.” This is too perverted !”

.Wang Ze said: ” Everything at the scene was bloody and the methods were cruel . ”

.” In this case . ”

.” No matter how we increase the pervertedness of the murderer , it is possible . ”

.” Because it’s no longer possible to use normal people’s thinking to consider the murderer’s motives . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded and said, ” I agree with Wang Ze’s judgment . ”

.”The killer dug out the victim’s heart twice in a row . ”

.” It’s not hard to see from that . ”

.” He is very interested in the human heart . ”

.” For things of interest , do not want to destroy , pursue perfection . ”

.” This kind of mentality is in line with the characteristics of the scene . ”

.” During the preliminary autopsy, Song forensic doctor mentioned the wound at the heart . ”

.”The murderer was not a professional , so he cut it very carefully , and even had overlapping wounds at the same location. . ”

.” This shows that when the murderer was dealing with the heart, he was afraid of destroying it in advance . ”

.” That’s why there are multiple attempts to cut in a row . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze took a closer look and nodded, ” That’s true . ”

.” It can only be said that there is one less investigation direction . ”

.” I thought the murderer might be a doctor . ”

.heart .

.cut .

.It is easy to think of a doctor-like profession that is good at knife skills .

.Or a butcher class .

.He didn’t know this information just now , so the first reaction might be the doctor .

.It seems now .

.Not really .

.At least , not a surgeon .

.Li Xiangbin said : ” It’s hard to say whether the murderer has a legitimate occupation . ”

.” But he should be the first to kill . ”

.While speaking , he pointed to the scene and said , “The scene is very messy , with clear third-party footprints . ”

.” And on the dead . ”

.” Even suspicious hairs were found . ”

.” It should all be murderers . ”

.” Footprints , DNA , it can be said that the characteristics of the murderer are already very obvious . ”

.Wang Ze gently raised the corpse’s hand and said , ” More than that . ”

.” In the victim’s nails , skin tissue and blood were clearly visible . ”

.” It means that when she resisted, she scratched the murderer . ”

.”The murderer has no experience in committing crimes, and his anti-reconnaissance ability is also weak . ”

.” As Team Li said , it should be the first crime . ”

.Wang Xiaotong said, ” It’s a pity that a murderer with such weak anti-reconnaissance ability is not monitored nearby . ”

.” Otherwise , we can all arrest people now . ”

.After discussing this , Li Xiangbin was silent for a while and said , ” Hopefully , it ‘s not a random crime . ”

.The hardest homicides to investigate are the random killings .

.The difficulty is .

.The murderer and the deceased have no social relationship at all , and there is no way to investigate .

.Just say this case .

.If the murderer is a random murderer .

.Even if you master the DNA of the other party, it will be difficult to find someone in a short period of time .

.After all, the current police DNA bank is only for people with criminal records .

.Comprehensive DNA libraries , still under construction , are not perfect .

.So it is not so easy to quickly lock a person through DNA .

.But if the murderer did not commit the crime immediately , and the target of the crime was clear and targeted , things would be simple .

.It is only necessary to investigate the people known to the deceased and conduct DNA comparisons to locate the murderer .

.There is a huge difference in the detection difficulty between the two .

.Wang Ze stood up and said , ” Look at it now . ”

.” Wang Xiaomeng happened to bump into the murderer during the live broadcast, and was killed by unfortunate circumstances . ”

.” That is to say , the murderer and Wang Xiaomeng should not know each other . ”

.” So now the direction of the investigation is only this person . ”

.He pointed to the middle-aged woman’s corpse in front of him .

.Li Xiangbin nodded : “� ” After the on-site investigation is over , let’s go back to the bureau. There is nothing nearby to visit and investigate . ”

.” There are too many people watching . ”

.”That ‘s right . ”

.” Tell all the police officers to keep the news tightly sealed and not let the slightest bit of wind leak out . ”

.” If anyone dares to reveal half a word to the outside world , they will be suspended for investigation !”

.The two were strangled to death .

.This is a serious criminal case enough to cause panic .

.Once the news gets out .

.The City Council is facing more than just pressure .


.It ‘s three o’clock in the afternoon .

.Various speculations about the murder of outdoor anchor Mengmeng continue to ferment online .

.Although I don’t know the details , the power of netizens is powerful .

.Robbery and murder .

.rape and murder .

.dismembered .

.blah blah blah .

.Among the countless guesses, there are actually people who guessed it right .

.Such as organs being exhumed . ( Nuo Zhao’s )

.This is very close to the truth .

.However, no one said that the heart was eaten raw , after all, it was too appalling .

.City Council meeting room .

.The criminal investigation team has sorted out all the information about the case .

.Including site traces and deceased information .

.Wang Xiaomeng had nothing to investigate, and was killed by innocent people passing by .

.Investigation focus .

.on the first dead person .

.Li Xiangbin said : ” Now , we have grasped some of the characteristics of the suspect . ”

.” Male , about 1.82 meters tall and about 80 kilograms in weight . ”

.” While there were no fingerprints , the suspect’s DNA was left at the scene . ”

.” Furthermore . ”

.” Obvious scratches can be seen on the suspect’s body , which are the lungs left by the victim when he resisted . ”

.” There are so many clues . ”

.” As long as the suspect is seen , his identity can be locked . ”

Chapter 134 _ Vendetta ? Random kills ? ? 3 ?

.conference room .

.Bao Qu said at this time : ” The problem now is , how can we see the murderer himself . ”

.Li Xiangbin looked over : ” Bullshit , check it !”

.” Why did the murderer choose Qi Hui as the target of the crime ?”

.” What we want to investigate now is Qi Hui’s social relationship . ”

.Qi Hui is the first victim of this case .

.That is, the middle-aged woman whose heart was gouged out .

.” I’ll assign tasks from now on . ”

.” Wang Ze , Wang Xiaotong , Ma Haoyu and I are a team to investigate Qi Hui’s interpersonal relationship . ”

.” Bao Qu , you take Chen Ping and the others as a group , center on the crime scene , and expand the scope of investigation . ”

.Bao Qu nodded : ” Okay . ”

.Afterwards , Li Xiangbin looked at Wang Ze and said , ” Wang Ze , is there anything you want to say ?”

.He found that the other party had been bowing his head in silence , as if thinking about the case .

.Wang Ze came back to his senses and said , ” Oh , nothing . ”

.” It’s just that before the investigation , we have to prepare for this to be a serial murder case . ”

.Mentioning this matter , Li Xiangbin frowned : ” I’m also thinking about this issue . ”

.” There is one point in this case that deserves our consideration . ”

.”The first target of the murderer is Qi Hui . ”

.” As for Wang Xiaomeng , he just happened to pass by and was killed . ”

.” It doesn’t matter if the motive is silence or passion to kill 973. ”

.” In the same way , it’s strange to dig out Wang Xiaomeng’s heart and eat it . ”

.” It’s the murderer who likes to kill like this . ”

.” Or is the murderer’s purpose the human heart ?”

.” It doesn’t matter who the target of the crime is ?”

.Li Xiangbin’s words made everyone fall into silence .

.No one would want this to be a serial murder .

.Because of that .

.A third victim will appear at any time .

.correspondingly .

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