.” I rely on Wang Ze !”

.” I’m not married yet !”

.Bao Qu shouted .

.With both hands , just grab the inside handle of the car .

.The computer on Wang Xiaotong’s lap almost fell to the ground .

.The co- pilot , Li Xiangbin looked stunned : ” Wang Ze , when did you start racing cars ?!”

.” Who did you learn from ?!”

.Wang Ze didn’t answer , and said while driving, ” Is your identity confirmed ?”

.Wang Xiaotong put away the computer and said , ” Wait a minute . ”


.After a while , she said , “The comparison is successful . ”

.”The suspect Xu Haohua , 31 years old , owns a Chinese medicine clinic . ”

.” And this clinic seems to be quite famous . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Where is the clinic ?”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” In the opposite direction . ”

.Ma Haoyu said : ” I always heard that Western medicine kills people , but I didn’t expect to meet a Chinese medicine this time . ”

.” Quietly , killing people invisibly . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” It’s the construction road !”

.Wang Ze looked stern : ” Okay , I know . ”

.After he finished speaking , he took out the loudspeaker : ” The car in front , please give way immediately , give way immediately !”

.The quality of these private cars is still good .

.After hearing the siren and shouting, he hurriedly plugged in and let the police car pass first .

.Li Xiangbin said : ” Wang Ze , don’t worry , he can’t run . ”

.Taxis are locked .

.It is a matter of time before the suspect is caught .

.Wang Ze said solemnly, ” I’m afraid it’s not that simple . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin’s heart skipped a beat : ” What do you mean ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” There is something wrong with Xu Haohua’s line . ”

.” Neither the direction of the station , nor the direction of the airport, nor the direction of Yinye Community . ”

.” It’s not even out of town . ”

.” Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic , in the opposite location . ”

.” However , the purpose is clear . ”

.”What does he want to do ?”

.Li Xiangbin’s face changed slightly .

.Suddenly there is an ominous premonition .

.Wang Ze stepped on the accelerator and said coldly , ” He’s going to kill someone !”

…. why .

Chapter 126 _ Well , I believe you ? 4 ?

.”You still want to kill ?!”

.inside the car .

.Everyone’s expressions changed .

.Li Xiangbin said in astonishment, ” No way ?!”

.” The only people involved are Guangjian and Yan Jiakui . ”

.” Could it be …”

.” Other people in the funeral home , also participated ?”

.”The curator or the security guard ?”

.That security guard knows so much .

.Maybe , it might have something to do with it .

.For example, opening one eye and closing one eye , earning dividends ?

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” I don’t know yet . ”

.” But I don’t think there ‘s a problem with the curator and the security . ”

.” Other employees of the funeral home were not involved in the sale of corpses . ”

.” Guangjian and Yan Jiakui have convenient positions and will not be cheap to others . ”

.” There is a high probability that it was the corpse sale …” Nine Sixty Seven ” buyer . ”

.The word “buyer” made Li Xiangbin stunned : ” Yes , there is also a buyer . ”

.” That guy Xu Haohua , have you found the buyer ?”

.Wang Ze was not ready to continue the discussion , and said , ” You will know if you catch up !”

.soon .

.The distance to the target vehicle is getting closer and closer .

.Less than a kilometer left .

.At this speed , you can catch up in no time .

.Moreover, the people from the prefecture branch are also outflanking around .

.It can be said to be a net of heaven and earth .

.Xu Haohua , it’s hard to fly !

.At this moment , Wang Xiaotong suddenly said, “The car has stopped !”

.Wang Ze’s eyes narrowed : ” What position ?”

.Wang Xiaotong zoomed in on the map and said , ” Chen’s Bun Shop !”

.” Baozi Shop ?”

.” I see . ”

.After two minutes .

.Four or five police cars , accompanied by sirens , came to the vicinity of Baozipu almost at the same time .

.Not yet stopped .

.Then I saw the Baozipu , and there was a big riot !

.Every now and then there were screams .

.All the customers rushed out frantically .

.” Killed !”

.Vaguely , the panicked shouts of the people could be heard .

.Just as the car on Wang Ze’s side stopped , he saw a middle-aged man staggering out of the steamed bun shop .

.Right hand , clutching his stomach tightly .

.Blood , left from the fingertips , dripped on the ground .

.Behind him , Xu Haohua chased after him with a sharp knife in his hand .

.You can clearly see the anger on his face .

.” I killed you !!”

.The middle-aged man kept retreating , but he was seriously injured and fell directly to the ground .

.Wang Ze and others got out of the car quickly .

.Load the pistol !

.” Don’t move !!”

.” Xu Haohua ! Put down the knife !”

.More than a dozen policemen, including Li Xiangbin, surrounded him in a fan shape .

.Seeing this , Xu Haohua stepped forward and pulled up the middle-aged man .

.The blade touched his neck .

.Wang Ze rushed to the front .

.The muzzle of the gun pointed directly at Xu Haohua .

.” Xu Haohua ! Put down the knife !”

.While speaking , he glanced at the hostage’s injuries .

.Almost a penetrating injury .

.Although it is not critical , if it is delayed for a long time , it may also be life-threatening .

.Li Xiangbin’s face was ashen .

.He never imagined it .

.This Xu Haohua actually wants to kill people !

.What is the relationship between the bun shop and the sale of corpses ? !

.Is it possible …

.Thinking of a possibility , his face suddenly changed , and his stomach was churning .

.” Don’t come here !!”

.Xu Haohua kept retreating .

.Wang Ze’s eyes were cold .

.At this distance , his bullet can accurately pierce the opponent’s head .

.But .

.He did not do so temporarily .

.” Xu Haohua ! Don’t be impulsive . ”

.” This person has nothing to do with Liu Tong’s body !”

.” You killed the wrong person !”

.Wang Ze shouted loudly .

.Xu Haohua said angrily, ” You fart !!”

.” Who said it doesn’t matter ?!”

.” Damn them all !”

.” This guy , Guangjian Yan Jiakui , who colluded with the funeral home, is buying and selling human flesh !”

.” In the buns in their bun shop , it’s not animal meat , it’s human flesh !!”

.When these words came out , the audience was in an uproar .

.Especially those customers who haven’t gone far and the pedestrians watching are even more shocked .

.Human … human flesh ? !

.The police officers in the precinct were even more astonished .

.They were simply ordered to arrest the fugitive .

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