.The difficulty of detection will also increase linearly .

.However, although two deceased have appeared at present , they were killed at the same scene and at almost the same time .

.Plus the coincidence of Wang Xiaomeng being killed .

.It ‘s just a case , so to speak .

.It ‘s hard to tell if it’s a serial murder case .

.unless .

.New victims appear again .

.And .

.The heart was dug out again .

.Seeing that no one responded , Li Xiangbin looked at Wang Ze : ” What do you think ?”

.Wang Ze thought for a while , Daoruo : Water ‘! Resource ! Source ;?! Group ,6,5;:6?”:6;:!1?”8.”8.9!6; , ” Backup.Use ;?’: Turn ;;” Group :;.7,6!,,6″!0’1!:8′”3;!!2!0: ” Although I don’t know if it is a serial murder case , but from two The same modus operandi look at the deceased . ”

.” The killing of Qi Hui (chfd) was more like a random killing . ”

.” Of course , this is just an inference without corroboration . ”

.”The focus should still be on Qi Hui’s social relations . ”

.” Maybe she really had a grudge against someone and was retaliated against . ”

.” As for Wang Xiaomeng’s death , maybe it was just the murderer who killed the red eye , and it was solved incidentally . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded slightly : ” Yes . ”

.” In any case , what should be checked must be checked, and no possibility can be let go . ”

.” I’m personally curious . ”

.” If Qi Hui’s death is a vendetta . ”

.” Then why is it because of the huge hatred that makes the murderer dig out the heart and eat it after strangling people to death . ”

.After throwing this question , Ma Haoyu seemed to have something in his mind and said , ” Maybe , Qi Hui has a bad heart . ”

.Hearing this , everyone looked at Ma Haoyu .

.Ma Haoyu continued : ” For example , Qi Hui’s mind was not right , and he did a lot of harming things . ”

.” And the murderer is actually the victim . ”

.” In order to get revenge on Qi Hui , after killing her, he dug out her black heart and vented his anger . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin was surprised : ” Huh ? Your assumption is quite novel . ”

.” And , very close to reality . ”

.” Maybe , that’s it . ”

.Ma Haoyu smiled and said embarrassedly, ” I just thought of it suddenly . ”

.After he finished speaking , he couldn’t help but look at Wang Ze .

.Unconsciously .

.He has regarded Wang Ze as the authority of the criminal investigation team .

.After all .

.I have never seen Wang Ze make a major mistake in analysis and inference .

.Wang Ze and Ma Haoyu looked at each other , nodded and said, ” It’s possible . ”

.” If the murderer and Qi Hui have a lot of grudges , then it is completely understandable to be angry and kill people . ”

.” It depends on the level of enmity between them . ”

.Without Wang Xiaomeng .

.What Ma Haoyu just said is a relatively standard criminal psychology inference .

.But the emergence of this Wang Xiaomeng made the whole case a lot weirder .

.It stands to reason that revenge for murder .

.Not to implicate innocent people .

.Even if you are caught and want to silence , there is no need to dig out Wang Xiaomeng’s heart .

.This is really too much like a random crime .

.murderer .

.A real lunatic .

.Li Xiangbin concluded : ” Don’t worry about the motives , and start the investigation according to what I just said . ”

.” Tomorrow night at the latest , I want to hear the full and detailed investigation report !”

.Everyone : ” Yes !”

.Everyone left one after another .

.conference room .

.Only Li Xiangbin and Wang Ze were left .

.” What is this Qi Hui doing ?”

.Wang Ze asked .

.Wang Xiaotong said, “The chartered wife . ”

.Wang Ze was stunned : ” Huh ?”

.Wang Xiaotong coughed lightly : ” Qi Hui owns a lot of real estate , most of which are from demolition . ”

.Wang Ze : ” How many ?”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” More than ten sets . ”

.” In addition to the demolition of Anhe Street this time , we went straight to twenty sets . ”

.Wang Ze was surprised : ” Good guy , billionaire . ”

.According to the current average house price in Yuncheng .

.Twenty houses .

.Calculated at 120 square meters per house .

.A set is more than three million .

.Twenty sets , nearly 100 million .

.This is based on the average house price .

.If a few sets are in good locations , the total value can definitely exceed 100 million .

.Properly rich lady .

.” Why did the words “rich and unkind” suddenly pop up in my mind ?”

.Wang Ze couldn’t help but said .

.Wang Xiaotong smiled : ” You are Chi Guoguo’s prejudice . ”

.” That’s not right . ”

.” Your girlfriend is so rich , doesn’t she even scold her for being rich ?”

.Wang Ze : ” It’s her who I scold . ”

.Wang Xiaotong was stunned , and quickly took out his mobile phone and opened the video .

.” Come on, say it again . ”

.Wang Ze looked at the camera , smiled and said, ” My girlfriend , she is high-end and elegant , beautiful, talented and temperamental , which is rare in a century . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : “…”

.” Do you want a face ?”

.” Lick the dog !”

.Wang Ze stared : ” I’m licking a dog ? I swear to death that I shouldn’t lick a dog . ”

.” She took the pole to be my girlfriend. I must figure this out . ”

.” Is it Team Lee ?”

.Li Xiangbin smiled helplessly and said , “That’s right . ”

Chapter 135 _ Liu Guanghai’s anger ? 4 ?

.an hour later .

.The families of Qi Hui and Wang Xiaomeng have all arrived .

.all of a sudden .

.Cries came out of the forensic room , submerging the entire case handling hall .

.Qian Tai , he has already taken someone to deal with it .

.This is what he does .

.Not long after , Qi Hui’s husband was taken to the reception room .

.He hadn’t recovered from the huge blow, and he covered his face and cried .

.Ma Haoyu handed over a tissue .

.this scene .

.They are used to it .

.After waiting for a long time , when Qi Hui’s husband gradually calmed down , Li Xiangbin said , ” Mr. Zheng , can we chat ? ”

.Qi Hui’s husband is Zheng Xiujie .

.individual boss .

.Currently operating a – car beauty center .

.The two have a son .

.Haven’t come back from the field yet .

.It’s a very happy family .

.Most importantly , rich .

.Zheng Xiujie slowly raised his head , took a deep breath, and said , ” Okay , you can ask . ”

.Li Xiangbin sat across from him and said , ” Qi Huiping , is she just collecting rent ?”

.Zheng Xiujie nodded : ” Yes . ”

.” After my son was born , I didn’t let her work anymore , she was a full-time wife . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” After the child goes to college , what else does she do besides collecting rent ?”

.Zheng Xiujie said : ” Shopping , shopping , playing mahjong . ”

.Hearing the last three words , Li Xiangbin’s eyes moved slightly : ” Who are you playing mahjong with ?”

.Zheng Xiujie : ” It’s the friends and classmates of the neighbors . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Any money ?”

.Hearing this , Zheng Xiujie glanced at him .

.After a little hesitation, he nodded .

.Li Xiangbin : ” How big , many ?”

.Zheng Xiujie : ” This …”

.Li Xiangbin reminded : ” Mr. Zheng , every question I have is helpful to the investigation . ”

.” It’s about finding the killer of your wife . ”

.” I hope you can answer truthfully . ”

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