.The store manager said: ” I know , Yinye Community . ”

.” But the specific building number is not clear . ”

.Li Xiangbin got up immediately : ” Go !”

.The investigation of the case is here , and the truth is getting closer and closer .

.The identity of the murderer , possibly the family of the deceased , has been said before .

.Wang Ze inferred .

.The murderer used acupuncture to inject medicine into the body of the deceased in advance .

.Then .

.Scared to kill .

.Now I have the decisive information : Liu Tong’s boyfriend is a Chinese medicine practitioner .

.All clues are connected .

.This person is clearly suspected of committing a major crime .

.The store manager looked at the policeman who quickly left with some surprise , not knowing what happened .

.She didn’t think much , got up and went to work .

.” How far is the Silver Leaf Community ?”

.At the entrance of the coffee shop , Li Xiangbin said solemnly .

.Wang Xiaotong looked at the phone : ” Eight kilometers . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Let ‘s go !”

.Just when a few people were about to get into the car .

.Wang Ze , did not move .

.Li Xiangbin opened the car door and turned around and said , ” Wang Ze , let’s go , what’s the matter ?”

.Wang Ze still did not move or speak .

.He was looking across the road .

.To be precise .

.It was a man diagonally opposite .

.This person is wearing a shirt and jeans , and is standing at the corner of the intersection , looking here .

.After looking at Wang Ze for a while , he turned around and prepared to leave .

.At this moment, Wang Ze found out .

.The other’s leg was a little lame .

.lame ?

.A flash of light flashed through his mind , and Wang Ze immediately shouted , ” Stop !”

.Hearing the sound , the man paused for half a second , then accelerated .

.Wang Ze rushed out without any hesitation .

.” Team Li ! Arrest someone !!”

Chapter 125 _ What does he want to do ? ? 3 ?

.The voice fell .

.Before Li Xiangbin and the others could react , Wang Ze had already rushed out a dozen meters , heading straight for the direction where the man disappeared .

.” Catch someone ?”

.Li Xiangbin was stunned for two seconds .

.” Catch someone ?!!”

.The next moment , he came back to his senses and his face changed .

.” All action !”

.Li Xiangbin slammed the car door shut , shouted loudly , and took the lead in chasing in the direction Wang Ze left .

.behind .

.Bao Qu Ma Hao ~ Yu and others quickly followed .

.But they did n’t know exactly what was going on .

.Did n’t you go to investigate Liu Tong’s residence ?

.Why do you suddenly arrest someone ?

.Could it be that Wang Ze saw the murderer just now ?

.Not right .

.The identity of Liu Tong’s boyfriend is still uncertain .

.Forget about photos .

.I don’t even know the name !

.But now is not the time to think about that .

.Since Wang Ze did this , he must have discovered something .

.the other side .

.When Wang Ze crossed the road and came to the corner of the intersection .

.The man was nowhere to be seen .

.behind .

.Li Xiangbin and others also arrived .

.” Wang Ze , what’s the situation ?!”

.Li Xiangbin glanced around and asked quickly .

.Wang Ze looked around and said , ” I should have found Liu Tong’s boyfriend , who is the murderer of this case . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin’s eyes narrowed : ” What ?!”

.” How are you sure it’s him ?”

.” We don’t have any pictures yet . ”

.Wang Ze said quickly : ” I was here just now and saw a man in a white shirt . ”

.” When he resolutely fled under my shout , all the details were right . ”

.” First of all , the ghost in white that night . ”

.” Actually , it’s actually a white dress . ”

.” Liu Tong’s boyfriend deliberately pretended to be Liu Tong for two purposes . ”

.” First , avenge Liu Tong’s body . ”

.” Second , maximize the fear of Guangjian and Yan Jiakui . ”

.” When they see a familiar corpse suddenly come to life , no matter how strong the psychological quality is , panic is certain . ”

.” Secondly , the man just now was lame . ”

.” Jiang Ying told me that the Bai Ruo I saw that night: ”Water.Resources ; Source . ? . Group !! 6 ? !5:;!6’6?’!1,!”8?”. 8,9., 6.Preparation :, Use ?”?..” to turn ,;: Group ‘;:7!6;;,6’0″‘1?,8!.?3?”2.,0 Shadow , before disappearing , swaying from side to side in a trance . ”

.” Not a swing at all . ”

.” That’s the way the lame man walks !”

.” Plus this guy ran away when he saw the police . ”

.” It’s not wrong , it’s him !”

.After listening to Wang Ze’s words , Li Xiangbin and others were stunned for a while .

.Obviously did not expect that in such a short period of time , the other party could think so much and associate so much .

.Now is not the time to ask questions in surprise .

.The point is .

.The murderer slipped under their noses !

.Without waiting for Li Xiangbin to speak , Wang Ze continued : ” It is too late to block this area . ”

.”The suspect’s legs are inconvenient , and he knows he can’t run far , so he will definitely give priority to taking a taxi or driving . ”

.” Little boy , how long does it take to adjust the monitoring ?”

.Wang Xiaotong took out his computer and said quickly, ” Wait , five minutes !”

.In an emergency , she sat directly on the ground .

.With both hands , start operating the computer .

.Over time , all nearby surveillance images began to appear on the computer screen one by one .

.” white shirt . ”

.” lame . ”

.Wang Xiaotong stared at the screen for a while .

.At a certain moment , he suddenly raised his head and said, “I found it !”

.” He was on another street and got into a taxi !”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin did not hesitate , and immediately took out his mobile phone : ” License plate number !”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” East A…”

.At this moment , Li Xiangbin has dialed the number .

.” Hello ? I’m Li Xiangbin of the Municipal Bureau . ”

.”A homicide suspect is now in your jurisdiction , and the police will be intercepted immediately !”

.”The license plate number of the taxi is East A…”

.After hanging up the phone , Li Xiangbin waved : ” Everyone , get in the car and chase !”

.Five minutes later .

.Sirens blared loudly .

.The two police cars thumped the accelerator , ignoring all the red lights , and galloping down the street .

.The piercing siren reverberated around .

.Pedestrians passing by didn’t know what was going on , they all stopped and watched curiously .

.Look at this posture .

.I don’t want to use it , there must be some big case .

.inside the car .

.Wang Xiaotong stared at the computer .

.Above , a red dot flashes across the map .

.” Captain , the taxi has been positioned . ”

.” Go to the elevated road right now … No !”

.” He took the side road !”

� � ….?

.” There is only one right-turn lane ahead , build the road !”

.The driver was Wang Ze .

.Hearing Wang Xiaotong’s words , Wang Ze made a gorgeous drift and rushed to Jianshe Road by taking a shortcut .

.Several people in the car were turned over by the shaking people .

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