.As for the details of the case, I don’t know .

.How did it come out … human flesh buns ? !

.What’s the situation ? !

.They looked at Li Xiangbin subconsciously …

.At this time, Li Xiangbin , as if his guess had been confirmed , was shocked but couldn’t return to his senses .

.Wang Ze was very calm , and said solemnly, ” Xu Haohua , you really made a mistake !”

.” Even if this steamed bun shop is suspected of human flesh trading . ”

.” But it certainly doesn’t include your girlfriend Liu Tong !”

.Xu Haohua stared at Wang Ze and said angrily, ” Why do you say that !”

.Wang Ze said : ” Xu Haohua , listen . ”

.” Guang Jian and Yan Jiakui are indeed involved in the sale of corpses . ”

.” But with your girlfriend’s age and appearance , she will never be sold to a steamed bun shop !”

.” She’s worth more !”

.Hearing this , Xu Haohua was obviously stunned : ” What do you mean ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Your girlfriend is likely to be sold to a buyer who needs it because of a yin marriage . ”

.” So , she’s whole now !”

.” You put down the knife . ”

.” I promise you , in the name of the criminal police of the city bureau’s criminal investigation team, that the corpse trading gang will be found , and your girlfriend will be found at the same time . ”

.” She is still a complete corpse !”

.Xu Haohua was stunned .

.” You … are you telling the truth ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” I absolutely promise !”

.Xu Haohua lowered his head and was silent for a while, then suddenly said coldly : ” Even so , this bastard is not a good thing !”

.”5.3 Using human flesh as animal flesh , is this something that humans can do ?!”

.Wang Ze said: ” Don’t worry , he can’t escape the punishment of the law . ”

.” Now , I need you to put down the knife . ”

.” Otherwise , I’m afraid you won’t be able to see Liu Tong for the last time . ”

.Speaking of Liu Tong , Xu Haohua’s expression softened a lot .

.After thinking for a moment , he slowly put down the hand holding the knife .

.” Okay , I believe you . ”

.The next moment , Ma Haoyu swarmed up and pressed Xu Haohua to the ground .

.The handcuffs grabbed his wrists .

.Even so , his eyes were still on Wang Ze .

.” You promised me !!”

.Wang Ze put away his pistol and walked over .

.” Don’t worry . ”

.” As promised , you must do it . ”

Chapter 127 _ Explosive information ? 5 ?

.Xu Haohua was taken into the car .

.The owner of the bun shop also urgently performed hemostasis treatment .

.He is awake .

.Li Xiangbin stared at him , gritted his teeth and said , ” You bought human flesh ?!”

.The boss turned pale .

.This question made him look away .

.” No … no . ”

.” He’s a lunatic ! Can’t the lunatic see it ?”

.” I …”

.Before he could finish speaking , Li Xiangbin said angrily, ” Tell the truth !”

.” Otherwise, I will kill you now !”

.The boss was startled immediately and said in a panic, ” I, I, I … Human flesh is not poisonous ! It is not poisonous …”

.The surrounding crowd erupted into an uproar .

.” Use human flesh to make buns ?! Unscrupulous merchants !!”

.” This can no longer be called an unscrupulous businessman , it’s a pervert ! It’s a devil !”

.” Kill him !”

.” Shoot him !!”

.The crowd rioted .

.The police at the precinct quickly maintained order .

.” Everyone back 27 ! Back off !”

.” Please don’t come near the scene ! Cooperate !”

.” Don’t get close !”

.Soon , the ambulance arrived .

.The owner of Baozipu was handcuffed and escorted into an ambulance .

.Buying and selling human flesh has been suspected of committing a crime .

.What he will face will be severe punishment by the law .

.” Go , go back to the city bureau . ”

.Li Xiangbin said .


.on the way .

.Wang Xiaotong said, ” I never thought that Guangjian and Yan Jiakui would actually sell to Baozipu !”

.” This is too … maddening ?”

.She couldn’t think of adjectives .

.Can only use the words “frustrated “.

.And the actions of Guangjian and Yan Jiakui are indeed worthy of these four words .

.Wang Ze did not drive and sat in the back row .

.At this time, he said: ” Since the body is traded , I don’t care about it . ”

.” Do you think it’s too much money ?”

.” Those who are not good at taking out as a whole will sell their meat to the steamed buns . ”

.” In other words , Guangjian Yan Jiakui and the owner of Baozipu are both partners . ”

.” These two people really made a lot of money from the corpse . ”

.” Bone marrow is sucked clean !”

.” As long as it can be earned , I will not let it go . ”

.When he spoke , his voice was cold .

.Ma Haoyu said angrily, ” Hateful !”

.”You deserve it !”

.Wang Ze glanced at him .

.Li Xiangbin frowned : ” Haoyu , Shen Yan , have you forgotten your identity ?”

.” Uh …”

.Ma Haoyu smiled shyly and quickly shut up .

.Li Xiangbin didn’t say much , and changed the subject : ” It seems that this Xu Haohua , the investigation is not very clear . ”

.” Fortunately, the case was investigated quickly . ”

.” Otherwise , the third deceased may appear soon . ”

.Bao Qu said , ” Xu Haohua was seen by Wang Ze , and he knew he couldn’t escape , so he went straight to face to face to kill the owner of the steamed bun . ”

.”That’s right , avenging his girlfriend . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Uh … Is it worth it for the cold corpse ?”

.This question silenced the atmosphere in the car .

.No one answered .

.No one brought up new topics .


.an hour later .

.City Council .

.interrogation room .

.Wang Ze pushed open the door and entered .

.Behind him was Ma Haoyu .

.They are in charge of interrogation .

.Seeing Wang Ze come in , Xu Haohua, who was sitting in the chair, said quickly, ” When can I see Liu Tong ?!”

.Wang Ze sat down and said , ” Soon . ”

.” But before that, you have to explain about Guangjian and Yan Jiakui . ”

.Hearing this , Xu Haohua was slightly silent and said slowly , ” I have nothing to explain , I did it . ”

.Wang Ze frowned .

.He didn’t expect that the other party would admit it so quickly .

.It hasn’t even been tried yet .

.After all, it is now clear that the other party is only hurting people with a knife .

.As for the murder , there is still room for sophistry .

.” You’re being honest . ”

.Wang Ze said .

.Xu Haohua snorted coldly : ” There is no need to hide , I just want to kill them !”

.Wang Ze said: ” There’s no need to hide it ?”

.” Then why did you do it in such a covert way . ”

.” Even the techniques of acupuncture and moxibustion are used . ”

.” Isn’t it to get rid of the crime ?”

.Hearing this , Xu Haohua was obviously surprised and said , ” How do you know ?!”

.Wang Ze said: “The deceased did not have any wounds , but there was a drug reaction in the blood near the heart . ”

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