.Zheng Xiujie was silent for a while, then said , ” As far as I know , more than 100,000 . ”

.Li Xiangbin asked , ” Lose or win ?”

.Zheng Xiujie : ” Win . ”

.” My wife has been playing mahjong for decades with a very high level . ”

.” As long as you don’t encounter an out-of-the-box game , you can basically win . ”

.” And she doesn’t play with strangers , so she won’t meet Mr. Qian . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Does anyone owe her money ?”

.Zheng Xiujie nodded : ” Yes . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” How many are the most ?”

.Zheng Xiujie thought for a while and said , “The maximum is 600,000 . ”

.” Sixty thousand ?”

.Li Xiangbin was surprised .

.This is definitely not a decimal anymore .

.Qi Hui is rich .

.But it doesn’t mean that the person who plays mahjong with her is rich .

.The possibility of killing people for money exists .

.Li Xiangbin : ” Is there a man on the other side ?”

.Zheng Xiujie : ” I don’t know if there are people who owe money , but there are people who play mahjong with her . ”

.” I only know two . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded and said , ” Write down the names you know . ”

.Zheng Xiujie : ” Okay . ”

.He took the pen and paper handed by Wang Xiaotong and wrote down a few names .

.Li Xiangbin continued to ask , ” Besides playing mahjong , do you know who Qi Hui has ever had a grudge against ?”

.Zheng Xiujie shook his head : ” No. ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Think about it . ”

.Zheng Xiujie smiled bitterly : ” Really not . ”

.” Although Qi Hui’s character is relatively strong , she is by no means a mean woman . ”

.” Even if there is a conflict with people , it just stays on the lips . ”

.” How could anyone possibly kill her ?”

.While speaking , his face was full of disbelief .

.It is unacceptable and unbelievable that Qi Hui was killed .

.Li Xiangbin said, ” Is there no conflict with the tenant ?”

.Zheng Xiujie hesitated : ” Does it count as rent arrears ?”

.Li Xiangbin nodded : ” Of course . ”

.”The human heart is elusive . ”

.” Some people will be very naive to think that it is a big mistake if you are so rich and don’t take care of me . ”

.” If so , write the name down . ”

.” Or write down the address . ”

.” We will focus on the investigation . ”

.From the very beginning , all of Qi Hui’s rent collectors have been included in the investigation .

.If there is an important point .

.Of course the best .

.Zheng Xiujie picked up the pen again and said , ” Okay . ”

.After half an hour .

.Zheng Xiujie was sent away from the city bureau .

.Overall , the gains are still there .

.At least I know that there are not a few people who have the motive to kill Qi Hui .

.Although these motives seem far-fetched , they are not murderous .

.But people are different .

.What you think is a small thing , in the eyes of some people , is a big thing enough to kill someone .

.” Follow me to investigate one by one . ”

.” Remember , the characteristics of the suspect , we already have it . ”

.” Don’t forget this . ”

.He was speaking to Ma Haoyu and Wang Xiaotong .

.As for Wang Ze .

.He wasn’t worried at all .

.” Yes , Captain . ”


.In a flash , it was the third day of the incident .

.The investigation work continues .

.But it’s basically at the end stage .

.Just a few people .

.Very good check .

.Sadly .

.No one with the characteristics of the suspect has appeared .

.Not to mention these .

.A big thing happened today .

.This incident not only alarmed Liu Guanghai , but also the provincial department .

.Liu Guanghai , who was urgently called to the provincial office for a meeting , has just returned .

.When he came back , he scolded Li Xiangbin badly .

.The voice of the office even reached the case handling hall .

.” How do you do your secret work , huh ?!”

.” Pig brain ?”

.” That’s how you became the captain of the criminal investigation team ?”

.” In such a big case , you actually let people reveal such complete details , do you still want to do it ?”

.” If you don’t want to do it , take off your clothes as soon as possible and get out !”

.” There are so many people who can hold your position !”

.The sound came out .

.Let everyone in the case handling hall look at each other , and then whisper .

.” Lao Liu was scolded at the provincial office, right ?”

.” It should be , otherwise it wouldn’t be such a big fire . ”

� � ….?

.” Who disclosed the details of the case ? You ‘re so daring , you will definitely be suspended after being found out , and if it’s serious, you’ll be imprisoned . ”

.Just this morning .

.A post went viral all over the internet .

.The title is : Heart Eater from Heaven .

.The content of the post fully and in detail restores everything at the crime scene .

.Including how Wang Xiaomeng was killed , how the heart was dug out , and how the heart was eaten raw .

.between the lines .

.It’s all bloody and violent .

.Although the post has been deleted , there are not a few people who have saved screenshots .

.On the Internet , the discussion has been in full swing .

.The Weibo of the Dongzhou Provincial Department almost fell .

.It’s nothing more than punishing the murderer severely and taking the time to solve the case .

.There are also very rude people who abuse the police for their inaction .

.In Yuncheng , there is a tendency for people to panic .

.At this time, Wang Ze was sitting in a chair , drinking water while reading this post .

.Although it has been deleted , and it is strictly forbidden to publish and reprint screenshots , the city bureau has a bottom line .


.He found a problem .

.The person who wrote this post has strong negative emotions .

.While thinking , the landline rang .

.A policeman is on call .

.” Hello ?”

.” Oh Bureau Liu , okay . ”

.The phone hangs up .

.” Wang Ze , Bureau Liu is looking for you . ”

.Wang Ze was surprised : ” Look for me ?”

.The policeman said: ” Yes . ”

.” Okay . ”

.Wang Ze got up and walked into the office under the watchful eyes of the police .

.” Team Li won’t be dismissed , let Wang Ze be the captain, right ?”

.” No , no, no, no , no …”

.” Should … not be leaked by Wang Ze, right ?”

.” Bullshit , how is that possible . ”

.Inside the office .

.After seeing Wang Ze come in , Liu Guanghai said directly, ” Wang Ze !”

.” Come and tell me what ‘s going on ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Uh …”

.He glanced at Li Xiangbin , who had a helpless face, and scratched his head hesitantly .

.Liu Guanghai said : ” Don’t give me sloppy eyes . ”

.” Disclosing the details of the case is a very serious violation !”

.Li Xiangbin sighed : ” Liu Bureau , the police station is the sub-bureau , and they also know the case . ”

.Liu Guanghai waved his hand : ” I don’t care whether your criminal investigation team or the sub-bureau , this matter must be investigated clearly . ”

.” Wang Ze , two things . ”

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