.With the smooth progress of the follow-up interrogation work , the absconding criminals were exposed to the police (chfd) one by one .

.arrest .

.Wanted .

.It’s a perfect case , it won’t take long .


.a week later .

.A police car came from a distance and stopped at the entrance of the funeral home .

.The door is open .

.Wang Ze escorted Xu Haohua and got out of the car .

.When the security saw it , he hurried forward .

.” Young man , we meet again . ”

.Wang Ze smiled slightly , nodded and said, ” Meet again . ”

.”I would also like to thank big brother for your … Jin Yuliangyan . ”

.The security guard coughed lightly and said , ” If anything , I actually didn’t do anything . ”

.” It’s just that I didn’t expect that you could understand it word by word . ”

.” It’s not easy . ”

.” Now the professional quality of young criminal police officers is getting higher and higher . ”

.” Good thing , good thing . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Big brother won the prize , I’ll go first , you’re busy . ”

.Security : ” Okay . ”

.Morgue .

.A corpse lay here quietly .

.has begun to decay .

.Spots are visible .

.But still identifiable .

.” Liu … Liu Tong ?”

.Xu Haohua stared blankly at the person in front of him and couldn’t help but want to go forward .

.Wang Ze stopped him and reminded : ” Xu Haohua , you can only watch it here . ”

.Xu Haohua didn’t care , resisted the urge to cry , and looked at his girlfriend quietly .

.He would never have thought of it before .

.One day I will see her again .

.” Thank you . ”

.” You didn’t lie to me , she’s whole . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” When I found her , the yin marriage ceremony had already been completed . ”

.”The other party is also a young man who died of illness . ”

.” His parents didn’t want their son to sleep alone in the ground , so they bought the female body illegally . ”

.” They are very satisfied with Liu Tong . ”

.Xu Haohua was silent for a long time , then smiled : ” It doesn’t matter . ”

.” It’s good to have someone to accompany her and protect her after she dies . ”

.” That way , she won’t be alone anymore . ”

.Wang Ze : ” You can read it . ”

.Xu Haohua turned his head : ” Am I handsome when you marry her ?”

.Wang Ze was stunned : ” Ah ?”

.Xu Haohua shook his head with a smile , and said , ” Sorry for asking too much . ”

.After speaking , he looked forward and said , ” Liu Tong , I’m leaving . ”

.” Don’t worry , the person who bullied you , I have already killed . ”

.” I’m not a qualified boyfriend . ”

.” In the next life , don’t meet me . ”

.Wang Ze was silent .

.” From another angle , if it weren’t for you , we wouldn’t have killed the corpse trading gang . ”

.” If you could have …”

.” Forget it , let’s go . ”

.He wanted to say : If you could call the police at that time .

.But this kind of post-mortem Zhuge Liang’s words are not suitable for Xu Haohua, who has seen everything .

.For him .

.Only regret .

.No regrets .

Chapter 130 _ Anchor Mengmeng ? 3 ?

.Yuncheng night .

.It’s time for thousands of families to rest .

.There is a profession where the work seems to have only just begun .

.Bustling streets .

.City landmarks .

.Deep tunnel .

.You can see them all .

.anchor .

.To be precise .

.Is a singer .

.They seem to like to be out at night .

.Only at night do I come to my favorite place of my choice to show my singing voice to the fans .

.The once homeless habitat has now been occupied by them .

.Vehicles pass through a tunnel under a bridge .

.At a glance .

.They are all young women with lights , sound cards , headphones , and microphones , showing off their talents .

.The distance from each other is only a few meters .

.A new beautiful landscape was born .

.Not to mention beauty .

.Don’t talk about vocals .

.This effort is quite admirable .

.In the rapid development of the Internet now .

.New ways to make money are always popping up inadvertently .

.Then .

.After feeding a group of people , it attracted more imitators .

.cute .

.is one of them .

.Post-95 anchor .

.The title of the live broadcast room is cute and cute outdoors .

.There are still many anchors who sing outdoors at night , and they are very competitive .

.Mengmeng has been in the business for a month , with little success .

.The most online fans at most time exceeded 200 .

.two hundred .

.Say less .

.But it’s hardly satisfying .

.There is no eye-catching appearance , no refreshing singing .

.It can be said that it is very difficult to quickly occupy a place in the live broadcast industry .

.So. _

.Mengmeng tonight changed her strategy .

.She’s trying to be a real outdoor anchor .

.To explore , attract attention .

.The so-called adventure .

.Of course not to the kind of inaccessible place , nor to any haunted house full of horror atmosphere .

.There are only two keywords .

.At night , there are few people .

.Fans are curious .

.Follow the anchor’s camera and walk in the dark night where you can barely see your fingers .

.The excitement comes right away .

.As it turns out , her strategy was right .

.The live broadcast started only an hour later .

.The number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded the previous upper limit , reaching 500 .

.Moreover , it is increasing at a considerable rate .

.The era of eyeball economy .

.Whoever catches the eye will succeed .

.Unless you’re the kind of streamer who’s already made a name for himself .

.Otherwise, it would be difficult for newcomers to come forward with live content like playing games , dancing , and singing .

.” Hello, new friends , I’m Mengmeng . ”

.Mengmeng waved to the camera .

.Seeing the increasing number of people in her live broadcast room , she grinned .

.” Where is the anchor ? The anchor is in Yuncheng , do you want to meet by chance ?”


.Barrage :

.” Yuncheng ? I’m also in Yuncheng . Where is the exact location of the live broadcast ? I really want to meet you . ”

.”I ‘ve been to Yuncheng once , it ‘s a beautiful big city . ”

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