report from the forensic department .

.This has nothing to do with the ability of forensics .

.It is a basic corpse investigation .

.That is to say , both Wang Ze and Song Ting will come to the same conclusion .

.Well .

.No wounds .

.How did the murderer inject the drug into the body of the deceased ?

.Facing Li Xiangbin’s question , Wang Ze fell silent .

.Song Ting also frowned .

.It seems that they are unable to give a definite conclusion at present .

.” Is it possible that it is a very thin needle ?”

.Wang Xiaotong said .

.Song Ting shook her head : ” No. ”

.” No matter how thin the needle can be, there is a limit . ”

.” As long as it is a needle tube , it will leave a pinhole , and it is impossible not to check . ”

.After she finished speaking , she turned to look at Wang Ze and said , ” Wang Ze , what do you think? Is there a way to guess ?”

.Li Xiangbin and others also looked over .

.Unconsciously , they seem to have regarded Wang Ze as an omnipotent being .

.Wang Ze thought about it for a long time and said , ” There are still some guesses . ”

.” I want to inject a liquid into the human body silently without leaving any traces . ”


.” This shows that the tool should be slender and the technique should be clever . ”

.” Only about tools . ”

.” Only a needle can do it . ”

.Song Ting was taken aback : ” Needle ?”

.The next moment , she suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said in surprise, ” You want to talk about acupuncture ?!”

.” Well . ” Wang Ze nodded , ” The possibility of acupuncture is still very large . ”

.” If you think about it, it seems that only acupuncture can ensure the injection of liquid that leaves no traces on the skin and flesh . ”

.Li Xiangbin was surprised : ” Will acupuncture not leave needle eyes ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” On the day of acupuncture , I will stay . ”

.” But over time , it’s hard to find out . ”

.” Those who can do this must be proficient in acupuncture , which is traditional Chinese medicine . ”

.” We can use this as an investigation direction . ”

.Li Xiangbin was silent for a while, then said, ” Go , go to the coffee shop where Liu Tong works first . ”

.Everyone : ” Yes !”


.an hour later .

.A coffee shop in Yuncheng .

.Li Xiangbin brought someone in and went directly to the store manager .

.The manager of this coffee shop is a woman in her thirties .

.Dress stylishly and look good (chfd) .

.In the face of the police’s door-to-door questioning , she was a little surprised .

.” Liu Tong ?”

.” Yes , she was indeed an employee of our store before she died . ”

.” But … she seems to have died of illness, right ?”

.” What is this looking for ?”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” It’s just a routine investigation , I hope you will cooperate , thank you . ”

.The store manager nodded and said indifferently, ” Okay , just ask . ”

.” If you know , I will tell you . ”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” Actually there is only one question , does Liu Tong have a boyfriend ? ”

.Manager : ” Boyfriend , yes , of course there is . ”

.” He often comes to pick up Liu Tong from work , but he has never entered the store . ”

.” I don’t know why . ”

.After getting a definite answer , Li Xiangbin quickly said, ” Do you know what it’s called ?”

.The manager shook his head : ” I don’t know . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” What about the long one ?”

.Store manager : ” I glanced at it from a distance , but every time he sat in the car , he couldn’t see it very clearly . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” What car ?”

.Store Manager : ” White Chevrolet . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Do you remember the license plate number ?”

.The store manager was helpless : ” Officer , I have nothing to do to look at the license plate number . ”

.Li Xiangbin fell silent .

.Of course he knew that it was unlikely that the other party would remember the license plate number .

.But it is natural to ask .

.What if ?

.At this moment , Wang Ze said, ” Since you haven’t had much contact with them , how do you know that they are in a good relationship ?”

.The store manager said, ” Listen to what Liu Tong has to say . ”

.” Every time she mentioned her boyfriend , she looked happy and said that she was about to get married . ”

.Having said that , she sighed and said , ” We are still going to attend Liu Tong’s wedding , but I didn’t expect …”

.Wang Ze : ” Do any of the other employees in the store know Liu Tong’s boyfriend ?”

.The store manager said , ” No. ”

.” Her boyfriend is quite mysterious , hiding and tucking away from us . ”

.” We met when we said we were married . ”

.Wang Ze said : “What are you doing , you should know ?”

.When talking about other people’s girlfriends and boyfriends , the most common questions are generally careers .

.It seems .

.It has become a chat habit .

.The store manager nodded : ” I know , Chinese medicine . ”

.As soon as these words came out , everyone present froze .

.” Chinese medicine ?”

.Li Xiangbin confirmed it again .

.” You said Liu Tong’s boyfriend is a Chinese doctor ?”

.The store manager wondered : ” Yeah , what ‘s wrong ? Is there any problem ?”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Do you know where Liu Tong lives ?”

.In the data , Liu Tong’s address could not be found .

.Presumably , he lived with his boyfriend .

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