.” Besides acupuncture , what else could it be ?”

.Hearing this , Xu Haohua grinned : ” Your city bureau’s forensic doctor is quite good . ”

.Wang Ze said seriously : ” We are more powerful than you think . ”

.” Otherwise , how rampant will crime be ?”

.Xu Haohua glanced at him and did not respond to this sentence .

.Wang Ze continued : ” Okay , the interrogation officially begins . ”

.” Name . ”

.Xu Haohua frowned : ” Don’t you know ?”

.Wang Ze repeated : ” Name . ”

.Xu Haohua was helpless : ” Xu Haohua . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Age . ”

.Xu Haohua : ” Thirty-one years old . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Occupation . ”

.Xu Haohua : ” Chinese medicine . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Why did you want to kill Guangjian and Yan Jiakui ?”

.Mentioning this matter , Xu Haohua became emotional : ” Those two people are beasts , lunatics , perverts !”

.Wang Ze was surprised : ” So exaggerated ?”

.” Buying and selling corpses , isn’t it ?”

.Bang !

967.Xu Haohua smashed the iron plate in front of him and said angrily, ” Buying and selling corpses ? Is that all it takes ?”

.” Don’t you know that Yan Jiakui’s pervert , to the corpse … he …”

.Wang Ze’s eyes narrowed : ” obscene ?”

.Xu Haohua roared, ” It’s far more than that !”

.Wang Ze took a deep breath .

.He still just found out about this situation .

.I had n’t thought about this before .

.true or false ?

.I didn’t see it .

.The man who chatted with him that night looked like a normal person .

.Why are you interested in corpses ?

.Occupational disease ?

.Outside the single lens .

.Li Xiangbin and the others were also stunned .

.” No … isn’t it ?”

.” Yan Jiakui still has such a perverted hobby ?”

.It was Wang Xiaotong who spoke .

.No matter how rich her imagination is , she would never have imagined this level .

.Bao Qu suddenly felt a chill all over his body .

.All … there are pictures !

.Only in horror movies !

.” It’s disgusting !”

.He couldn’t help but said .

.Li Xiangbin was speechless : ” The new information I got today is really amazing and explosive . ”

.” Baozi shop owner , necrophile . ”

.” What kind of people are these people !”

Chapter 128 _ This gang must be destroyed [ 1 ]

.Interrogation room .

.The interrogation continues .

.” So , you hold grudges and murdered Guangjian and Yan Jiakui ?”

.Wang Zedao .

.Xu Haohua said angrily, ” Don’t they deserve to die ?!”

.” I’ve known her for ten years … ”

.When he said this , Xu Haohua’s voice became quieter .

.tears .

.Also blurred eyes .

.” In this strange city , she is my only sustenance . ”

.” And I am her only support . ”

.” Do you know how deep our relationship is ?”

.” No. ” _

.” You don’t know . ”

.In the room , only Xu Haohua’s slightly soft voice remained .

.From acquaintance , to acquaintance , to love .

.From the bits and pieces of life , to the infinite vision of the future .

.Xu Haohua spoke very slowly .

.For fear of being quicker , the memory will slip away .

.Listen to his memories of Liu Tong .

.Everyone fell silent .

.Especially after Xu Haohua broke a leg in a car accident , Liu Tong never left , taking care of him day and night .

.Is this true love ?

.Should count .

.If this is not true love, then in this world , I am afraid there is not much true love .

.can imagine .

.When Liu Tong stopped breathing in front of Xu Haohua , how desperate the latter was .

.Can also imagine .

.How angry Xu Haohua was when he learned what Guangjian and Yan Jiakui had done to Liu Tong .

.Murder for corpses .

.This moment seems to have become unsurprising .

.Twenty minutes later .

.Xu Haohua’s voice continued .

.” You asked me just now , is acupuncture killing people to get rid of the crime ? ”

.” No , it’s not . ”

.” I’m not at all afraid of you catching me . ”

.” Without Liu Tong , I have nothing left in the world to cherish . ”

.” I just want to use Liu Tong’s appearance to kill them !”

.” In that case …”

.” It can be considered that Liu Tong and I have avenged her .. ”

.Speaking of which , he showed a smile .

.” Liu Tongquan should be very happy to know it . ”

.Wang Ze was silent for a long time and said , ” If she really loves you as you said , shouldn’t she wish you a good life ? ”

.” Murder with a grudge , she certainly doesn’t want to see it . ”

.” In your case , do you want her to kill and avenge you ?”

.Xu Haohua chuckled : ” I can’t do much for her , that ‘s all . ”

.” I also believe that even if Izumi is sad, she will definitely understand me . ”

.” Because if it were her, she would do the same . ”

.Wang Zeruo ” Water . Resource , Source !” group ;!6:!5.’6,6?;’1?.,8:8?;;9:”6!! Prepare ,!’ Use .?,;’ Turn !; Group ;’7″.!6!,”6’0″‘1″.8!,3!””2″!?0 for a moment .

.He didn’t expect that Xu Haohua would return his words to him like throwing a brick at him .

.It seems .

.His feelings for Liu Tong , or their feelings for each other .

.Deeper than expected .

.” Why do you think that Guangjian and Yan Jiakui sold Liu Tong’s body to Baozipu ?”

.Wang Ze asked .

.Xu Haohua whispered : ” It is inferred . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Go on . ”

.Xu Haohua said : ” I drank too much that night , I just wanted to see Liu Tong for the last time . ”

.” However , Yan Jiakui is unwilling . ”

.” No matter how much I give , he doesn’t want it . ”

.” I suspected that when I woke up the next day , I sneaked into the funeral home when no one was there . ”

.” I only knew then that Liu Tong’s body was gone . ”

.” By coincidence , Guangjian and Yan Jiakui just came back . ”

.” I hid and vaguely heard them talking about Baozipu , and I saw Yan Jiakui , facing a corpse …”

.Having said that , he stared at Wang Ze and said , ” You did n’t lie to me when you said it before, did you ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” No. ”

.” I’m still telling the truth now . ”

.” Your girlfriend’s body is intact and of high value . It will never be sent to Baozi Shop . ”

.After receiving the second confirmation , Xu Haohua breathed a sigh of relief and said, ” That ‘s good , that’s good …”

.Wang Ze said: ” The night before the murder , were you ready to do it ? ”

.” Is that white shadow you ?”

.Hearing this , Xu Haohua was taken aback : “That car , is that you ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” It’s me . ”

.Xu Haohua froze for a while , then smiled bitterly : “I didn’t expect it to be so coincidental . ”

.” But it doesn’t matter . ”

.” It’s just those two bastards who died a day late . ”

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