.” It is said that last night , an outdoor anchor encountered terrible things during the live broadcast , and his life and death are uncertain . ”

.Li Xiangbin pointed at the corpse and said , ” It ‘s her , her name is Mengmeng , her real name is Wang Xiaomeng . ”

.”I was originally a singing anchor , but maybe I felt that the competition was too much , so I changed it to a hiking adventure . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze turned to look at Wang Xiaotong .

.Wang Xiaotong came over with his mobile phone and said , ” The pictures and sounds before the death are all there , but the murderer was not photographed . ”

.” The change of live broadcast content is still very rewarding , from the original maximum of 200 people to thousands of people . ”

.” Especially when an accident occurs, it exceeds 10,000 in a short period of time . ”

.” Unfortunately , after she died , she was never seen again . ”

.While listening to Wang Xiaotong’s words , Wang Ze watched the live broadcast on the mobile phone .

.It was normal at first .

.And when Mengmeng still entered this lane , the style of painting gradually began to change .

.Soon .

.The sound of humming sounded .

.Before 27 saw what was going on , the live broadcast rod clattered to the ground , and the screen shook violently .

.At the same time .

.It was the exclamation of the anchor Mengmeng .

.After the exclamation , there were rapid footsteps and calls for help .

.After that, there was a scream .

.Then , there is the movement of crazy eating .

.Although there is no picture , there is the full sound of the event .

.After reading it , Wang Ze said: ” It seems that in the early morning , I received a lot of calls to the police . ”

.An anchor had an accident during the live broadcast .

.Can you imagine how many people called the police ?

.Li Xiangbin said : ” It’s more than a lot . The phone numbers of the sub-bureaus under your jurisdiction are about to blow up . ”

.” At that time, the police officers in the substation thought it was scary , and if it was more serious, it would be a robbery . ”

.”I didn’t expect to see such a tragic scene after finding this place . ”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly and said , ” Team Li , I’ll go see another scene . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Okay . ”

.As he walked, he said , ” The identity of the other person has also been confirmed ,”

.” It’s the aborigines here who moved out because of the demolition . I don’t know why they came back . ”

.” Maybe to get something . ”

.” Some tenants have not fully moved out . ”

.Several people came to the scene of the first body .

.A middle-aged woman in her forties and fifties .

.Death is basically the same as Mengmeng .

.The Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau came earlier .

.The autopsy and investigation work here is basically over .

.A piece of flesh and blood was thrown to the ground at will .

.Wang Ze glanced around , looked at the intersection again , and fell into deep thought .

.Li Xiangbin said : ” From the live broadcast screen , Wang Xiaomeng’s live broadcast route is not certain , it is very random . ”

.” Belonging to the kind of aimless walk . ”

.” She ran into the murderer and killed her and was silenced . ”

.Wang Ze did not speak , and walked back and forth along the route .

.After a while , he opened his mouth and said, ” It’s the next best thing to keep your mouth shut . ”

.” When the murderer saw Wang Xiaomeng, he immediately lost the heart of the first deceased , and then pursued Wang Xiaomeng . ”

.” It ‘s like seeing a better taste . ”

.” The thing in your hand is not fragrant in an instant . ”

.These words made Li Xiangbin and Wang Xiaotong ‘s eyes narrow immediately .

.” Delicious ?”

.Wang Xiaotong felt a little intimidating .

.” The word you use … a little disgusting . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” That’s what the murderer did . ”

.” Eating the heart raw has clearly made it a delicacy . ”

.” According to the circumstances of the crime scene , the murderer seems to have a higher desire for Wang Xiaomeng than this middle-aged woman . ”

.” Actually the difference is quite obvious . ”

.” Younger heart , more attractive . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin frowned : ” You mean , the purpose of the murderer is the heart ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” You can say that . ”

.” It can also be said that it is the personal preference of the murderer . ”

.” As long as the perverted murderers have their own exclusive means of killing . ”

.” It’s okay to dig your heart , but this one eats your heart …”

.Saying that, he looked down at the blood clot and stopped talking .

.Wang Xiaotong said: ” Ordinary people can’t do this kind of thing , they always think that it must be a mental problem . ”

.” Who would be so disgusting to eat people’s hearts . ”

.” Isn’t it the one who ran out of the mental hospital ?”

.After speaking , she subconsciously looked at Wang Ze .

.Li Xiangbin and others also looked over .

.Wang Ze was stunned for a moment , and immediately became unhappy : ” Why are you looking at me ? Do you doubt me ?”

.” I have ample alibi !”

.Li Xiangbin was amused and said with a smile : “The ability of reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance ability are directly proportional . ”

.” Your ability to solve cases is superb , and your anti-reconnaissance ability is not so low . ”

.” It is still possible to forge an alibi after a time difference . ”

.Obviously , they are joking .

.Although the death scene was serious , the depressing atmosphere still needed to be relieved .

.Ma Haoyu couldn’t help but join the camp , shaking the handcuffs around his waist .

.Wang Ze turned his head : ” Damn it ! Little Ma , why do you want to arrest me ? ”

.Ma Haoyu coughed lightly : ” No, no , the handcuffs are metal and will always ring . ”

.”970 why are you so nervous . ”

.” Could it be …”

.His face froze .

.Just not very good acting .

.The smile in his eyes and the corners of his mouth betrayed him .

.” You guys are so boring . ”

.Wang Ze waved his hand , put on his gloves , squatted down to check the corpse , and ignored them .

.” Strangled to death ?”

.On both sides of the corpse’s neck , oblong and flaky finger indentations and crescent-shaped fingernail marks can be seen .

.Epidermis peeling , subcutaneous hemorrhage .

.The shape is irregular .

.Laryngeal cartilage and hyoid bone , with obvious fractures .

.Severe bruising and swelling of the face .

.Struggling and resistance injuries can be found in parts such as the jaw and limbs .

.Obviously , it was strangled to death .

.Li Xiangbin put away the joke , nodded and said , ” That’s right . ”

.” Preliminary autopsy results indicated that the deceased did die of mechanical asphyxiation . ”

.” Combined with the scars on his body , it can be determined that he was strangled to death . ”

.Wang Zedao : ” Wang Xiaomeng too, right ?”

.Li Xiangbin : “The same . ”

.While checking other parts of the corpse, Wang Ze said , “I don’t need a knife , but I use my hands . ”

.” Why do you think ? ”

.Although no murder weapon was found at the scene , there were neat cuts in the heart of the deceased .

.This shows that the murderer has a weapon .

.But not used .

Chapter 133 _ The features are obvious [ 2 ]

.Wang Xiaotong said, ” Afraid of the victim calling for help ?”

.It is very difficult for a person to make too much noise when the throat is strangled .

.If you use a knife , the movement will definitely not be small .

.May attract the attention of others .

.Wang Ze said: ” There is such a possibility . ”

.” There is another possibility . ”

.”The murderer did not use a knife because he was afraid of hurting the victim . ”

.Wang Xiaotong was surprised : ” hurt the victim ?”

.” How do you say that ?”

.” Isn’t the murderer’s purpose just to kill ?”

.Wang Ze pointed to the corpse’s chest and said, ” I’m referring to this . ”

.”The murderer may be afraid of hurting the victim’s heart . ”

.” With a knife , anything can happen while the victim resists . ”

.” While strangling to death and then digging out the heart , we can maximize the integrity of the heart . ”

.” Murderers can also be quiet and enjoy their own delicious food . ”

.He said the word ” delicious ” again .

.The possibility proposed by Wang Ze changed Wang Xiaotong ‘s expression .

.” Guaranteed to be in good condition ?”

.” Quiet enjoyment ?”

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