.” Why doesn’t Mengmeng sing ? Where are you going? It feels a little exciting . ”

.A certain fan sent a gift .

.A certain fan sent a gift .

.A certain fan sent a gift .


.Mengmeng smiled even better and switched the live camera .

.” The location we are in now is Anhe Street in Yuncheng, and it will be demolished soon . ”

.” So , there are very few people . ”


.Barrage :

.” There are so few people , not a single ghost is seen , and the lights are all broken . ”

.” This feeling is so exciting , you won’t encounter anything strange, right ?”

.” Anchorman, look back , there seems to be a ghost . ”

.”The anchor is back . ”

.” Go back aha . ”


.Some people who watch live broadcasts never think it’s a big deal , they just like to make jokes .

.Especially for outdoor anchors , there are more places to joke .

.Looking at the barrage , Mengmeng’s smile subsided slightly .

.Of course she knew the fans were trying to scare her .

.But at night with the breeze , and the surrounding quiet environment .

.It is a lie to say that you are not worried .

.For the number of fans , she also fought hard .

.” Go back ? Okay . ”

.After speaking , Mengmeng looked back .

.Nothing .

.The car lights can be seen occasionally in the distance , which also makes Mengmeng feel at ease .

.”The anchor doesn’t believe in ghosts and gods. Even if there is , I’m not afraid . ”

.She switches cameras .

.” Have you seen this split ?”

.” As soon as you split the words and write , it ‘s golden . ”

.” Everyone move your fingers to give the anchor a thumbs up , thank you . ”

.” With more than 50,000 likes , the anchor walks the path for everyone to see . ”

.”I heard that it has been unoccupied for a long time . ”

.She learned to arouse everyone’s curiosity .

.As soon as the voice fell , the number of likes began to soar .

.Fifteen thousand .

.Twenty thousand .

.Twenty-five thousand .

.In less than ten minutes , it exceeded 40,000 .

� � ….?

.Barrage :

.” Did the anchor see that alley ? Go in if you can . ”

.” Agree, agree !”

.” Come on, it looks scary . ”

.Mengmeng looked up .

.Not far ahead , there is indeed an alley .

.It seems to extend the entire demolition area .

.She felt a little drumbeat in her heart .

.Although the empty street is dark and no one is there , at least it is the main road .

.Cars are occasionally seen .

.I have a bottom of my heart .

.that alleyway …

.A bit infiltrating .

.Although she knew that nothing would happen , the subconscious still did not dare .

.Seeing that the number of likes is about to reach 50,000 , Mengmeng gritted her teeth and said , ” Okay , the anchor will take you to see what’s in it . ”

.” Remember to give me a like . ”

.soon .

.Mengmeng came to the alley and turned in .

…………………. 0

.very dark .

.Fortunately, the peripheral light shines in , and it is not impossible to see the road at all .

.” It ‘s just an ordinary road , let’s turn out in front . ”

.Mengmeng opened her mouth and continued to walk forward .

.After reaching the narrow intersection , she paused .

.There seemed to be a sound in my ear .

.Whoosh !

.Whoosh !

.Mengmeng’s body tightened and she got goosebumps .

.what sound ?

.It seems like …

.It’s the sound of eating .

.Mengmeng swallowed her saliva and stepped forward with her probe .

.line of sight .

.A shadowy figure was kneeling on the ground , chewing something .

.In front of me lies a person !

.A man covered in blood !

.At the chest , you can clearly see a deep blood hole !

.Mengmeng was stunned for a while, and couldn’t help but exclaimed .

.Hearing the sound , the shadow turned back .

.Mengmeng sees it clearly .

.It was a man with a bloody face and a hideous face !

.In the mouth, it is still chewing , and it looks very enjoyable .

.In his hand , he was holding the bloody meatball .

.Much like the human heart .

.” Ah !!!!”

.Mengmeng’s brain immediately went blank , pale in horror .

.At this moment , her frightened soul flew away .

.The live broadcast rod in his hand fell to the ground with a bang .

.” Help !!!”

.When the man saw Mengmeng , his bloodthirsty eyes showed desire , he jumped up like a spring , got up and chased after him .

.The stuff in my hand doesn’t seem to be fragrant anymore .

.” Delicious !!”

.The voice from hell sounded behind Mengmeng .

.” Don’t come here !!! Ah !!!!”

…. why .

Chapter 131 _ madness ? 4 ?

.the next morning .

.Yuncheng Mental Hospital .

.Wang Ze , who was on vacation , had rare leisure time , and wanted to come and see his former patients .

.Jiang Ying was also there .

.Inside the hospital .

.Wang Ze and old man Sun are playing chess .

.This time it’s not Go .

.It’s chess .

.At this moment , Old Man Sun frowned .

.He touched his only remaining gun .

.He touched his only remaining horse .

.Doesn’t seem to know what to do next .

.That’s it , for five or six minutes .

.Wang Ze became more and more impatient : ” I said old man Sun , why are you so inked every time you play chess ?”

.” You have to die sooner or later , you are struggling with wool !”

.” I have one car, two horses and two guns , you play a ball !”

.” Hurry up !”

.” Thinking to change one if .. Water “”‘ Resource.Resource ? ; Group !6:?.5′”?6:”6,1?”.8;.:8″”9″6″ Preparation ;: Use ‘?.” Turn ;:” Group ;.”7,;6′;?6;’.0,1′.;8″3.,.2″.0 moves to win ? Think too much . ”

.” Would you like to try checkers next time ?” ” Nine Seven Zero ”

.Next to him , Jiang Ying covered her mouth and snickered .

.Start with a chess game .

.She saw with her own eyes that old man Sun went from a confident face to a tangled face , and finally to a bitter look .

.The whole face changed .

.Old Man Sun’s eyebrows trembled as he held his horse tightly .

.But still did not go .

.Wang Ze was anxious : ” Are you going ?”

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