.Wang Ze : ” How did you know that fluoride can cause cardiac arrest . ”

.” Traditional Chinese still study this ?”

.Xu Haohua said : ” I checked it online, and I also specifically asked someone to confirm it . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Who are you looking for ?”

.Xu Haohua glanced at him and said , ” He has nothing to do with the case , just an ordinary doctor . ”

.Wang Ze didn’t ask any further , and said, ” Did Guangjian and Yan Jiakui sell human flesh to Baozipu , or did Baozipu belong to them ?”

.Xu Haohua shook his head : ” I don’t know , there is a connection anyway . ”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly .

.This matter is not important .

.And at the hospital , someone is already on trial .

.Presumably there will be results soon .

.”� ” How did you ask Guangjian and Yan Jiakui to give you acupuncture willingly ?”

.Xu Haohua said : ” I originally opened a Chinese medicine clinic , and it was easy to fool them into acupuncture in the store in the name of thanks . ”

.” Huh . ”

.” People like Guangjian Yan Jiakui, who have an eye for money , will not miss the opportunity to take advantage in vain !”

.Wang Ze : ” Where are the clothes , silver needles and the rest of the fluoride ? ”

.Xu Haohua said calmly, ” Silver Leaf Community . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin, who was outside the one-way mirror, immediately turned his head and said, ” Bring someone to look for it immediately . ”

.Bao Qu : ” Good captain . ”


.Wang Ze left the interrogation room .

.Almost everything that should be asked has already been asked .

.The rest can be left to Ma Haoyu .

.He also promised Xu Haohua again that he would definitely let him see Liu Tong for the last time .

.At this time , Chen Ping also rushed over .

( Nuo Wang Zhao ).” Captain , the trial is over . ”

.” After being discharged from the hospital , they can be directly detained . ”

.Chen Pingdao .

.Wang Ze looked at him and said, ” Are the three of them a business relationship or a cooperative relationship ?”

.Chen Ping : ” Partnership . ”

.” The daily turnover of that steamed bun shop is not low , and all three of them have a share . ”

.” After a year , I will make a lot of money . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin shook his head helplessly and said , ” I really maximized the benefits of the corpse . ”

.” Do n’t let go of this money ?”

.Wang Zedao : “The corpses are endless, and they are delivered every day . ”

.” A worthless business . ”

.” It’s a pity that the shrewd brain is not used in the right place . ”

.” Those corpses , which are not other people’s children , parents , have been illegally bought and sold . ”

.” Li team , check it out . ”

.” This gang must be destroyed . ”

.Li Xiangbin looked cold and stern , nodded and said, ” Of course . ”

Chapter 129 _ The last side ? 2 ?

.meeting room .

.Li Xiangbin looked at the crowd and said, ” This murder case has been solved . ”

.” However , the corpse trading gang behind it is also our key target . ”

.” From the questioning of the funeral home security , there is a van that has been to the funeral home . ”

.” This shows that the buyer is picking up the goods and then trading in cash . ”

.” Then , we will check and monitor from the day before Guangjian Yan Jiakui was killed . ”

.” Everyone is responsible for three days of monitoring . ”

.” There is only one purpose : to find the vehicle involved in the crime . ”

.” Did you hear clearly ?”

.Everyone : ” Yes , Captain !”

.Next , the tense and orderly busy began .

.The monitoring was called out , distributed to individuals , and thoroughly investigated .

.As long as the suspect vehicle is found , it means that the other party’s foothold has been found .

.Then .

.Arrested .

.It’s not that difficult .

.It ‘s three o’clock in the afternoon .

.There is good news .

.Suspected vehicle appears under surveillance !

.It was indeed a silver-grey van .

.It can be seen from the surveillance that Guangjian and Yan Jiakui are carrying a black cloth bag into the car .

.After the handover , the van left .

.Then , it’s all about counting the money .

.Wang Xiaotong checked for a while , then turned his head and said, “The license plate number exists , it’s true . ”

.Li Xiangbin was surprised : ” They didn’t use fake license plates 970 or decks ?”

.” so courageous . ”

.” That’s easy . ”

.Wang Ze said with a chuckle : ” Their business is special and they are resident locally , so fake license plates can easily be checked . ”

.” The most dangerous is the safest . ”

.” If the car is regular , it can be hidden forever . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded : ” That ‘s true . ”

.” Notify the traffic control department and cooperate with the investigation of this car . ”

.” Look where they’ve been in the last few days . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Okay . ”

.three hours later .

.The foothold of the corpse trading gang was finally determined .

.not a place .

.but two .

.Abandoned factory .

.and suburban warehouses .

.After getting accurate information , Li Xiangbin immediately issued an order .

.” Wang Ze ! You take someone to an abandoned factory . ”

.” I’m in charge of suburban warehouses . ”

.” Everyone, listen carefully . It is not ruled out that the other party is carrying dangerous weapons . I have notified the special police for support , and they all pay attention to my safety !”

.Police officers : ” Yes !”


.Several police cars and special police cars drove across the street and rushed towards a certain place at full speed .

.During this period , the vehicles are diverted .

.The abandoned factory is in the urban area , but it is relatively remote .

.They drive fast .

.The originally 40-minute journey took only 25 minutes .

.With the harsh sound of sudden braking , all the police cars blocked the door .

.Everyone got out of the car and loaded the bullets .

.Wang Ze was in charge of the command .

.” Haoyu , take someone to the side door !”

.” Others act , arrest on the spot !”

.Click !

.The lock of the iron door was cut directly .

.Wang Ze took the police and special police and rushed in quickly .

.The sound of the siren has attracted the attention of the people inside .

.They walked out of the room , and when they saw the police , they turned their heads and ran without any hesitation .

.” Don’t move !!”

.” Hold your head and squat down in place !!”

.” No one is allowed to move !!”

.The SWAT police, armed with assault rifles , surrounded him and shouted angrily .

.There are nimble criminals who jump up the wall in one step and two , and are about to flip out .

.Wang Ze turned his head and raised his hand to shoot .

.Bang !

.The bullet hit the concrete wall , splashing dust and debris .

.” If you dare to run again , the next shot will be your head !”

.Wang Ze shouted .

.The man was taken aback and fell directly from the wall .

.” Don’t shoot, don’t shoot …”

.He held his head in place , curled up in the corner , shivering .

.The two SWAT officers who heard the sound pointed their guns at him .

.” Don’t move !”

.The crowd moved quickly .

.Under the raid , everyone was arrested within ten minutes .

.On the other hand , Li Xiangbin and their actions were also very smooth .

.At this point , the corpse trading gang hidden in the underground of Yuncheng was wiped out in one fell swoop .

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